January 1929 to 1944
FILE # 1, January, 1929
January 1929 to 1944
Journal #12
Spent day at office and in consultation with Stainbrook on future drilling campaign.
Borrowed 2,000.00 from Bank for Company for temporary relief. Got Behling and Buskirk off for Diamond to get correct location for well and bring the Cook back. Snowing lightly.
Thursday 3 Snowed all day. Josephine started working at office yesterday, 60.00 per Mo. She got out about 45 letters first day.
Friday 4 Weather modified. Working on 1928 accounts.
Saturday 5 Cold and clear. Busy at office. Joe doing good work.
Sunday 6 Made effort to move Grandma Shipp back to 1264 Yale, but she preferred to remain at 713 2nd Ave. Spent day entertaining Ellis Jr. and her chums, preparatory to her leaving for Mills tomorrow. Very cold.
Monday 7 Got Ellis off on Pacific Limited train for Mills College, at 7 a.m. Spent day with Robinette, seeking to get Virgin proposition adjusted. Very cold.
Tuesday 8 Ordered steel derrick from Oklahoma, 465.00, to be used at new well. Met Topley and Collett in connection with lease on Virgin property. They declined to join Robinette on the matter. Robinette came down from Ogden.
Wednesday 9 Cancelled old contract with Virgin leases, and renewed same with Robinette and associates. They will begin drilling immediately.
Thursday 10 Moved Engineering Dept. into room 311 yesterday and now have a private office. Busy at work at office. Dr. Anderson says wife Mary has possible cancer and wants to treat her. I am thinking it over.
Friday 11 Mary having X-Ray picture taken. Rose had one, so she must do likewise. Dr. A.A. Anderson in attendance. Behling left for Greenriver to look over some tools.
Saturday 12 At office. Got letter Thursday from Joseph Fielding Smith criticizing me for ... taking sacrament. Outlined answer to him. I regret having to take issue with some of the Brethren, but one of us is wrong and this effort may decide which one is wrong.
Monday 14 Working on financial matters. Woolley still promising relief Took wife Mary to L.D.S. Hospital. Supposed to have colitis and ulcer of stomach or rather on bowel attaching to stomach. She is in great pain. Behling returned home from Greenriver.
Tuesday 15 Busy at office. Got out stockholder letters.
Wednesday 16 Spent day on finances. Woolley trying to come thru.
Thursday 17 Busy at office.
Friday 18 Board meeting of Diamond Oil. Made Behling Supt. Diamond Fk. (fork) operations at 250.00 Mo Got option stock fixed up. It has taken three years to sell 500,000 shares at specified prices, but had to buck every broker in the county, and also to manage affairs of Company. Held meeting of Keeler shale interests with Collett, Murdock, Keeler, Bennion and Musser. Considered the fact the Secy. of Interior had reversed Gen. Land Commissions in our favor vindicating us, after it had been advertised that we had tried to gyp the Government.
Saturday 19 Got Behling loaded up to leave with Truck Monday. Fritz to go and cook. Hales to go with teams
6" snow fell during last night. Melting fast.
Sunday 20 Spent day at 1264 going over my papers; also at Farm. Took kiddies to Hospital to see their mother.
Monday 21
Got Behling off with Truck for Diamond. Also Buskirk with Cook Fritz and supplies; also H. B. Hales with teams.
Tuesday 22 Very cold. Busy at office.
Wednesday 23 Awful blizzard. Snowing heavy. Got out letter to Elder Joseph F. Smith, Jr., answering his letter to
Thursday 24 Extremely cold. Working on Arizona Permits and stockholders.
Friday 25 Modifying some. Working on finances.
(Line or lines cut off) ... quite moderate. Busy at office.
Monday 28 Turned off mild. Working on Rock Creek structure. Getting permits in shape. Took up with Loren Woolley and Jno. T. Clark (separately) my correspondence with Jos. Fielding Smith, and received very high commendation from both.
Tuesday 29 Thawing. Working on finances. Assessment coming in very slowly.
Wednesday 30 Got wife Mary out of Hospital and home. Can't see the Doctors have done her any good except to get her disgusted with hospital. Car of coal arrived at Diamond siding. Paid 95.00 fgt. Woolley still promising money. None in sight. [This is not Lorin Woolley, but some one else in business with Musser]
Thursday 31 Left for St. George to see daughter Ruth, while there, plan to visit our oil field at Virgin. Made Cedar. Much snow on the road, especially near Cove Fort, where it was piled up thru a drift, car high.
