Current as of 26 May 2016
MCR LTER Publications
Journal Articles (301 plus 15 In Revision or In Review)
In Press (10)
Bramanti, L. and P.J. Edmunds. In Press. Density-associated recruitment mediates coral population dynamics on a coral reef. Coral Reefs.
Cinner, J.E., C. Huchery, M.A. MacNeil, N.A.J. Graham, T.R. McClanahan, J. Maina, E. Maire, J. Kittinger, C.C. Hicks, C. Mora, E. Allison, S. D’Agata, A. Hoey, D. Feary, L. Crowder, I. Williams, M. Kulbicki, L. Vigliola, L. Wantiez, G. Edgar, R. Stuart-Smith, S.A. Sandin, A. Green, M. Hardt, M. Beger, A. Friedlander, S.J. Campbell, K.E. Holmes, S.K. Wilson, E. Brokovich, A.J. Brooks, J.J. Cruz-Motta, D.J. Booth, P. Chabanet, C. Gough, M. Tupper, S.C.A. Ferse, U. Rashid Sumaila and D. Mouillot. In Press. Bright spots among the world’s coral reefs. Nature.
Clausing, R.J. and P. Fong. In Press. Environmental variability drives rapid and dramatic changes in nutrient limitation of tropical macroalgae with different ecological strategies. Coral Reefs.
Comeau, S., R.C. Carpenter and P.J. Edmunds. In Press. Effects of pCO2 on photosynthesis and respiration of tropical scleractinian corals and calcified algae. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Comeau, S., R.C. Carpenter, C.A. Lantz and P.J. Edmunds. In Press. Parameterization of the response of calcification to temperature and pCO2 in the coral Acropora pulchra and the alga Lithophyllum kotschyanum. Coral Reefs.
Edmunds, P.J., S. Comeau, C.A. Lantz, A. Andersson, C. Briggs, A. Cohen, J.-P. Gattuso, J.M. Grady, K. Gross, M. Johnson, E.B. Muller, J.B. Ries, S. Tambutté, E. Tambutté, A. Venn and R.C. Carpenter. In Press. Integrating the effects of ocean acidification across functional scales on tropical coral reefs. BioScience.
Edmunds, P.J. and J.J. Leichter. In Press. Spatial scale-dependent vertical zonation of coral reef community structure in French Polynesia. Ecosphere.
EvensenN.R. and P.J. Edmunds.In Press. Interactive effects of ocean acidificationand neighboring corals on the growth ofPocilloporaverrucosa.Marine Biology.
Han, X., T.C. Adam, R.J. Schmitt, A.J. Brooks and S.J. Holbrook. In Press. Response of herbivore functional groups to sequential perturbations in Moorea, French Polynesia. Coral Reefs.
Tootell J.S. and M.A. Steele. In Press. Distribution, behavior, and condition of herbivorous fishes on coral reefs track algal resources. Oecologia.
2016 (10)
Brown, D. and P.J. Edmunds. 2016. Differences in the responses of three scleractinians and the hydrocoral Millepora platyphylla to ocean acidification. Marine Biology 163:62.
Comeau S., C.A. Lantz, P.J. Edmunds and R.C. Carpenter.2016. Framework of barrierreefs threatened by oceanacidification.Global Change Biology 22:1225-1234.
Davies, N., D. Field, D. Gavaghan, S.J. Holbrook, S. Planes, M. Troyer, M. Bonsall, J. Claudet, G. Roderick , R.J. Schmitt, L. Amaral Zettler,V. Berteaux, H.C. Bossin, C. Cabasse, A. Collin, J. Deck, T. Dell, J. Dunne, R. Gates, M. Harfoot, J.L. Hench, M. Hopuare, P. Kirch, G. Kotoulas, A. Kosenkov, A. Kusenko, J.J. Leichter, H. Lenihan, A. Magoulas, N. Martinez, C. Meyer, B. Stoll, B. Swalla, D.M. Tartakovsky, H.T. Murphy, S. Turyshev, F. Valdvinos, R. Williams, S. Wood. 2016. Simulating social-ecological systems: the Island Digital Ecosystem Avatars (IDEA) consortium. Gigascience 5:14.
Edmunds, P.J., J.J. Leichter, E.C. Johnston, E.J. Tong and R.J. Toonen.2016. Ecological andgenetic variation in reef-building corals on four Society Islands. Limnology and Oceanography 61:543-557.
Hanson, K.M., E.L. Schnarr and J.J. Leichter. 2016. Non-random feeding enhances the contribution of oceanic zooplankton to the diet of the planktivorous coral reef fish Dascyllus flavicaudus. Marine Biology 163:77.
