New Physics: Sae Mulli
The Korean Physical Society
Manuscript Title: ______
Author(s): (print all the names in full) ______
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I (We) confirm that every author of the above-mentioned manuscript has agreed to its submission to New Physics: Sae Mulli. I (We) also confirm that this material is my (our) original work, has not been published before, and is not currently considered for any other journals. I (We) hereby assign to The Korean Physical Society the copyright concerning the above-mentioned manuscript, effective when and if the manuscript is accepted for publication.I (We) confirm that manuscript followed the code of ethics established by this journal.Ethical statement of New Physics: Sae Mulli is as follows:
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I sign this document as the corresponding author, having obtained consents from all the other co-authors of this manuscript.
Date: ______Manuscript number: ______
Name of the corresponding author: ______
Signature of the corresponding author: ______
on behalf of all co-authors (if any)