Friday, February 1
Visited Virgin. Went over locations for 10 Wells with Robinette. One well now drilling. Much impressed with activity there. Went to St. George. Spent P.M. with Ruth. She is gradually improving. Am pleased with her appearance. Took supper with sister Blanche (Lewis) mother, Ruth and Alice Pendleton. Splendid time. Raining hard.
Saturday 2 Started home with mother. Raining hard at St. George. Snowed up the road, especially heavy between Provo and point of Mountain. Mother stood test well. Arrived home 9 P.M.
Sunday 3 Resting with lame back from riding and exposure to stormy weather.
Monday 4 Busy at office.
Tuesday 5 Prepared for meeting of stockholders tonight 7 P.M. Hotel Utah. About 50 present Everything went off O.K. Old board re-elected excepted Rudger Clawson, Hank Bennion and S. A. Rhosbock. These members wanted to be excused. Present Board: John T. White, President
; Jos. R. Murdock
& J. W. Musser; Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
; John Shewell, Secy. & Treas.; Joseph Behling, Field Supt.; C. W. Buskirk; Edwin Thorne
; E. C. Jensen; F. G. Fisher T--- Billings, Acct. Secy.
Wife Mary not doing so well. Spent evening there.
Wednesday 6th Getting Behling outfitted for field. Also routine at office.
Thursday 7 Behling left for Diamond in driving East wind and extremely cold. Instructed him to take no chances on the weather.
Friday 8 Working at office. Wife Mary in bad condition. Engaged Dr. Tyndale to look after case. Suffering all night.
Saturday 9 Got reply to my letter from Elder Joseph Fielding Smith. It's a steamer. We can't get together. Heber Bennion told me of Apostle Orson Hyde in marital relations. Am more convinced than ever, the Lord wants men and women to live.... (bottom line missing)
Sunday 10: Joined Jno. T. Clark in meeting with Kimball, Olsen and Nelson, after which we left for farm and administered to Wife Mary. Had splendid time at the home and I feel she will now get well.
Monday 11 Wife Mary much better. Busy at office. Getting out delinquent list--a very long one.
Tuesday 12 Laid up with Lumbago at home. Office got out delinquent list. Lincoln's Birthday. Closed office in P.M. Outlined letter to Joseph Fielding Smith.
Wednesday 13 Weather greatly modified. Health improving. Busy at office.
Monday 18 Routine at office during week. Wife Mary still bedfast but improving. Getting lined up for drilling operations on Rock Creek structure. Learn[ed] that Refinery man has been installed at Virgin, and Robinette was badly hurt. Also getting stock campaign going on Ensign Oil Co.
Tuesday 19 Getting off cards for prospective purchasers on Ensign Oil Co. stock.
Wednesday 20 Mrs. Chealey from Virgin came in to get the White Permit at Virgin. Her husband is now drilling for Topley at Grafton. Working on Campaign to sell Ensign Oil Co. stock.
Friday 22 Washington's Birthday. Spent time at 1264 Yale cleaning up.
Saturday 23 Getting out letters to enquiries of Ensign Oil Co. Snowing.
Sunday 24 Warm and fair. Wife Mary had new attack lasting all day and night. Administered morphine with but poor results. Grandma Shipp arrived home last night from Los Angeles. She, Richard, Nellie and family dined with me today
Monday 25 Ernest promised money today, but failed--says tomorrow sure. Heavy snow storm during night. Working on financing of Company. Wife Mary in bad shape. Gave her another Hypo to deaden the pain.
Tuesday 26 Clear and warmer. Working on finances. Took Sam, Loraine and wife Ellis to ....(bottom line missing)
Wednesday 27 Snow fell during night quite heavily. Day marked with terrible blizzards, snow and sunshine. Loren Woolley in office today and re-affirmed the conversation related to me, between himself and Pres. Smith about the non-Mormon polygamist whom Pres. S. stated would receive a greater exaltation than many L.D.S. who were not living the full law.
Thursday 28 Clear and colder. Worked on financing of Companies.
MARCH 1929
Friday, Mar. 1 Snowing part of day. Rained during night. Working on financing of Companies.
Saturday 2 Working on finances.
