Journal of Qualitative Research in Education- JOQRE
Aim & Scope
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education [JOQRE] is a free access, online, peer reviewed scholarly international journal. It is published three times [February, June, and October] a year. JOQRE published by Ani Publishing. The main purpose of the journal is to become an academic forum for the development and enhancement of the qualitative research paradigm in educational research both in theory and practice.
JOQRE publishes empirical educational research employing a variety of qualitative methods and approaches, such as phenomenology, case study, ethnographic observation and interviewing, narrative, grounded theory etc. Studies employing mixed methods and action research are also welcomed. In addition, we publish theoretical papers, essays, translations and invited manuscripts discussing the application of new technics, analysis, and software in the area of qualitative research. All research manuscripts except the invited ones are peer reviewed, based on initial editor screening and external refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Publication languages are Turkish and English. Effective use of language is an important criterion for acceptance. Another criterion is the detailed explanation of the research methodology.
All manuscripts should be sent electronically via the journal’s web site ( In order to send a manuscript, authors should be register through the web site. Then, the manuscript should be uploaded. All manuscript should follow the ethic codes for research and publishing. If a manuscript is found to be breaking the ethical codes after published inJOQRE, it will be discarded.
Notes for the Authors:
The manuscripts submitted to JOQRE should comply with the all of the following items;
- Manuscripts should be typed on a A4-sized paper, with top, bottom, right and left margins 2.5 cm (16 x 24.7 cm area), double line spacing, using Times New Roman 12font print.
- Tables, figures, pictures, graphics, and the like should not exceed an area of 10 x 17 cm, and a smaller font and single spacing is recommended.
- Manuscriptsshould not exceed 10.000 wordsincluding the reference list. Manuscripts written in Turkish should include an abstract written in English containing 150-200 words and a structured abstract written in Turkish containing 750-1000 words. Manuscripts written in English should include a structured abstract containing 750-1000 words. All manuscripts should have 3-5 key words.
- Authors should avoid the use of discriminatory language against gender, race, and ethnicity
- Manuscripts should be written in accordance with the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Manuscript Format
The manuscripts submitted should comply with the sample manuscript format and contain the following sections:
Title Page, Abstract, Key Words, Main Text, References, Tables and Figures.
Title Page
Title page should contain the following format:
- Title should not exceed 15 words. Manuscripts written in Turkish should include an English title and manuscripts written in English should include a Turkish title below the original title.
- A short version of the title should be placed at the top right side of each page.
- Author(s) full name, academic titles and affiliations, and email address should be placed in the title page.
Turkish and English Abstracts should contain 150-200 words. Abstract should include the purpose of the study, method, findings and results.
- The abstract should be provided in the original language that the manuscript is written before the abstract written in the second language. If the manuscript written in Turkish, Turkish abstract should be followed by the English abstract and vice versa. Abstracts should be written using Times New Roman 9font print.
- Keywords written with smaller fonts should be placed at the bottom of the abstracts.
Main Text
Main text of the manuscripts should include the following sections; entrance, method,findings, results and discussion. Main text should be written with Times New Roman12 font printand double line spacing.
Subtitles for figures should be written using double line spacing in the text where it should be and numbered according to the their appearance order in the text. If there is any abbreviation fort he figures, graphic or the pictures, abbreviations should be explained below the subtitles in alphabetical order. Figures, graphic or the pictures should be placed in the main text where they belong with complete subtitles. Previously published figures, graphic or pictures can only be used with the permission of the author and the publisher. The permission should be provided to the editor of the journal.
Title of the tables should be numbered in the order of appearance in the main text. Tables and the table numbers should be placed in the main text. Vertical lines should not be used in the tables. Text in the tables should be written with 10 font print without space before or after the lines.
Ethic Codes for Publishing and Use of Language
Authors should acknowledge that submitted manuscripts are not published fully or partially or under review for another print oronline academic journal.
Editorial board can require revision for the accepted manuscripts based on critics and suggestions by reviewers. Manuscripts that are approved by the Editorial Board are accepted for publishing. Effective use of preferred language is an important criterion for evaluation of the manuscript. Proof reading is suggested for the authors who are writing in a language other than their native language.
Individuals or institutionssupported the study should be acknowledged in a separate section.
Reference list should adhere the APA format. Online tutorial based on 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association can be reached at
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education- JOQRE
Ali Ersoy, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Editorial Board
Abbas Türnüklü,PhD., Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey
Ahmet Saban, PhD., Konya Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Angela K. Salmon, PhD., Florida International University, USA
Binaya Subedi, PhD., The Ohio State University, USA
Corrine Glesne, PhD., The University of Vermont, USA
Duygu Sönmez, PhD., Hacettepe University, Turkey
Elif Kuş Sallard, PhD., Ankara University, Turkey
Elvan Günel, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
İlknur Kelçeoğlu, PhD., Indiana University & Purdue University, USA
Işıl KabakçıYurdakul, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Kathy C. Trundle, PhD., The Ohio State University, USA
Misato Yamaguchi, PhD., Augusta State University, USA
Mustafa Çakır, PhD., Marmara University, Turkey
Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, PhD., Çanakkale Onsekiz MartUniversity, Turkey
Müge Artar, PhD., Ankara University, Turkey
Pelin Yalçınoğlu, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Roberta Truax, PhD., Professor Emerita, USA
S. Aslı Özgün-Koca, PhD., Wayne State University, USA
Sedat Yüksel, PhD., UludağUniversity, Turkey
Süleyman Nihat Şad, PhD., İnönü University, Turkey
Şengül S. Anagün, PhD., Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
Yıldız Uzuner, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Advisory Board
A. Figen Ersoy, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Ahmet Naci Çoklar, PhD., Konya Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Burçin Türkcan, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Dilek Tanışlı, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Dilruba Kürüm Yapıcıoğlu, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Esin Acar, PhD., Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Fatih Yılmaz, PhD., Dicle University, Turkey
Gülşen Leblebicioğlu, PhD., Abant İzzet BaysalUniversity, Turkey
H. Bahadır Yanık, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Hasan Gürgür, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Mehmet Üstüner, PhD., İnönüUniversity, Turkey
Meltem Gönden, PhD., Akdeniz University, Turkey
Muhammet Özden, PhD., Dumlupınar University, Turkey
Nil Duban, PhD., Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
Nilüfer Köse, PhD., Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir
Nilüfer Ş. Özabacı, PhD., Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
Sadegül Akbaba-Altun, PhD., Başkent University, Turkey
Sema Ünlüer,PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Ş. Dilek Belet, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey
Şefik Yaşar, PhD., Anadolu University, Turkey