211 S. Owen Street, Suite B
California, MO 65018
Phone 573-796-2145
Fax 573-796-6123
California R-1 Schools
August 17, 2017
Welcome to the 2017-18 school year…I hope you all had a fantastic summer! While the start of a new school year is always an exciting time, this year there is a once-in-a-lifetime event that makes it all that much more special. I am referring to The Great American Eclipse—2017.
As a school district, we have been planning for this event since the spring and are very excited to help make this day one that our students will remember for a lifetime. Students at each building will experience unique learning opportunities with lessons geared around this extraordinary event that we know our students will grow from and enjoy. As you know, there are some precautions that will need to be enforced to ensure that this experience can be safe and enjoyed by all. We have purchased solar eclipse safety glasses, approved by the ISO (International Standards Organization), for all students and staff. These glasses are designed for just such an occasion. Please speak with your children and remind them to follow their teacher’s instructions throughout this experience.
We have distributed permission slips to students/families attending the elementary and middle schools. Students without a signed permission slip will participate in lessons around the eclipse but will not be participating in the “outdoor experience.” Please get those permission slips turned in ASAP if you have not already done so.
For high school students/families we are providing an “opt out” option in lieu of a permission slip. If you are the parent of a high school student and you do not want your child to participate in the “outdoor experience,” please call the high school office at 796-4911 and an alternate activity will be available during that time on Monday.
High School Science Teacher, Jamie Johnston, created the following video that highlights the solar eclipse experience. While some of the content is specific to the high school, much of it is informative to all.
We hope you all have the opportunity to enjoy this extraordinary event and are able to appreciate it as much as I know we all will. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 796-2145.
Dwight Sanders, Superintendent
California Elementary School California Middle School California High School Superintendent’s Office
101 S. Owen St. 211 S. Owen St. 1501 W. Buchanan 211 S. Owen St., Ste. B
California, MO 65018 California, MO 65018 California, MO 65018 California, MO 65018
(573)796-2161 (573)796-2146 (573)796-4911 (573)796-2145
Fax (573) 796-8650 Fax (573) 796-8257 Fax (573) 796-4503 Fax (573) 796-6123