Sunday 3 Attended prayer meeting at noon .... (bottom line missing) Olsen and Nelson..John spoke very positively of his being chosen by the Lord to set the Church in order as outlined in the 85 Sec. D & C. While he appears to have unusual faith and power and is absolutely clean, I am yet unconvinced of his exact mission and am trying to keep an open mind on the subject. If the Lord has chosen him, he shall have my full support. For me it is the Kingdom of God or nothing, and I am trying to get the light and hold fast to it.
One sister dreamed that Pres. Heber J. Grant died during the coming April conference, and was so impressed with her dream she believes it points to coming events.
0 Lord, hasten, I pray thee, the time spoken of, that thy people will know when to follow and to do to get back into thy confidence. Take away the refuge of lies and disannul the Covenant of death and hell, that Zion may begin to grow and prosper and shine among nations.
Monday 4 Attended Inaugural exercises of Herbert Hoover over Radio from Washington. Heard entire proceedings, the first I have witnessed. A most wonderful experience. Weather greatly modified.
Tuesday 5 Regular Spring thaw. Streets on hill filled with water. Behling got in from Diamond. Snow 4' deep on level at upper location.
Wednesday 6 Directors meeting. Levied Acct. #22 lc. Getting out reports and working on finances.
Thursday 7 Got Behling off for Diamond. Getting out assessment notices, letter to stockholders. Warm weather.
Friday 8 Wife Mary having bad spells again. Got fireproof safe for Diamond Oil Co.
Saturday 9 Wife Mary so much worse, took her to L.D.S. Hospital. Dr. favors an operation. Says she cannot stand present situation much longer. Operation only remedy, but necessarily severe. Am not convinced. We will ask the Lord for help. Getting out Acct. #22 to stockholders. Behling sent in old cook etc., sick, and we wired for Mrs. Stewart at Blackfoot who leaves for Salt Lake tomorrow. Impossible to get car up Diamond Canyon.
Sunday 10 Took Jno. T. Clark, Olsen, Nielson and H. C. Kimball to hospital to administer to wife Mary. They made definite and glorious promises for return to health without operation. We went down to Sister Beck's and administered to her, also dedicated her home to the Lord, 8 E 7 So. Also administered to Clyde Nielson's child .... (bottom line missing)
Thursday 14 Wife Mary steadily improving, thanks be to the Lord. Still at Hospital. Working on land matters and finances. Buskirk took Mrs. Steward out to Diamond on Tuesday. Left her at Bp. Hayes. Could not get up canyon. Attended meeting with some of the boys at Sister Beck's 8 S. 8 E.
Friday 15 Govt. taking stand on Conservation matter. Permits threatened. Working on same.
Saturday 16 Spent most of day with Attorneys trying to fix up Permit matter. Beautiful day.
Sunday 17 Home. Bot. horse for farm to complete team. Aunt Sarah Ellis Pearson dropped in for few .... (bottom line cut off)
Monday 18 Sent 250.00 to W. P. Spangle at El Paso, Texas, expense money to be used by him in Wyoming in getting oil lands for us. Jos. R. Murdock furnished part of cash and I balance 50-50. Woolley still promising to settle up, but nothing substantial.
Tuesday 19 Beautiful day. Cleaners started on home 1264 Yale. Routine at office.
Wednesday 20 Behling got in from camp. Reported roads impassible. Walked 9 miles from camp to Ry. got casing out of well o.k. Now moving up canyon.
Thursday 21 Finances and getting Behling fixed to go back.
Friday 22 (Line cut off)
Saturday 23 Heavy snow storm during night and practically all day. Working on Permit data. Met with Director of Smokeless Fuel Co. Was placed on Advisory Board. Mr. Hayes present. He is the inventor of the most successful process. I feel very much impressed with the Company's future.
Sunday 24 Wife Ellis decided in a moment to go to San Francisco and left on 12:30 train. She is a wonder.
Monday 25 Met with directors of Smokeless Fuel Co. 8 A-M. Joseph R. Murdock is President He is bubbling over with enthusiasm. We raised 1,000.00 to pay Hayes 1st installment. Working on finances.
Tuesday 26 Spring weather. (Line missing) ... their Diamond Fork lease without payment of money.
Saturday 30 Got Buskirk and son Milton off for Virgin to survey White Permit and to Arizona to stake Clawson, Behling and Billings permits, which have been issued. Giving considerable attention to this Permit matter endeavoring to save the Company's titles.