Jacobson, L.M., P.J. Edmunds, E.B. Muller and R.M. Nisbet. 2016. The implications of reduced metabolic rate in resource-limited corals. Journal of Experimental Biology 219:870-877.
Leenhardt, P., M. Lauer, R.M. Moussa, S.J. Holbrook, A. Rassweiler, R.J. Schmitt and J. Claudet. 2016. Complexities and uncertainties in transitioning small-scale coral reef fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:70.
Putnam, H.M., Davidson, J. and R.D. Gates. 2016. Ocean acidification influences DNA methylation and phenotypic plasticity in environmentally susceptible corals. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56 (Supplement 1):e177-e177.
Sogin, E.M., H.M. Putnam, P.E. Anderson and R.D. Gates. 2016. Metabolomic signatures of increases in temperature and ocean acidification from the reef-building coral, Pocillopora damicornis. Metabolomics 12:UNSP 71.
Sternberg, D.R., H.R. Nelson and P.J. Edmunds. 2016. Asexual budding and aggregated spatial distribution of fungiid corals from disturbed reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56 (Supplement 1):e212-e212.
2015 (21)
Andersson, A.J., D.I. Kline, P.J. Edmunds, S.D. Archer, N. Bednarsek, R.C Carpenter, M. Chadsey, P. Goldstein, A.G. Grottoli, T.P. Hurst, A.L. King, J.E. Kubler, I.B. Kuffner, K.R.M. Mackey, B.A. Menge, A. Paytan, U. Riebesell, A. Schnetzer, M.E. Warner and R.C Zimmerman. 2015. Understanding ocean acidification on organismal to ecological scales. Oceanography.28:16-27.
Beijbom, O., P.J. Edmunds, C. Roelfsema, J. Smith, D.I. Kline, B.P. Neal, M.J. Dunlap, V. Moriarty, T-Y Fan, C.-J. Tan, S. Chan, T. Treibitz, A. Gamst, B.G. Mitchell and D. Kriegman. 2015. Towards automated annotation of benthic survey images: Variability of human experts and operational modes of automation. PLoS One 10:e0130312.
Bramanti, L., M. Iannelli, T.-Y. Fan and P.J. Edmunds. 2015. Using demographic models to project the effects of climate change on scleractinian corals: Pocillopora damicornis as a case study. Coral Reefs 34:505-515.
Brewin, R.J.W., S. Sathyendranath, D. Muller, C. Brockmann, P.Y. Deschamps, E. Devred, R. Doerffer, N.Fomferra, B. Franz, M. Grant, S. Groom, A. Horseman, C. Hu, H. Krasemann, Z. Lee, S. Maritorena, F. Meelin, M. Peters, T. Platt, P. Regner, T. Smyth, F. Steinmetz, J. Swinton, J. Werdell, G.N. White III. 2015. The ocean colour climate change initiative: III. A round-robin comparison on in-water bio-optical algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment 162:271-294.
Brown, A. and R.C. Carpenter. 2015. Water flow influences the mechanisms and outcomes of interactions between massive Porites and coral reef algae. Marine Biology 162:459-468.
Comeau, S., R.C. Carpenter, C.A. Lantz and P.J. Edmunds. 2015. Ocean acidification accelerates dissolution of experimental coral reef communities. Biogeosciences 12:365-372.
Edmunds, P.J., R. Steneck, R. Albright, R.C. Carpenter, A.P.Y. Chui, T.-Y.Fan, S. Harii, H. Kitano, H. Kurihara, L. Legendre, S. Mitarai, S. Muko, Y. Nozawa, J. Padillo-Gamino, N.N. Price, K. Sakai, G. Suzuki, M.J.H. vanOppen, A. Yarid and R.D. Gates. 2015. Geographic variation in long-term trajectories of change in coral recruitment: a global-to-local perspective. Marine and Freshwater Research 66:609-622.
Evensen, N.R., P.J. Edmunds and K. Sakai.2015. Effects of pCO2on spatial competition between the coralsMontiporaaequituberculataand Poriteslutea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 541:123-134.
Forsman, Z., G.M. Wellington, G.E. Fox and R.J. Toonen. 2015. Clues to unraveling the coral species problem: distinguishing species from geographic variation in Porites across the Pacific with molecular markers and microskeletal traits. PeerJ 3:e751.
Gibbon, E.M., H.M. Putnam, R.D. Gates, M.R. Nitschke and S.K. Davy. 2015. Species-specific differences in thermal tolerance may define susceptibility to intracellular acidosis in reef corals. Marine Biology 162:717-723.
