Dear Instructor: Please adapt this template to your needs, retaining these essential elements. Highlighted text is informational only and should be deleted. Sections will expand as you type. Please be certain that your Grade Policy is comprehensive. Attendance cannot be used to determine course grades.
Course Information such as: INF 125.M1 Introduction to Personal Computers
Semester, Class Day & time such as:Spring Semester 2009 Monday 12:30 – 3:00 PM
Instructor& contact info, such as:JQ Professor
Course description copied & pasted from Catalog at such as: An overview of personal computers, including hardware, operating system, and application software, emphasizing hands-on experience with computer applications. This course may be waived if student contacts the Dean of the College to demonstrate appropriate competencies within the first 12 credit hours taken at Chatfield. Meets General Education Core Requirements.
Text (see Susan Byrnside at Chatfield Hall) & other required materials, such as:Text: Microsoft Applications, Jones, 2nd Ed. 2009
Learning Outcomes taught or practiced: Examples: Analyzing and synthesizing information, utilizing computer applications and evaluating, integrating & communicating relevant information from a variety of sources.
Useful Resources: Measureable verbs ; Objectives Builder Resource:
Course-Level Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Course: These are learning outcomes that will be assessed (and for which progress will be reported), which contribute to success in the course, and which are specific to the course and its content.
Area-Level Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Course: These are learning outcomes that will be assessed (and for which progress will be reported), which contribute to success in the course, and which are common to more than one course in an area, such as English, Sociology, History, etc.
College-Level Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Course: Cut & Paste from Faculty Room at These are learning outcomes that will be assessed, and which contribute to success in the course (and for which progress will be reported). There are currently 6 college-level learning outcomes, and every course MUST address at least one of those outcomes.
Outcome Performance Measures and Grade Policy: List Tests, Quizes, Papers, Labs or other measures d with total points or percent of final Grade, with point or % range for A,B,C,D,F
Minimum Performance requirements for Grade of “C” or higher. This performance “benchmark” should provide clear evidence of attained student competency in course specific knowledge and skills.
Attendance Policy and effect on Course Grade: Note that attendance may not be used as a positive contributor to grades in a course.
Other policies, if any: Examples might be Cell Phones, Laptops, eating & drinking if applicable
Class Calendar Cells will expand as they are typed. Cell width may also be adjusted as needed.
For Evaluation column, indicate the learning outcomes (included above) that will be assessed
Class Date Content Readings /Homework Activities Evaluation
ADA Statement:
If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the Campus Dean and Instructor during the first week of Class.
Credit Compliance:
The minimum standards required for the award of credit are based on an expectation that students will complete 2 hours of work outside the classroom, studio or other instructional setting for each hour spent in the instructional setting.
Revised January 2018