Sunday 31 Spent day at home enjoying Easter atmosphere.
APRIL 1929
Monday Apr. 1st Western Live Stock and Provo Reservoir Co. moved out of Vermont Building into Temple.... Five took over the two rooms they were occupying, giving us 4 rooms, subletting one and using three. Working on financial matters.
Thursday 4 Somewhat unwell. Striving to ward off threatened attack of Flue or something. Codling returned from Coast. Wife Ellis arrived from San Francisco on 2:50 P.M. train. As usual she brought loads of presents for the children--clothing and splendid bathrobe for me. Began snowing during night. Learnt that Mills College had offered Ellis Jr. scholarship and free room etc., if she could be persuaded to remain there another year.
Also Anna has been offered a 600.00 scholarship at Berkeley, U. of Cal. if she will stay. The kids are making a pretty good record.
Friday 5 Conference. One of the greatest blizzards I have seen, nearly all day. Almost 10" of snow fell .... (bottom line missing)
Saturday 6 Snowing nearly all day. Behling came to office. Bertha got back from St. George on stage. met her.
Sunday 7 Attended conference at home via radio. Pleasant day.
Monday 8 Got Behling off for Diamond. Took cousin Roberta Flake Clayton with wife Ellis, Mother and Aunt Eliese to see Broadway Melody at Paramount.
Tuesday 9 Snow and blizzard. Fell almost 9 inches during night. Assisting Jacob F. Hill to get a loan. Conference with N. G. Morgan on Spring Valley oil lands for Ensign Oil Co.
Wednesday 10 (Line missing) Having old room renovated for Engr. Dept.
Thursday 11 Working on Wyoming stuff and Diamond Oil Permits.
Friday 12 Held meeting with D.O.Co. directors and Ensign Oil Co. getting authorization to take on new lands in Wyoming. The Government's recent outrageous action in attempting to rob all people of their vested rights in off and Gov. permits, has thrown a bomb shell into our camps, and we are doing all possible to recover from the shock.
Saturday 13 Retained Senior Genson as our attorneys in land matters. Completed negotiations on Wyoming lands. Put up drilling Bond 5,000.00 required by Government to drill in Spring Valley section on Govt. Permit. (Bottom line cut off)
Sunday 14 Beautiful weather. Put up box for Blue birds to nest in--Hope they Occupy it Attended S.S. at Yale. Was invited to occupy seat on the stand, notwithstanding objections of Bro. Joseph Fielding
Monday 15 Arbor day. Let girls off 1/3 day. Worked in garden at home. Working on oil lands matter. Behling started for Green River after tools
Tuesday 16 Negotiating with Bishopberger for sale of Refinery. He wired me from St. George. Also getting fixed up on Wyoming lands.
Wednesday 17 Received authority from Government to begin drilling on Wyoming Permit near Brigham Young Spring. Working on land matters.
Thursday 18 Rained some. Working on Wyoming lands.
Saturday 20: Rained all day yesterday. Clear and cool today. Working on Wyoming lands. Bishopberger in regarding Virgin lease. Wants to get Robinette out or get out himself. It is his trouble, not mine. Wrote Congressman Colton about Goverments thieving policy and Permit question. The government cannot steal from its people and prosper, any more than an individual can. The test of Democracy is now upon us. Will it endure much longer? Not unless men become righteous and live the law of God of "Love thy neighbor as thyself." For selfishness and Pride we will have to pay the price. We boast of controlling the money of the world. Our boasting will bring us disaster, We cannot exist .... (Bottom line gone)
A third of the men of the earth will be slain! What horrible scenes will follow! Men will cry for the mountains to fall upon them to hide those scenes from their eyes and to end their sufferings! We are crying peace, but there shall be no peace until wickedness ceases! War! War!! Awful war is coming to destroy all nations. Get out of debt. Get what capital you can and where it will be safe. Provide food stuff a year ahead--two years if possible. Stand in holy places and serve the Lord. This is the only salvation. The wicked will slay the wicked and Satan will rule over his own dominion--those who follow the world. The more righteous will come to him for safety. The Saints must repent or they will be destroyed. God will send one Mighty and Strong "to set His church in order" and lead his people out of bondage. But many will apostatize and go down. Only the righteous will survive. What .... (Bottom line gone)