Herdman, L.M.M., J.L. Hench and S.G. Monismith. 2015. Heat balances and thermally-driven lagoon-ocean exchanges on a tropical coral reef system (Moorea, French Polynesia). Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans) 120:1233-1252.
Holbrook, S.J., R.J. Schmitt, V. Messmer, A.J. Brooks, M. Srinivasan, P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones. 2015. Reef fishes in biodiversity hotspots are at greatest risk from loss of coral species. PLoS One 10:e0124054.
Kearney, M.R., T. Domingos and R. Nisbet. 2015. Dynamic energy budget theory: An efficient and general theory for ecology. Biological Bulletin 65:341-341.
Lenihan, H.S., J.L. Hench, S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt and M. Potoski. 2015. Hydrodynamics influence coral performance through simultaneous direct and indirect effects. Ecology 96:1540-1549.
Putnam, H.M. and R.D. Gates. 2015. Preconditioning in the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis and the potential for trans-generational acclimatization in coral larvae under future climate change conditions. Journal of Experimental Biology 218:2365-2372.
Rivest, E.B. and T.C. Gouhier. 2015. Complex environmental forcing across the biogeographical range of coral populations. PLoS One 10:e0121742.
Rivest, E.B. and G.E. Hofmann. 2015. Effects of temperature and high pCO2 on lipid use and biological parameters of planulae of Pocillopora damicornis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 473:43-52.
Roth, M.S., J.L. Padilla-Gamino, X. Pochon, R.R. Bidigare, R.D. Gates, C.M. Smith and H.L. Spalding. 2015. Fluorescent proteins in dominant mesophotic reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 521:63-79.
Treibitz, T., B.P. Neal, D.I. Kline, O. Beijbom, P.L.D. Roberts, B.G. Mitchell and D. Kriegman. 2015. Wide field-of-view fluorescence imaging of coral reefs. Scientific Reports 5:7694.
Tsounis, G., H. Lasker and P.J. Edmunds. 2015. Octocoral success in degrading reefs: A case study in St. John, US Virgin Islands. In: Proceedings of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. West Palm Beach, FL. Integrative and Comparative Biology 55 (Supplement 1):E186-E186.
vanOppen, M.J.H., J.K. Oliver, H.M. Putnam and R.D. Gates. 2015. Building coral reef resilience through assisted evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:2307-2313.
2014 (44)
Adam, T.C., A.J. Brooks, S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt, L. Washburn and G. Bernardi. 2014. How will coral reef fish communities respond to climate-driven disturbances? Insight from landscape-scale perturbations. Oecologia 176:285–296.
Antoine, D., M. Babin, J.F. Berthon, A. Bricaud, B. Gentili, H. Loisel, S. Maritorena and D. Stramski. 2014. Shedding light on the sea: André Morel’s legacy to optical oceanography. Annual Review of Marine Science 6:1-21.
Beijbom, O., M. Saberian, D. Kriegman and N. Vasconcelos. 2014. Guess Averse Loss functions for cost-sensitive multiclass boosting. In: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Beijing, China 2014. Xing, E.P. and T. Jebara Eds. Journal of Machine Learning Research, Workshop and Conference Proceeding Volume 32. 9 Pp.
Bowen, B.W., K. Shanker, N. Yasuda, M.C.D. Malay, S. von der Heyden, G. Paulay, L.A. Rocha, K.A. Selkoe, P.H. Barber, S.T. Williams, H.A. Lessios, E.D. Crandall, G. Bernardi, C.P. Meyer, K.E. Carpenter and R.J. Toonen. 2014. Phylogeography unplugged: Comparative surveys in the genomic era. Bulletin of Marine Science 90: 13-46.
Byrne, M. and G.E. Hofmann. 2014. Calcification in a changing ocean: Perspectives on a virtual symposium in the Biological Bulletin. Biological Bulletin 226:167-168.
Cameron C. and P.J. Edmunds. 2014. Effects simulated fish predation on small colonies of massive Porites spp. and Pocillopora meandrina. Marine Ecology Progress Series 508:139-148.
Clausing, R.J., C. Annunziata, G. Baker, C. Lee, S.J. Bittick and P. Fong. 2014. Effects of sediment depth on algal turf height are mediated by interactions with fish herbivory on a fringing reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series 517:121-129.
Comeau, S., R.C. Carpenter and P.J. Edmunds. 2014. Effects of irradiance on the response of the coral Acropora pulchra and the calcifying alga Hydrolithon reinboldii to temperature elevation and ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 453:28-35.
