JLAB 2012
Formal Inspection
New Bedford High School JROTC – New Bedford, MA
Like much of what we do as general best practices, our battalion tries to hold true to the Marshall Principle of Preparation. Everyone’s heard the expression that practice makes perfect but to emphasize the point, we often say it’s more accurately ”Perfect Practice Makes Perfect”. In keeping with that philosophy, the more often a new class of student leaders sees the requirements and what stresses will be placed upon them, the better they will perform during the actual event. With that background information in mind, here is our list of Formal Inspection best practices:
1. Hold mock formal inspections the year prior and approximately 45 days out:
Who: All Command and Staff, Company Commanders, Company Leadership and individual cadets. Active Duty and Army Guard recruiting personnel.
What: Preparations for Mock Formal Inspection
When: One year in advance and approximately 45 days in advance of the event.
Organization: SAI / AI’s / Student Leadership
Staff Responsibilities / Command and Control: All as laid out in CCR 145-8-3 with all applicable checklists. Included are property book supply room inventories and instructor certifications.
Resources required: Gym space, Military Recruiting Personnel, Adjusted time schedules to accommodate student class schedules, note books, AAR Forms and time allotted for discussion of improvements.
Timeline: September as student leadership is positioned and Command & Staff begin to organize all sections with assistants etc.
Hold mock formal inspections the year prior and one 45 days out. We enlist the help of active duty and National Guard recruiters to help serve as our inspectors. Within our battalion our instructors hold one mock Formal Inspection each year. However they feel there might be too much familiarity as our actual formal draws closer so we have outside people come in and perform the inspection. One is held in the first semester and one to be held in the second semester. These active duty inspectors are briefed on the requirements and do a good job in helping prepare the battalion. Additionally with a new year comes new leadership so we’ll also hold a mock inspection approximately 45 days out from the actual event.
2. Make CCR 145-8-3 the base document for all preparations
Who: All Command and Staff, Company Commanders, Company Leadership and individual cadets.
What: Checklists contained in CCR 145-8-3.
When: As schedule dictates but a minimum of 30 days out for 1st practice.
Organization: SAI / AI’s / Student Leadership
Staff Responsibilities / Command and Control: All applicable checklists from regulation.
Resources required: Briefings to all sections regarding requirements. Review of section requirements, student review of Curriculum Manager, copies of all checklists and time set aside for AAR.
Timeline: Depending upon date scheduled but a minimum of 30 days out (as the first one is a dry run and we look for improvement in successive Mock Inspections).
Make CCR 145-8-3 the base document for all preparations: By utilizing the checklists within the regulation itself, this allows cadets to get the clear understanding of what’s expected. Each company, each staff section as well as the command staff breaks down their individual components in order to achieve success. Whatever section applies, there will be copies made and handed out. Each group is briefed on “why” the task is required and in doing so, we hope to achieve buy in from everyone n the battalion.
3. Place anticipated student leadership into key positions for familiarity:
Who: Sophomore and Junior cadets.
What: Checklists contained in CCR 145-8-3.
When: As schedule dictates but a minimum of 30 days out for 1st practice.
Organization: SAI / AI’s / Current Student Leadership
Staff Responsibilities / Command and Control: Command and Staff directives to be responsible for coordinating who, what, when, where and how.
Resources required: Briefings to all sections regarding requirements. Review of section requirements, understanding the purpose and scope of the Formal Inspections.
Timeline: Coordinate planning approximately 45 days out from event.
Place anticipated student leadership into key positions for familiarity: With each year, student leaders are groomed and placed into various positions of authority. It’s done within the companies as company Executive Officers can expect to be in line for a Company Commander position or possibly Command and Staff. Platoon Sergeants can look toward a 1SG position and 1SG’s for a C/CSM or company officer. So given there is somewhat of a natural progression, we try to anticipate potential candidates for the top student leadership positions and show them how each interacts as part of the entire inspection. By not declaring a student leader into a specific role, they are required to pay strict attention to each section and see what the inspection will look like in its entirety.