-+ / Crawley Parish Newsletter / Sundays 1st and 8th October 2017
Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh
Sundays in Ordinary Time (A)

New Mass Times

As we begin our new Mass times today, a message from Bishop Richard will be read explaining the Mass Times for Crawley Parish and the decisions he has now made following the correspondences and conversations he has had across the Crawley Parish.

Journey in Faith: “My boy, you go and work in the vineyard”

These words from today’s gospel are addressed to each one of us. At the end of Mass we are commanded: “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord”. Our obligation to worship God does not end with the dismissal from Mass, but continues as we return to the world. For a wonderful moment we have taken our place with the Lord as he brings about our redemption on the cross and because of his Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven we have been present as Heaven and Earth touch as we a granted a foretaste of our ultimate destiny to take our place at the wedding banquet of the Lamb. That is something so wonderful but even so we find it hard to speak about the rich pearl that is our Catholic Faith. We cannot hope to work in the vineyard (Mission) unless we are sustained by prayer and formation. The Journey in Faith group is an ADULT FORMATION group suitable for:

  • Adults who are called to Baptism
  • Christians from other denominations called into Full Communion with the Catholic Church
  • Adult Catholics who have yet to be Confirmed
  • Any Catholic who wants a refresher in their faith

You are invited to an introductory session in the Church of St Bernadette’s in Tilgate on Tuesday 10th October. An additional Holy Mass will be celebrated this day at 7.15pm in St Bernadette Church to which all are welcome. Then there will be a session at 7.45pm in the Church to re-energise our love for the Gospel. For more information contact Fr Simon on / 01293 524 176

Wednesday 4th October - Patronal Feast of St Francis of Assisi:

Masses at 9am St Francis School, 11am the Friary & 8pm at the Friary

Parish Team: / Fr. Chris Dobson, Fr. Simon Dray, Fr. Louis Ezeilo
Priests’ House, Haslett Avenue West, Crawley, RH10 1HR Tel: 01293 524176
Deacon Andrew Bayes (07712 191078) & Sr. Hannah Murray (07763 971944)

Churches: / The Friary Haslett Avenue West, Crawley, RH10 1HR
Christ the Lord Broadfield Barton, Broadfield, RH11 9BA
St. Edward the Confessor Hillcrest Close, Pound Hill, RH10 7EQ
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Stagelands, Langley Green, RH11 7QD
St. Bernadette Tilgate Way, Tilgate, RH10 5BS
St. Theodore of Canterbury Gossops Green Lane, Gossops Green, RH11 8BJ

Sunday 1st October 2017

Twenty-Sixth Sunday (A)

Psalm Response: Remember your mercy, Lord.

2ndCollection: Crawley Catholic Schools

Monday 2nd Oct: as below

(Mem: The Holy Guardian Angels)

Tuesday 3rd Oct: as below

Cremation – Patrick Grace R.I.P.

1:30pm Surrey & Sussex Crematorium

Wednesday 4th October: Patronal Feast

St Francis of Assisi

9am at St Francis School

11am at the Friary

8pm at the Friary

Thursday 5th October: 10am at the Friary

NB Requiem Mass: Thomas Eddington R.I.P.

10am Friary & 11:15am at Snell Hatch

Cremation – Yvonne Wiora R.I.P.

11:30am Surrey & Sussex Crematorium

Friday 6th Oct: as below

Saturday 7th Oct: as below


Sunday Masses

Vigil: 5pm St Bernadette’s, Tilgate

6pm Our Lady’s, Langley Green

Day: 8.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm Friary

9am at Christ the Lord, Broadfield

11am at St Edward’s, Pound Hill

6.30pm at St Theodore’s, Gossops G

Mon to Fri: 11am at the Friary


Tues: 7.30am Dominican Convent &

7.15pm at St Bernadette’s, Tilgate

Fri:9am at St Wilfrid’s Secondary School

Sat:see Vigil times


11am at the Friary

5pm at Our Lady Queen of Heaven

Sunday 8th October 2017

Twenty- Seventh Sunday (A)

Readings: 1st: Isaiah 5:1-7;Ps: 79; 2nd:Philippians 4:6-9; Gp: Matt 21:33-43

Psalm Response: The vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel.

