From (Agency Name)Client Ref:
North Staffs Advice NetworkESA Sanctions Client Questionnaire
- Client Background
Please give a brief description of the client (age, gender, disability, ethnic origin,marital status) and their family circumstances(if s/he has children or partner).
- How long has the client been receiving ESA or receiving N I Credits?
Less than 6 months
6- 12 months
Over 1 year
- Is the client in the Assessment Phase, Work Related Activity Group or Support Group?
Assessment Phase
Work Related Activity Group
Support Group
- Is client on a Work Programme?
If client is on a Work Programme please answer the following questions (if not go to Q9)
- What is the name of the Work Programme provider
ESG (Employment and Skills Group)
Other – please state
- Does the client understand that failure to attend interviews with the Work Programme provider or carry out activities as part of the Work Programme will lead to a sanction?
- How does the client feel about being on the Work Programme (tick all that apply)?
Confused – they do not understand what the Work Programme is and why they are on it
Anxious – they are concerned that they could be sanctioned if they do not do everything they are told do
Not bothered about it – the Work Programme provider is not bothering them very much and they are happy to attend interviews
Encouraged – they feel the Work Programme provider is helping them to overcome barriers to work by helping them to gain new skills
Other – please give more information
- How has being on the Work Programme affected their health?
Health has improvedas a result of the support received under the Work Programme
No change
Health problems have deteriorated due to the stress of being on the Work Programme
If the client is not on a Work Programme please answer the following questions
- Are they being asked to attend Work Focussed interviews at the Jobcentre?
- Does the client understand that failure to attend interviews with the Jobcentre provider or carry out work-related activities will lead to a sanction?
- Has the client ever received an ESA sanction?
- Why were they sanctioned? (tick one)
Client doesn’t know why
Missed appointment with the Jobcentre/Work Programme Provider
Failed to carry out a work-related activity such as attending a training programme
Other please state
- How long did the sanction last for?
State number of days/weeks -
- Was this the first sanction?
If no please give more information about previous sanctions
- Does the client understand how the sanction process works?
- Does the client know what s/he could have done to avoid the sanction?
- Has the client requested a Mandatory Reconsideration or appealed the sanction?
Did not know s/he could appeal the sanction
- Is the client aware of financial assistance such as Local Welfare Provision or ESA hardship payments that could be available to him/her and how to access this assistance?
Was referred to the Foodbank
- How has the sanction affected the client and his/her family? (tick all that apply)
Has had to use a Foodbank/Soup kitchen
Is going without meals to feed children
Has no money for gas and electricity
Health of client and family has worsened
Has taken out a Payday loan/used a pawnbroker
Has borrowed from family
Has no money for travel to get to a Jobcentre/Work Programme Provider
Other – please state
20.Please use this box to tell us more about the client’s experiences
Please returnto:
Deborah Williamson, Staffordshire North and Stoke Citizens Advice Bureau, Advice House; Cheapside, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 1HL
By 31stMay 2015