Author1 (First name, Last name), Author2 (First name, Last name)

Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography (J-READING), *, *, *, 2012, pp. *

doi: *

Title of the paper

Author1 (First name, Last name)a, Author2b

a (Affiliation): Department Name of Organization, Name of Organization, City, Country

b (Affiliation): Department Name of Organization, Name of Organization, City, Country

Email: address of the correspondingAuthor

Received:Month 2012 – Accepted: Month 2012


This template, which involves the guidelines for contributors, is created to simplify and accelerate the work of editing and production of electronic papers. In order to achieve these aims, the different parts of the papers [title, paragraphs, figures, tables, references etc.] are already defined, adequately predisposed and formatted on the style sheet. Please do not alter the format of this template, read the included guidelines carefully and write your contribution in the sections reserved for this.Remember that papers must be sent in Microsoft Word programs (.doc or .docx), carefully revised and assembled. With regard to language, papersmust be written in English (with abstract in English). In particular cases, after having received the authorization of the Editor in Chief, papers can be written in French (with abstract in English and résumé in French) or in Spanish (with abstract in English and resumen in Spanish). If you are not mother tongue, the text and the abstract (and also therésumé/resumen) must be revised by a native speaker before submission.The papersexpress the opinion of Authors who are the sole responsible for their works. J-Reading is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original works; therefore, the submitted papers must not have been previously published and must not be currently under consideration for other publications.

As far as concerns the abstract (résumé and resumen), it should have a number of characters (spaces included) of between 1,000 and 1,500.

Keywords:Keyword1, Keyword2 etc. (between 4 and 8 Keywords)

Copyright©Nuova Cultura Italian Association of GeographyTeachers


Author1 (First name, Last name), Author2 (First name, Last name)

  1. Introduction

Since this templateprovidesyou with the information and formatting specifications necessary for submitting electronic versions of papers, we advise you to print it as a reminder and to save a copy on your computer in order to work directly on the template.

Please use the following guidelines and write in the different sections, starting from the Introduction using the specific spaces for the different paragraphs and Conclusions. Remember that each paper should have a number of characters (spaces included) of between 30,000 and 50,000 without the Figures. You can upload asattachment to the paper a maximum of 12 Figures which must be sent preferably in color. You can introduce Figuresinto the text to have a general idea of the formatted paper but keep the Figure files separate because you will have to attach them (in high resolution) in JPG or TIFF format (300 dpi). In the case of images (photos, maps, graphs etc.) taken by other publications, a specific authorization must be provided and any copyright must be paid in advance.

  1. Title of the first paragraph

Please write here the contents of the first paragraph. For the citations in the text use the following indications (De Vecchis, 2012, p. 2; Stoltman et al., 2009; Giorda and Tani, 2010, pp. 1-3; Pesaresi, 2007, 2008) and use (double) “English” quotation marks if they are necessary.

All Figures and Tables (in Word format) have to be numbered subsequently in Arabic numerals and they must have a caption together with any source to be placed under the Figures or Tables. In the text write (Figure 1), (Figures 1 and 2), (Table 1), (Tables 1-3). As far as concerns the positioning of Figures and Tables and for the style of captions use the following examples. We will introduce Figures and Tables with larger dimensions (in a single column) when it is necessary for better visualization.

Figure 1. Number of foreigners in Italy between 2005 and 2011.

Source: elaboration on data Istat.

Regions / Density of population

Table 1. Density of population in some Italian regions in 2010.

Source: Istat, 2010.

If going into greater detail and you want to include further elements and explanations which you consider useful, insert a note at the bottom of the page (with the same number in the text and in the note)[1]. Bold characters must never be used; Italics can be used for foreign terms which are not part of normal use in the chosen language.

  1. Title of the second paragraph

Please write here the contents of the second paragraph (using the guidelines and indications of the first paragraph).

  1. Title of the third paragraph

Please write here the contents of the third paragraph (using the guidelines and indications of the first paragraph) and then add the other paragraphs which you think are necessary.

  1. Conclusions

Please write here the conclusions of your paper.


Please use this section for specificuses. For example:

-you can underline the sections which have been written by the different Authors, using phrases like the following: Even if the paper was devised together by the Authors, G. De Vecchis wrote paragraphs 1 and 3, J. Stoltmanwrote paragraphs 2 and 4;

-you can thank someone for support or suggestions, using phrases like the following: TheAuthors thank S. Tani, University of Finland, for revisions and suggestions;

-you can highlight the fact that the contents of this contribution were presented during a particular event or conference.


As far as concerns References, please use the following guidelines (useful as exemplifications, but not referred to published works).

1. is for a journal paper,

2. is for a book,

3. is for a proceedings,

4. is for a paper in proceedings,

5. is for paper or chapter in a book,

6. is for a report,

7. is for a thesis,

8. is for paper from internet

  1. De Vecchis G., “La didattica della geografia in Italia”, Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia, vol. 20, n. 2, 2012, pp. 1-20.
  2. Giorda C. and Tani S., Human Geography, Rome, Carocci, 2010.
  3. Pesaresi C. (Ed.), “Geography and citizenship”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Universities (Turin, 1-3 December 2005), Torino, Utet, 2007.
  4. Pesaresi C., “GIS and geography”, in Stoltman J. (Ed.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Geotechnologies, (Rome, 4 November 2007), Bologna, Pàtron, 2008, pp. 100-120.
  5. Stoltman J., De Vecchis G. and Giorda M., “The use of GIS for geographical studies”, in De Vecchis G. and Tani S. (Eds.), Geography, New York, Alan R. Liss, 2009, pp. 1-10.
  6. Stoltman J., Geography and risks, Report of IIAE, New York, IIAE, 2006.
  7. Tani S., “Geotechnologies for the study of migrations” Ph.D. Thesis, Università degli Studi di Cassino, Cassino, 2004.
  8. Tani S. and Giorda C., “Geography and environment education”, 2005,

Copyright©Nuova Cultura Italian Association of GeographyTeachers


Author1 (First name, Last name), Author2 (First name, Last name)

Copyright©Nuova Cultura Italian Association of GeographyTeachers

[1] For example: For more information regarding this theme, see De Vecchis, 2012; Stoltman et al. 2009; etc.