Journey of a Water Molecule (That is you!)

DUE Tuesday February 12th

You are a water molecule and you began at one of the following stations based on your experience in class yesterday.

CloudGround water Animal

RiverPlant Ocean

Glacier LakeSoil

You quickly realize that you are surrounded by sulfuric acid. Describe how you might pass through the water cycle in such a way that you return to a pure state.

Your task is to write a story describing how you become clean. There are various ways to present your story for example:

  • If you choose to just write a story it must be 1.5-2 pages typed in 12 point font double spaced.
  • If you choose to make a children’s book it must be 10 pages with pictures.
  • If you choose to make a journal about your journey you must have 7-10 entries.

If you have a different idea consult with your teacher first!


1. Your Journey must include a minimum of 10 steps.

2. Each step is clearly described (surroundings, what is happening to you during that step, how would that feel, look like etc.).

3. Each transition is clearly described (how did you get from point A to B, what had to happen to you in order to get there, what would that feel like, look like, etc.)

4. Clear explanation is given for how you as a water molecule became clean (natural process or human created process).

5. You will need to perform research in order to be sure your method is factual and that your transitions accurately described. Be sure to include your sources.

REMEMBER to be creative! This should be a fun story about your journey and be creative in all aspects of your story.

For help in formatting your works cited list (MLA Format) go to:

Grading Rubric

5 points / 4 points / `3 points
Number of Steps / 10 or more steps / 6-9 steps / 5 or fewer
Description of Steps / Each step along the way is accurately and creatively described including, surroundings, how you feel, what you are doing, and what state you are in. / Each step is accurately described, but one or two descriptors are missing / Steps are described but in little detail.
Description of Transitions / Transitions are described accurately and creatively. Every transition includes descriptions of how the journey was made, changes in state, how it felt, and what it would look like along the way. / Transitions are described accurately. Most transition includes descriptions of how the journey was made, changes in state, how it felt, and what it would look like along the way. / Transitions are described but with little detail.
Method of Purification / Method is accurately and creatively described. Details are given about the steps along the way and how you (the molecule) feel as you go through the purification process. / Method is accurately described. Details are given about some, but not all, of the steps along the way and how you (the molecule) feel as you go through the purification process. / Method is described but with little detail or creativity.
Sources / Cites 4 or more sources using correct format. / Cites 4 or more sources in a listed format. / Cites 3 or fewer sources.