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day Collection (Gift Aid using CAFOD envelopes only)

Monday 9th Oct: as below left

Tuesday 10th Oct: as below left

Cremation – Jose De Sousa R.I.P.

4pm Surrey & Sussex Crematorium

Wednesday 11th Oct: as below left

Thursday 12th October: as below left

Friday 13th October: as below left and

7pm at the Friary: Portuguese Mass and Procession for Our Lady of Fatima

Saturday 14th October: as below

Sunday 15thOctober 2017

Twenty- Eighth Sunday (A)

11am Mass at St Edward’s: Patronal Feast of St Edward the Confessor

Readings: 1st: Is 25:6-10; Ps 22; s: 24;

2nd:Phil 4:12-14.19-20; Gp: Matt 22:1-14


We are taking inspiration from a prayer used by Bl Oscar Romero, martyred because he stood up for the poorest people in his country: we plant the seeds that one day will grow. We nurture seeds already planted’. Edelmira, a farmer in El Salvador trusts the seeds that she has planted will grow & bear fruit that she can sell at the market & feed her family. To ensure this CAFOD’s local partner’s give her seeds suited to the climate ant its threats. So we are asked to support CAFOD in this work and use the CAFOD envelopes for the retiring / second collection on 7th & 8th October. The Romero prayers cards are available in our Churches.


Sun Prayer: Adoration & Evening Prayer: 5:30pm Dominican Convent

Sun Evening Prayer: 7pm St Clare’s Chapel

Pope Francis's Prayer Intention (October):

That all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good.

Please pray for those who are sick or in hospital.

Those who have died: Jean Clark, Jose De Sousa, Thomas Eddington, Patrick Grace, Emilio Vezza, Yvonne Wiora R.I.P.

School Liturgies (All Welcome)

  • Mass for Patronal Feast of St Francis at St Francis School at 9am on Wed 4th October
  • Harvest Liturgy at Our Lady Queen of Heaven School at 9:10am on Thursday 19th October

Weekdays at Christ the Lord

Every Tue:10am French Rosary; Last Wed of the Month: 7:30pm Prayer & Praise; Every Thur: 10am Rosary (English); 11am Praise & Prayer (French); Every Fri: 9:15am Adoration; 10am Mass, 10:45am Lectio Divina.


First Holy Communion

30th September was the Deadline for FHC applications. If you haven’t yet applied you must do so this Sunday 1st October on otherwise you’ll have to wait for 2019!

Confirmation for Young Adults

Applications for Sacramental Programme for School Years 10, 11 & 12 will open at October Half Term.

Those in School Year 13 or University should contact Fr Simon (01293 524 176 opt 5) or to agree a suitable course of preparation.

HOPE 2017: Festival for 11-14s

19th Nov, Arundel Cathedral, 2pm to 5.30pm

Festival with RISE THEATRE to coincide with the 1st World Day for the Poor. Mass with +Richard, Drama with RISE theatre, input from CAFOD and others. Booking essential: . Expectation that young people come as part of an organised group; individuals must contact Jack in advance for a consent form.

ENCOUNTER Evening: Fri 6th October

ENCOUNTER evenings are aimed at young Catholics (15-30 ish) who are looking for a chance to deepen their faith and connect with other Catholics their own age. There is a talk, social time, food, live music, and (for over 18s) a trip to the pub afterwards! They’re completely free, and open to anyone in that age range, Catholic of not. New people are especially welcome. The next one will be on Friday October 6th, 7:30 – 9:30pm, at St Wilfrid’s School, Crawley (RH11 8PG). For more info search for ‘ENCOUNTER Crawley’on Facebook or contact:


School Contact Details

Friary Pre-School: 01293 403873;

