Interchange - Project Proposal Form 2016-17
Contact Details:
NameJob Title
Contact number
About your organisation
If you are you a Charity please state your Charity NumberIf you are not a registered charity please tell us the status of your organisation
How many Staff do you have / How many Volunteers do you have
How many members are on your Management Committee
Which area(s) do you work in (please tick all that apply)
Liverpool / Sefton / St.Helens / Knowsley
Wirral / Halton / Other please state:
Main focus and groups you work with (please tick all that apply)
Children & Young people / Families / Volunteering / Domestic Violence
People with disabilities / Mental Health / Carers / Substance misuse
Women / Homelessness / Older People / Unemployed
Refugees & Asylum Seekers / Black & Minority Ethnic (BAME) / Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans (LGBT) / Men
Other please state:
Main activities of your work (please tick all that apply)
Welfare advice / Arts / Mentoring / Accommodation
Health Services / Counselling / Information provision / Education
Campaigning / Research / Grant-making / Environmental
Social Care / Umbrella body / Community development
Other please state:
Please tell us the annual turnover of your organisation:
Have you worked with
Interchange before / Yes / How did you hear about Interchange
Tell Interchange about the type of research or work based learning project you require:
Please describe your organisation: (no more than 250 words)Proposed Research/Work-Based Learning Research Project title:
Objective(s) of the project?
Indentify who will be the participants (delete remainder)
- Staff
- Related professionals
- Trustees
- Members of the community (explain how this will be organised)
- Volunteers
- Service users/beneficiaries
- Other Agency representatives
- Others (please give details)
Do research participants fall into any of the following categories?
- Young people under 18 years old
- Adults: with a learning disability, mental health problem, involved in the criminal justice system, in crisis in some way.
(Please note all projects have to receive ethical approval from the University Ethics Committee. The Committee will be very concerned that appropriate procedures have been followed for the above groups).
Methods (choose two in addition to observation and delete remainder)
- Observation
- In-depth interviews
- Structured interviews
- Focus group
- Survey
- Activity (please give details)
- Other (please give details)
Explain the arrangements for ensuring the student is fully briefed regarding health and safety.
Explain the arrangements for ensuring the student is fully briefed regarding safeguarding procedures and policies regarding disclose and confidentiality.