Comeau S., R.C. Carpenter, Y. Nojiri, H.M. Putnam, K. Sakai and P.J. Edmunds. 2014. Pacific-wide contrast highlights resistance of reef calcifiers to ocean acidification. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 281:20141339.
Comeau S., P.J. Edmunds, C.A. Lantz and R.C. Carpenter. 2014. Water flow modulates the response of coral reef communities to ocean acidification. Nature Scientific Reports 4:6681.
Comeau, S., P.J. Edmunds, N.B. Spindel and R.C. Carpenter. 2014. Fast coral reef calcifiers are more sensitive to ocean acidification in short-term laboratory incubations. Limnology and Oceanography 59:1081-1091.
Comeau, S., P.J. Edmunds, N.B. Spindel and R.C. Carpenter. 2014. Diel pCO2 oscillations modulate the response of the coral Acropora hyacinthus to ocean acidification. Marine Ecology Progress Series 501:99-111.
Dornelas, M., N.J. Gotelli, B. McGill, H. Shimadzu, F. Moyes, C. Sievers and A.E. Magurran. 2014. Assemblage time series reveal biodiversity change but not systematic loss. Science 344:296-299.
Edmunds, P.J. 2014. Is acclimation beneficial to scleractinian corals, Porites spp.? Marine Biology 161:1531-1542.
Edmunds, P.J. 2014. Large numbers of Acropora palmata grow in shallow water in St. John, US Virgin Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science 90:999-1000.
Edmunds, P.J. 2014. Landscape-scale variation in coral reef community structure in the United States Virgin Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 509:137-152.
Edmunds P.J., M. Adjeroud, M.L. Baskett, I.B. Baums, A.F. Budd, R.C. Carpenter, N. Fabina, T.-Y. Fan, E.C. Franklin, K. Gross, X. Han, L. Jacobson, J.S. Klaus, T.R. McClanahan, J.K. O’Leary, M.J.H. van Oppen, X. Pochon, H.M. Putnam, T.B. Smith, M.I. Stat, H. Sweatman, R. van Woesik, and R.D. Gates. 2014. Persistence and change in community composition of reef corals through past, present, and future climates. PLoS One 9:e107525.
Edmunds, P. J., S.C. Burgess, H.M. Putnam, M.L. Baskett, L. Bramanti, N.S. Fabina, X. Han, M.P. Lesser, J.S. Madin, C.B. Wall, D.M. Yost and R.D. Gates. 2014. Evaluating the causal basis of ecological success within the scleractinia: an integral projection model approach. Marine Biology 161:2719-2734.
Edmunds, P.J. and S.C. Gray. 2014. The effects of storms, heavy rain, and sedimentation on the shallow coral reefs of St. John, US Virgin Islands. Hydrobiologia 734:143-158.
Edmunds, P.J., Y. Nozawa and R.D. Villanueva. 2014. Refuges modulate coral recruitment in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 454:78-84.
Edmunds, P.J., X. Pochon, D.R. Levitan, D.M. Yost, M. Belcaid, H.M. Putnam and R.D. Gates. 2014. Long-term changes in Symbiodinium communities in Orbicella annularis in St. John, US Virgin Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 506:129-144.
Edmunds, P.J. and C.B. Wall. 2014. Evidence that high pCO2 affects protein metabolism in tropical corals. Biological Bulletin 227:68-77.
Gibbin, E.M., H.M. Putnam, S.K. Davy and R.D. Gates. 2014. Intracellular pH and its response to CO2-driven seawater acidification in symbiotic versus non-symbiotic coral cells. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:1963-1969.
Gowan, J.C., J.S. Tootell and R.C. Carpenter. 2014. The effects of water flow and sedimentation on interactions between massive Porites and algal turf. Coral Reefs 33:651-663.
Hillard, H. and R.C. Carpenter. 2014. Acidification and algae: do they have interactive effects on corals? In: Proceedings of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Austin, TX. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54 (Supplement 1):E91-E91.
Johnson, M., V. Moriarty, and R.C. Carpenter. 2014. Acclimatization of the crustose coraline alga Porolithon onkodes to variable pCO2. PLoS One 9:e87678.
Kelly, L.W., G. J. Williams, K.L. Barott, C.A. Carlson, E.A. Dinsdale, R.A. Edwards, A.F. Haas, M. Haynes, Y.W. Lim, T. McDole, C.E. Nelson, E. Sala, S.A. Sandin, J.E. Smith, M.J.A. Vermeij, M. Youle and F. Rohwer. 2014. Local genomic adaption of coral and algal-associated microbiomes to gradients of natural variability and anthropogenic stressors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:10227-10232.