Head: Wendy Sykes

St Francis of Assisi Primary: 01293 521009; Headteacher: Mr T Hallett

Our Lady Queen of Heaven Primary: 01293 526057; Headteacher: Mr T Melia

St. Wilfrid’s Comprehensive: 01293 421421; Headteacher: Mr M Ferry

Friends of LIFE

It’s been 50 years since the 1967 Abortion Act.Please consider supporting the LIFE charity which not only opposes abortion, but provides real alternative support to pregnant women; those facing homelessness and those requiring varied emotional and practical support.LIFE houses exist in locally in Haywards Heath and Crawley and we are invited to become Friends of Life. More info from the flyer in Church or at

Next SVP Meeting

8pm on Tuesday 10th Oct in St Bernadette’s House

Homeless Lunches

Contact Fr Chris if you can help with the Homeless Lunches at Open House (Weekdays), St Barnabas, Pound Hill (Saturday), or Friary (Sunday).

East Surrey Hospital

Please tell the office about hospital admissions or out of hours notify Fr Francis at English Martyrs, Horley on 01293 431703.

Edwardtide National Pilgrimage

An Edwardtide National Pilgrimage will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 14th October. The Abbey opens at 9.30am and pilgrims will be able to pray at the Shrine and priests will be on duty for individual spiritual counselling and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Prayer tours around the Abbey will also be available.For more info: or call 020 7654 4805.


St Wilfrid’s Open Evening

Open Evening for prospective parents and children in Years 5 & 6 is on Thursday 5thOctober (6.30-8.15pm) with the Headteacher’s talk at 7.30pm. There will be opportunities for you to tour the school and meet some of our wonderful students and teachers.

School Vacancy - St Francis of Assisi Catholic

The Governors of this popular, happy and successful school seek to appoint an EYFS teacher (NQTs welcome) for 3 days a week for maternity cover to join our friendly school and work as part of an amazing staff team, which is passionate about children learning, raising attainment and accelerating progress. St Francis of Assisi provides a supportive environment and induction programme for all new staff. We are committed to equality of opportunities. Applications are invited from all teachers who will support the ethos of the school. Further details and application forms available from the school: Tel 01293 521009

Email: Deadline:

Friday 6th October although applicationswill be considered on receipt.

St Edward’s Club

Vacancy for casual experienced bar staff at St Edward’s Club on an ad hoc basis. Contact Susan Mitchell on 0751 998 0707. We also require volunteers to be at the Club when only one member of staff is working on Wednesday, Thursday, Fridays and Sundays. Please contact Fr Chris regarding this important role.


Blue Applications Forms for renewal of permits for 2017/18 now available this weekend. Suggested donation of £40 (+£10 for new applications / barrier card).Forms only available in OCTOBER (deadline: 30th Oct).

●Car park available for Mass goers

●Outside of Mass times car park is for permit holders only

● Parking for 3 hours only.

●Further restrictions apply on funeral days, holy days, weddings and special events

● Change of car requires change of permit so new registration details can be put on barrier computer.


