‘*****. The Joy of Data was not on BBC Two. It should have been. Big data, it convincingly argued, is going to be as transformative as the microchip. … Fry and her director, Cat Gale, produced an exceptionally witty and playful film.’ (Andrew Billen – The Times)

Who knew that data could seem magical – and a bit sexy? In this high-tech romp, Hannah Fry does for numbers what Brian Cox did for space. … Fry made data seem like some magical and benign force wafting around all of us: magnetic, unthreatening, a bit sexy. Like Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock, essentially….elegant analysis.’ (ChitraRamaswamy – The Guardian)

‘****. A spirited and fascinating tour of the information age,taking in the major figures in maths and computing (Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, Donald Davies) but also stopping off in Victorian statistics, Fifties tea rooms, wearable legbands for dairy cows and futuristic homes in Bristol.… Fry’s programme succeeded in capturing some of the astonishment that the great steps forward in data and statistics must have held for their discoverers.Fascinating stuff.’ (Tim Martin – The Telegraph)


Dr Adam Rutherford@AdamRutherfordJul 20

The #joyofdata on @BBCFOUR right now is just brilliant. And @FryRsquared is literally the best.

Nationwide@NationwideBlogJul 20

The #JoyofData#BBC4This is the Beeb at its very best. Beautiful storytelling of immensely complex, er, data.

Dave@daveypJul 20

#JoyOfData is already a million times better than the Horizon programme on the topic of big data

Richard ellin@SilverEllinJul 20

#joyofdata data is the truth of all time. Number up brilliant.

Steve Fx ©2016@bitgitJul 20

brilliant#joyofdata with @FryRsquared ~ proving that with good presentation, we don't have to dumb down edutainment

Andrew Stevenson@the_a_stevensonJul 20

What a superb programme#JoyOfData was. The BBC at its best. Bravo @BBCFOUR. And @FryRsquared is an excellent presenter & explainer

John Byrne@TSC_JohnByrneJul 20

@FryRsquared Have to admit feeling like an excited teenager!!! Information theory Shannon entropy on the Beeb!!!!!!! #joyofdata

5 retweets2 likes







Dr David Johnson@NuDataScientistJul 20Reading, England

Lil disappointed @FryRsquared didn't stand on a volcano + pause every 2nd word like @ProfBrianCox does, but stil excellent job on #JoyOfData

Joanna Durrant@jojo_durrantJul 20

Loved #joyofdata with @FryRsquared. Futuristic Bristol fascinating. Fave fact- signals reduce uncertainty. Watch now

Danny Palmer@dannyjpalmerJul 20

Internet of Cows alert! #joyofdata

Silkie Carlo@silkiecarloJul 20'Look at the data on data' #joyofdata

Mark Nelson@sphericalsquareJul 20

Great, simple, example of packet switching on #joyofdata on BBC4 showing how data moves round networks.

Georgia Redpath@RedpathGlassJul 20

Loving the #joyofdata on @BBCFOUR now...Yes, yes, I know I work in the arts...but it's fab.

Heather@heather1917Jul 20

Swear I could just watch @BBCFOUR forever. I'm getting so clever. #joyofdata

Ian Hirst@TWBC_InnovationJul 20

my Shannon entropy is 2.95 #joyofdata

The Data Lab@DataLabScotlandJul 20

"Data underpins all form of human communication, regardless of the format." Really enjoying #joyofdata@BBCFOUR

Andy Fairclough@andyfaircloughJul 20Walthamstow, London

The Joy of Data on BBC4 is a thing of beauty. #joyofdata

Andrew Richardson@ar10642Jul 20

Absolutely loving the #joyofdata on BBC 4. Shows why maths matters.

Simmi Bajaj@redberries_crmJul 20

Bbc4 kind of entertainment. Might have to watch it twice!

JortMentink@jortmentinkJul 20

I really like the clever way they contextually introduce a new person on #joyofdata with @FryRsquared, very cool programme!

Garry Keenor@25kVJul 20

Watching @BBC#joyofdata absolutely engaging explanation of compression algorithms and packet switching. This is how to do #stem. Brilliant

Allan@TheAcerbicJockJul 20

@catvgale@FryRsquared Brilliant programme tonight. Well presented, well put together. Just like great data... #joyofdata


‘PICK OF THE DAY. First BBC4 shook you with The joy of Stats. Then they awed you with The Joy of Logic. Now, that most excellent mathematician Dr Hannah Fry is here to get you lovely geeks all steamed up again with this high tech data-caper’ (Guardian Guide)

‘CRITICS CHOICE. Dr Fry maintains data is the raw material of knowledge, the fundamental unit of all human communication and the path to wisdom. In a programme as fascinating as it is demanding, she traces the evolution of data from the 19th century to the present day.’ (David Chater – The Times)

‘Mathematician Hannah Fry presents this witty and informative take on what data is and how it is stored, captured and shared.’(Telegraph)

‘****.In a new film that’s in the same joyful vein as The Joy of Stats, Dr Hannah Fry dives deep into the deep waters of data… What connects Scabble scores and movies on demand.Dind out here.’ (Saturday Mail)

Mathematician Hannah Fry is a gifted, unhurried broadcaster with a real gift for explaining complex phenomena. For too long she has played second fiddle…so it’s doubly pleasing to see her hosting her own programme, in this case a fluent unscrambling of the technological and philosophical revolution that has created a digital world that ‘the mind struggles to comprehend’. … Good topical science. Should have been a series.’ (Mike Bradley – The Observer)

‘Data – it’s a word we hear often, but probably few of us understand its importance. However, mathematician Dr Hannah Fry will teach viewers all about it in this eye-opening documentary. ‘ (Mail on Sunday)

‘The enthusiastic Dr Hannah Fry – the Beeb’s new go-to mathematician – is here to throw us a life-belt with this witty explainer. A data 101 if you will.’ (David Crawford – Radio Times)

‘Hannah Fry….a witty and provocative television presenter’ (Sunday Times)