Jr. Gambler Hockey Association Annual Board Meeting
May 22nd, 2007
Midway Motor Lodge
Attendance: Chris Verbeten, Rick Nell, Kipp Karakas, Diane Pavek, Tim Pavek, Michele DeBouche, Fred Cheney, Jon Piotte, Colleen Guerts, Bill LaBelle, Cliff Watson, Nick Glander, Chris Gruber, Ann Guelig, Jimmy Guinn
Meeting called to order at 6:50 Pm by Chris Verbeten
Treasurers report:
Handout given by Ann Guelig, Club Treasurer.
Balance of $21,915 at close of fiscal year.
Motion made by Bill LaBelle to approve Treasurers Report ending 4/30/07.
Seconded by Jimmy Guinn. Motion Passed.
Approval of board Members and Coaches for 2007-2008:
Rick NellPresident
Chris VerbetenVice President
Diane PavekSecretary
Ann GueligTreasurer
Kipp KarakasDirector of Hockey Operations
Nick GlanderMidget Majors
TBAMidget minors
Bantam MajorsCliff Watson
Bantam minorsBill LaBelle
Pee Wee MajorsSteve Letwin
Pee Wee minorsChris Gruber
SquirtsCliff Watson
Coach Watson presently has 8 forwards, 6 D and 1 goalie for Bantam Major Team. Will hold supplemental try-out 7-14-17
Motion made by Rick Nell to approve Board Members and Coaches.
Seconded by Ann Guelig. Motion Passed.
Fees for upcoming season not yet set, awaiting ice fee confirmation and possible new financial format for 2007-2008 Season. Peggy Campbell will present changes at July board Meeting
Registration process will be transitioning to electronic using the USA Hockey cyber Sport software. Diane Pavek will serve at club registrar and facilitate these changes. Directions for this process will be sent prior to club registration night.
Diane Pavek and Rick Nell will be putting together “Team Books “ along with written instruction how to organize them for each team manager. This will assure the clubs compliance with WAHA and USA Hockey rules. A meeting for team managers will be held prior to registration to get everyone up to speed.
CornerstoneCommunity Center Expansion Update:
Finance has been approved for the expansion of the CCC. A June 1st groundbreaking with a November 15-December 1st opening is anticipated. Diligent fundraising continues by the “Complete the Vision” team.
Rick Nell; Moving into the Future
Rick brings the help of his full time office staff along with his presidency. They will generously be able to help with communication and organizational needs of the club.
Rick plans to send bi-monthly updates (newsletters) to keep the families informed of changes and implementations of ideas.
Rick would like to develop a non-coaching board to meet with local feeder groups. This will help improve club relationships and help with recruitment.
Corporate fundraising continues.
Open Forum:
Cliff Watson suggested posting a list of volunteer opportunities on the club website. I list of anticipated areas of need will be formulated by the board and posted as requested.
Parents are beginning to request updated sponsor program information. It is thought that the individual sponsorship program will remain unchanged from last year, but there may be changes made to the team sponsorships. The board plans to make a few short term changes to the sponsorship web link (i.e. Names and dates). More comprehensive changes are anticipated by registration.
Kipp Karakas addressed the question of league status for next year. No answers were available at this time. He will forward updates as they occur.
Next Board Meeting will be help Tuesday, June 5th 2007 6:30
PM at the Midway Motor lodge.
Motion made by Jimmy Guinn to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM.
Seconded by Nick Glander. Motion Passed.
Submitted By: Diane Pavek/Association Secretary