Dunsmuir House Highland Games

Highland Dance Competition

July 14 & 15, 2007


Registration at 9:30, Dancing at 10:00.

Northern California Highland Dance Association and the Dunsmuir House combine once again to sponsor the 2007 Highland Dance Competition at the Dunsmuir House Highland Games on Saturday & Sunday, July 14 & 15, 2007. Entry deadline is July 7, 2007. . Registrar: Rodney Yip; 2716 El Segundo Dr; Rancho Cordova, CA 95670.

NCHDA is a Non-Profit organization. Our California Non-Profit ID number is 9761839

NOTE: Order of appearance by class: All classes of dancers will be dancing both days, with Primaries dancing where appropriate to finish dances, and receive awards before lunch.

Entry Fee: Primary: $10.00 for all dancers or $3.00 per dance; All other dancers $22.00. NCHDA Members discount of $5.00.

Event Rules:

1. SOBHD rules apply. 2. Dancers appear in inverse order of receipt of registration form. 3. If a dancer moves up as result of wins in another competition and does not notify the Registrar, the dancer will be assessed a $5.00 penalty and will lose his/her order of dance determined by registration date. 4. All dances count towards trophies except Primary dancers. All pre-premier awards, and awards through Premier, 15 & under are trophies, medals or ribbons. 5. Awards in Premier, 16 & over class, per event are: 1st Place: $25.00, 2nd Place: $20.00, 3rd Place: $15.00, 4th Place: $10.00, 5th & 6th Place: $5.00. No trophy will be awarded in Premier, 16 & over Class. 6. Appeal of the Judge’s decision must be accompanied by a $20.00 payment which will not be refunded unless the appeal is upheld. 7. All dancers must possess a current FUSTA registration card, or its equivalent from another country , before competing. 8. The JULIE ANNE JOHNSON MEMORIAL TROPHY will be presented to the Beginner dancer with the highest aggregate point total. 9. Special event, OAKLAND FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 55, for Intermediates, dance to be selected by the Judge.



PREMIER; 15 & under: Fling (6), Sword (3+1), Seann Triubhas (4+2), 2007 Reel, Highland Laddie (6),Jig (3&1)

PREMIER; 16 & over: Fling (6), Sword (3+1), Seann Triubhas (4+2), 2007 Reel, Highland Laddie (6) ,Jig (3&1)

SUNDAY, JULY 15, 2007

PRIMARY: Fling (4), Sword (2+1), P/Basque, P/Basque-Hicuts

BEGINNER: Fling (4), Sword (2+1), Lilt (4), Flora (4)

NOVICE: Fling (4), Sword (2+1), Lilt (4), Flora (4)

INTERMEDIATE: Fling (6), Sword (3+1), Barracks Johnnie (4), Hornpipe (4)


From Stockton/Livermore: West on 580 towards Oakland. Exit at Foothill Blvd/McArthur Blvd and go under the freeway, keep to the right , onto McArthur Blvd. Follow several blocks and make a right onto 106th Ave (Watch for sign for Dunsmuir House). Go under the freeway and make the first right onto Peralta Oaks Dr. Left into Peralta Oaks Court.

From San Francisco: East on 580 towards Stockton. Exit at 106th Ave (Oakland) and follow the signs to Dunsmuir House as noted above.

From San Jose: Go North 680 to the 580 interchange at Pleasanton, West on 580, following the directions from Stockton.

The main entry is at the top of the hill. You may drop people and supplies off here, but you may not park in this area. Parking is provided at the south end of the Dunsmuir House property. There is a shuttle available from the parking area to the dancing area. The shuttle takes about 15 minutes for a round trip and begins at 7:30 am both days.

Northern California Highland Dancing Association

Dunsmuir House Highland Games Competition Entry Form

Entry deadline is July 7, 2007. First to enter, last to dance. Return entry form to Rodney Yip; 2716 El Segundo Dr.; Rancho Cordova, CA 95670.

Parents’ Name: ______Phone – include area code: ______

Address: ______City-State-Zip: ______

Dancers Name Date of Birth Class

I hereby release The Dunsmuir House and Northern California Highland Dance Association from responsibility for any loss, damage or theft of my property, or injury to myself, my family, or any guest that I might bring, while attending the Highland Games.

Parent Signature: ______