Manufacturing Engineering Project Report Format

There is no page limitation, but the report should provide sufficient detail so that anyone reading the report can understand the problem, the design, the process, and results.

Cover Page
The first item on the cover page must be a title, followed by the name(s) of the person preparing the report, followed by the date on which the report is submitted.

Submitted by

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree


Master of Engineering


Manufacturing Engineering

Project Advisor: Dr.

Missouri University of Science and Technology

MONTH & YEAR (e.g., May 2013)

<Font Size 14>

Format Details
All paper copies of reports that are sent out for review should be double spaced with 1 inch margins and 12 point font size. Smaller font sizes and single spacing may be necessary in tables for formatting purposes. Also, page numbers must be included at the bottom center or bottom right side of the page.

The report must include a summary located in front of the report. The summary should be placed on a separate page located immediately after the cover page and before the start of the report. It should begin at the top of the page and be labeled with a heading "Summary" and it should not contain any figures or tables. The summary is a very brief description of everything in the report and not just the conclusions.

Table of Contents
The "Table of Contents" follows the "Summary" and is an outline with page numbers of ALL sections of the report. Lower case Roman numerals should be included on all pages preceding the actual report (excluding the cover page). A long report with many tables and figures often includes a "List of Figures" and/or "List of Tables" after the "Table of Contents". The "List of Figures" contains the figure numbers, captions and page on which each figure appears. The "List of Tables" on a separate page, contains the table numbers, captions and the page each table appears on.

This is the first part of the report and provides an overview of the need and purposes of the report. The introduction provides background material on the problem, justification as to why the problem is being addressed and the overall goals and objectives of the project.

Procedure (or Methodology)
A detailed description of the methodology followed in performing the work described in the report. This section should include materials, equipment, and facilities utilized in the procedure.

This section will include the data and any other results observed while carrying out the project. It does not include the discussion of the results. Large amounts of raw data should not be placed in this section but may be a part of the appendix. A summary of results and relevant data should be properly formatted and displayed such that it is easy for the reader to understand. References to pertinent figures, tables, charts, or appendices should also be included.

Discussion of Results
It is in this section that all results are discussed and further reduction of the data occurs for further discussion. Conclusions are not normally made in this section unless the conclusions are those that deal only with the data reduction and other techniques used in the analysis.

The conclusions state very briefly, often in a series of one sentence statements, the significant conclusions that can be drawn from the study. Conclusions can also be made concerning the importance of the material covered in the report as well as the observations that can be made concerning the results by documenting any other phenomena which occurred during the study.

This section should include all the literature that was assigned to read as well as that which was used in carrying out the study and in justifying the significance of this study. If it is a complete review of all literature in this area it might be called a bibliography[Ariponnammal94, Barnard80, Shin84]. The format always consists of the authors names in proper order, the date, the title of the article or text, the reference to volume and page numbers, and the publisher.


1.Ariponnammal, S. and Natarajan, S. (1994) ‘Transport Phonomena of SmSel – X Asx’, Pramana – Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421-425.

2.Barnard, R.W. and Kellogg, C. (1980) ‘Applications of Convolution Operators to Problems in Univalent Function Theory’, Michigan Mach, J., Vol.27, pp.81–94.

3.Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. (1984) ‘Open Loop Minimum Time Control of Mechanical Manipulations and its Applications’, Proc.Amer.Contr.Conf., San Diego, CA, pp. 1231-1236.

Figure and Drawing Format
All figures must be on pages that have appropriate margins. All figures must be positioned so that they can be read while holding the report in a normal fashion or by rotating the report 90 degrees clockwise. Figures must include labeled axes, labeled components, and a caption and must be drawn using appropriate engineering tools and then generated with a computer printer. Multiple figures may be placed on a page. A reader should be able to look at a figure or drawing and using only the caption and labels, understand what the figure/drawing is about without referring back to the text.

Table Format
All tables must be on pages that have appropriate margins. All tables must be positioned so that they can be read while holding the report in a normal fashion or by rotating the report 90 degrees clockwise. Tables must include a table number and caption and be printed by a printer. Multiple tables may be placed on a page. A reader should be able to look at the table and using only the caption and labels, understand what the table is about without referring back to the text.

All equations must be written using an appropriate equation editor so the equations look professional. Equations written using FORTRAN symbols like "^" to indicate an exponent or "/" for division are not permitted. Superscripts and subscripts should be real superscripts and subscripts. All equations should look like they come from a textbook rather than a computer program.

Appendices are used to present supplemental information such as data, calculations, computer programs, photos, parts and materials lists, etc. that support the material presented in the main body of the report.