List of Current Major Procurement Items at 26 October 2012
Title / Estimated Value ex GST / Description / StatusTatura Park Drainage Works / $100,000 / Drainage and associated works / Job will be awarded under delegated authority end of week commencing 28 October 2012
Contract 1380 Supply of Crushed Rock and Sealing Aggregate / $1,500,000 / This is a 12 month contract for the supply of various gravels both ex bin and to several locations within the Municipality. This will be a Panel Contract under a Standing Offer Agreement (a number of suppliers will be appointed and goods sourced according to availability and location of the work site) / Tenders closed Wednesday 18 July. Report and recommendation will be presented to the Council meeting of 20 November 2012
Contract 1379 Supply of Pre-Mix Concrete / $500,000 / This is a 12 month contract for the supply of various concrete mixes and volumes to locations within the Municipality as needed. This will be a Panel Contract under a Standing Offer Agreement (a number of suppliers will be appointed and goods sourced according to availability and location of the work site) / Tenders closed Wednesday 25 July 2012. Report and recommendation will be presented to the Council meeting of 20 November 2012
Extension to Contract 1378 Supply and delivery of Hot and Cold Bituminous Products / $1,000,000 / This is a 36 month contract,with provisions for extension, for the supply of various Bitumen Products and Sealing of Roads. This is a Panel Contract under a Standing Offer Agreement (a number of suppliers were appointed and goods sourced according to availability and location of the work site) / An extension of the contract to 30 June 2013 is proposed under provisions of the current contract. A report recommending the contract extension will be presented to the Council meeting of 20 November 2012
Contract 1384 Watt Road Enhancement Works / $500,000 / Re-profile and reseal 1200 metres of road (and associated drainage works) from near rail crossing on Watt Road in the direction of Goulburn Valley Highway / Tenders closed on Wednesday 26 September 2012 and are currently being evaluated. A report and recommendations will be presented to the Council meeting of 18 December 2012
Contract 1387
Concrete Crushing / $400,000 / This is a 24 month contract for crushing of waste concrete at Council’s Wanganui Road for the purpose of use as recycled material / Tenders closed on Wednesday 26 September 2012 and are currently being evaluated. A report and recommendations will be presented to the Council meeting of 18 December 2012
Extension of Contract 1186
Saleyards Operations / $500,000 / This is a 48 month contract, with provisions for extension, for the operation of the Shepparton Regional Saleyards. / An extension of the contract to 31 December 2013 is proposed under provisions of the existing contract. A report recommending the contract extension will be presented to the Council meeting of 18December 2012
TRIM Ref.: M12/57479