COL Victor Irvin – CSM Bonza Monroe – SGM Larry Bull

All School Rules Apply

Cadet Name: Last ______First______LET ___Block___ Date ______

I have read all below; I understand this JROTC Rules Supplement. I will follow the rules, and I will plan ahead, to include with any job I may have, to participate in the MANDATORY events.

Cadet Signature ______


PARENT: Please complete and have your cadet return this form to JROTC for their first grade.

I support JROTC instruction & below requirements. My child has permission to participate in mandatory JROTC events, & voluntary extracurricular teams. I accept the key dates below. Parent/Guardian Printed Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian email (PH# if no email) ______(Key)


1. Attendance:

Unexcused Absences-Reported to administration.

Excessive Excused Absences -Cadre will discuss with parent, and notify administration.

2. Tardiness:

1st time –warning (and pushups each offense)2nd time - warning/parent contact (PC)

3rd time - 30 mins det 2:25-2:55/parent contact4th time - 60 mins det 2:25-3:25/PC

5th time - 120 mins det 2:25-4:25/parent contact6th time - referred to administration

3. Classroom Indiscipline:

1st offense - student conference2nd offense - parent contact; referred to administration. Cadet is placed in a non-rank status until cadet writes and presentsan essay.

4. Uniform Wear Drill:Tuesdayuniform wear,and drill is central to the cadet unique school experience. Failure to wear uniform and participate on uniform day will result in a 0% that day. Cadet “make-up”wear day is Wednesday or next day cadet returns to school for maximum75%. Grade not recovered before next uniform wear stays 0%. Cadre will notify parent after three 0%.

5. Physical Training (PT - Wellness):Wellness is an integral part of cadet life. On PT dayscadets must bring a change of clothing to “dress-out.” Failure to dress-out mayresult in 0-50%deduction from daily wellness grade. Dressing-out but not participating mayalso result in 0-50%deduction.Cadre will notify parent after three0%. Cadet jeopardizes return to JROTC next SEM.

6. MANDATORY Military Events and Formations: Participating in formal events demonstrates cadet understanding and proficiency of the selfless-civiclife cadets practice. Mandatoryevents are scored as test grades. Failure to participate earns0% for the event missed. In an exigency, accepted by cadre,a student might be allowed to test for max 75%.

Mandatory graded events:1) Service Learning Projects(community service projects- TBD

by cadet chain of command). One weekend per semester.

2)School Service Projects (TBD - must be school based need)

(1st Semester)3) Christmas Parade - 5pm, Sat, 19 Nov 16 .

4) Army (JPA)Inspection - 8am, Tues, 7 Mar 17

5) Awards Ceremony - 6pm, Tues, 18 Apr 17

(2nd Semester)6) Armed Forces Day Parade - 10am, Fri, 5 May 17 .

7. Grading Scale:Ldrshp 20%; Unif Wear20%; PT Dress-out Participation 10%;Tests50%.