Friary and St Bernadette’s

Main Offertory (17/9) £1534.26

Home Mission Sunday (17/9) £252.92

Main Offertory (24/9)£1194.15

Weekly Standing Order £882.54

Christ the Lord

Main Offertory (17/9) £179.07

Mission Sunday (17/9) £17.50

Main Offertory (24/9) £232.72

St Patrick’s Mission £42.31

St. Edward’s

Main Offertory (17/9) £185.82

Home Mission Sunday (17/9) £82.32

Main Offertory (24/9) £270.90

Weekly Standing Orders £275.00

St Patrick’s Missions £290.30

Our Lady’s & St Theodore’s

Main Offertory (17/9) £204.55

Mission Sunday (17/9) £34.99

Main Offertory (24/9) £220.32

Weekly Standing Orders £155.00

St Patrick’s Missions £64.83

Thank You


Saturday / 30th / St Bernadette’s / 5:00 pm / Alice Rozario RIP
Our Lady’s / 6:00 pm / John Lydon RIP
Sunday / 1st / Friary / 8:30 am / Peter Newell RIP
Christ the Lord / 9:00 am / Eileen Barry (70th Birthday)
Friary / 10:30 am / J Jerome & M Giverran
St. Edward’s / 11:00 am / People of the Parish
Friary / 5:30 pm / William Lazzam RIP
St Theodore’s / 6.30pm / Celebrant’s Intentions
Monday / 2nd / Friary / 11:00 am / Kathrina & Karl Wagner RIP
Tuesday / 3rd / Gossops Green Conv / 7:30 am / Celebrant’s Intentions
Friary / 11:00 am / Frank Deli RIP
St Bernadette’s / 7:15 pm / Celebrant’s Intentions
Wednesday / 4th / Patronal Feast of St Francis of Assisi
St Francis School Hall / 9:00 am / Bertha Caston RIP
Friary / 11:00am / Frank Prievidzer RIP
Friary / 8:00pm / Josephine Dobson RIP
Thursday / 5th / Friary / 10:00 am / Requiem: Tom Eddington RIP
Friday / 6th / St. Wilfrid’s School / 9:00 am / Barbara & Johan Wagner RIP
Friary / 11:00 am / Patrick Brady RIP
Saturday / 7th / St Bernadette’s / 5:00 pm / Dorothy Bickers RIP
Our Lady’s / 6:00 pm / Tim McSharry RIP
Sunday / 8th / Friary / 8:30 am / Espe Hart RIP (1st Anniversary)
Christ the Lord / 9:00 am / Paul Corcoron RIP
Friary / 10:30 am / Alison Kelly RIP
St. Edward’s / 11:00 am / Ron Bell RIP
Friary / 5:30 pm / Padraig Madigan RIP
St Theodore’s / 6:30 pm / People of the Parish
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday / Friary 11am
Our Lady Queen of Heaven 5:00pm

With the changes to our Parish Mass times as announced and now amended the allocation of existing Mass Intentions has been reworked. If your expected Mass intention is not showing on the insert please contact the office who can tell you when it will now be said: r on 01293 524176 opt 1


Saturday / 7th / St Bernadette’s / 5:00 pm / Dorothy Bickers RIP
Our Lady’s / 6:00 pm / Tim McSharry RIP
Sunday / 8th / Friary / 8:30 am / Espe Hart RIP (1st Anniversary)
Christ the Lord / 9:00 am / Paul Corcoron RIP
Friary / 10:30 am / Alison Kelly RIP
St. Edward’s / 11:00 am / Ron Bell RIP
Friary / 5:30 pm / Padraig Madigan RIP
St Theodore’s / 6:30pm / People of the Parish
Monday / 9th / Friary / 11:00 am / Katherine & Karl Wagner RIP
Tuesday / 10th / Gossops Green Conv / 7:30 am / John Lydon RIP
Friary / 9:00 am / Kenneth & Bella Samuels RIP
St Bernadette’s / 7.15 pm / Celebrant’s Intentions
Wednesday / 11th / Friary / 11:00am / Frank Prievidzer RIP
Thursday / 12th / Friary / 11:00 am / Harry O’Flaherty RIP
Friday / 13th / St. Wilfrid’s School / 9:00 am / Tony & Sheila Styles RIP
Friary / 11:00 am / John Lydon RIP
Saturday / 14th / St Bernadette’s / 5:00 pm / Intentions & Welfare of Pam Freeman
Our Lady’s / 6:00 pm / Angela Mary Braganza (100th Birthday)
Sunday / 15th / Friary / 8:30 am / Maria Jesus Corte RIP
Christ the Lord / 9:00 am / Geraldine Conlon RIP
Friary / 10:30 am / Antoinette & Francis Spiteri RIP
St. Edward’s / 11:00 am / Michael Brown RIP
Friary / 5:30 pm / Caetano Cordoza RIP
St Theodore’s / 6.30 pm / People of the Parish
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday / Friary 11am
Our Lady Queen of Heaven 5:00pm

With the changes to our Parish Mass times as announced and now amended the allocation of existing Mass Intentions has been reworked. If your expected Mass intention is not showing on the insert please contact the office who can tell you when it will now be said: r on 01293 524176 opt 1