JST-CREST The firstNANOFAB Workshop (second circular)「Theoretical developments of Nanosuperconductors
and its applications」
Date November 11-12, 2003
(It starts at noon of 11th and ends at 3.00pm of 12th)
Site Campus Plaza Kyoto (in front of JR Kyoto Station)(
Nanoscience and nanotechnology cover the wide branches of the various researches including biology, chemistry, semiconductors and magnetism in physics. Superconductivity is surely spotlighted area; stimulating studies devote to superconducting networks, nano superconducting plate, nanoscale junctions, Copper pair box and nanoscale SQUID for Qu-bit. In this workshop, we intend to have researchers actively at work and discuss the newly developing field of nanosuperconductivity and its future implications. We welcome the contributions not only from the theoretical activities but also from the recent experimental progresses in nanoscale superconductivities.
①Nano-Superconductors:Superconducting networks, Mobius ring, d-dot formalism, Nano-superconducting plate, Nanofabrications
②Superconducting nano junctions:Unconventional superconductors, Magnets
③Vortex state in nano superconductors:Static character、Vortex dynamics、Quasi-particle states, Large-scale calculations, Unconventional superconductivity, Vortex observations
④Nanodynamics of superconductivity:Dynamical phase transition by laser or neutron radiation、non-equilibrium relaxation
V. V. Moshchalkov(Belgium): Vortex Matter in Nanostructured Superconductors
F. Nori(RIKEN): Controlling the motion of Magnetic flux Quantain Superconductors
T. Kita(Hokkaido Univ.): Revised Calculations of Maki Parameters and Flux-Flow Resistivity near Hc2 for s-wave Type-II Superconductors
M. Hayashi(Tohoku Univ.): Superconductivity and charge density wave in topological crystal
T. Yanagisawa(AIST): String-density wave, spin-orbit and nano superconductivity
K. Machida(Okayama Univ.): Collective and indivisual excitations in vortex lattices
Y. Nakamura (NEC): Josephson-junction quantum bits
T. Tamegai (Univ. of Tokyo): Control of pancake vortices by Josephson Vortices
Y. Tanaka (Nagoya Univ.): Theory of tunneling conductance in normal metal/ unconventional superconductor junctions based on the Keldysh Green’s function
S. Okayasu (JAERI): Vortex imaging in microscopic superconductors with a scanning SQUID microscope
S. Savel'ev(RIKEN): Vortex Pumps for Crossing Lattices in very anisotropic Superconductors
Call for paper
Dead line: October 30th
We call for poster and oral presentations. Please use following format and send it to corresponding address by e-mail, FAX or mail.
Sponsor: CREST Team : Basic and applied researches ofnanofabricated superconductors, headed by Prof. T. Ishida, is a sponsor of the Workshop. This team belongs to JST-CREST Fukuyama Region “Control and Application of Nano-Structural Materialsfor Advanced Data Processing and Communications”
Organizers: Takekazu Ishida、Tomio Koyama、Masahiko Machida、Masaru Kato
Corresponding address
Prof. Masaru Kato
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Osaka Prefecture University
Gakuencho 1-1, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531
FAX: +81-72-254-9916
Application form
Phone & Fax:
Poster or Oral :(your preference)
Banquet(Nov. 11):(your preference)
Hotel: (If you need help to book a hotel, please let us know.)
Five keywords: