Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy

International Baccalaureate World School

Creating caring and responsible classrooms!

School Handbook


Faculty & Staff

Resource Handbook

Table of Contents

Mission/Vision Statement


Support Team

Need help?


Absences (Faculty & Staff)

Attendance Policy (Students)

Accidents/Sickness (Student)

Accidents (Faculty & Staff)

Announcements (PA)



Building Departure of Staff (During School Hours)

Building Security


Change of Address/Telephone Numbers

Classroom Interruption Policy

Classroom Supplies/Materials

Code of Conduct – Discipline


Drug Policy


Early Dismissal

Electronic Devices Policy

Emergency (During the Day)

Emergency Substitute Coverage Plan


Field Trips

Fire Drills




Guest Speakers


Hall Supervision

Honor Roll


IB/MYP Assessment Policy

International Baccalaureate Program

In School Suspension





Learner Profiles (IB)






Nurse’s Office


Office Protocols


Parent Conferences (Individual)





Removal of Student From Class Procedure

Report Cards and Marking Period Ending Dates


School-wide Positive Behavior Strategies (SWPBS)

Security – Building


Stamps/U.S. Mail

Substitute Teacher Folder

Staff Lounge

Student Sports

Supervision of Students


Textbook Checkout Procedures

Times and Related Responsibilities


Uniform Policy




WildcatChat – School Bulletin

X- Z

911 Calls

Additional Information & Forms

Activity Approval Form

Basic Classroom Supply Needs Form

Emergency Response

Fundraising Approval Form

PA Announcement

Request for Absence Form

Supply Order/Request Form

Time Schedule

Visitor Verification

Voice-mail User Guide

Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy

International Baccalaureate World School

200 Genesee Street

Rochester, New York 14611

Phone: 585-463-4100

School Mission Statement

We believe in:

Excellence for all students in all aspects of their development

School Vision

The Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy students, parents, faculty and staff are committed to providing and participating in a rigorous academic program that ensures that all students are prepared to be responsible productive citizens. We are committed to creating an environment that promotes academic excellence, fosters an active appreciation of all cultures and develops students’ senses of personal responsibility.

And for all of us, we envision Wilson Foundation Academy to be a place where we are challenged and supported in such a fundamental way that we become true caring contributors in school and in the broader community.

School Motto

“The Wilson Way”

We are respectful, we are responsible, and we are safe

Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy

International Baccalaureate World School


Dr. Deasure A. Matthew

Assistant PrincipalAssistant Principal

Julie RoselliDavid Dorsey

Athletic Director Cord. Spec. Educ. (CASE)

Joseph LaPietra Tiffany Anderson


Robin LaVergne Mary McClary-Hill Christine Klehamer

Office 242x2450 Office 44 x 4441Office12 x4120

Jamie Collins

Office 213 x2130


Amy McLaughlin TBD

School SecretaryCafeteria ManagerSchool Engineer

Vickie Dames Pamela Robinson Ariel Bauza

X4350X 4430X 4850

7th-8th Grade House OfficeRecords/Attendance ClerkLibrarian

Alzalia Collins Annette KellyMathew Knope

X 2420X4041X 2570

School NurseNurse Assistant

Wendy Kimble Donna Kocienski


Parent LiaisonHelpdesk



Absences (Faculty & Staff)

Please review your ASAR, BENTE, RAP AND RTA contracts for procedures for requesting personal leave days for personal business, religious observances, vacation or family illness. Please submit a Request for Absence form (See Forms Section or from any office or SharePoint) three days in advance of personal leave or vacation requests.

Please do not leave a message regarding your absence with anyone other than the appropriate administrator responsible for sub coverage.

BENTE and RAP employees are required to input their absence in PeopleSoft time and labor upon their return from an absence. Failure to do this will delay your paycheck by a payroll period.

Paraprofessionals: If you are unable to report to work, please call Tiffany Anderson by 6:00 am the day of an illness.

School Safety Officers: If you are unable to report to work, please call David Dorsey by 5:00 am the day of an illness.

Teachers: If you know you will be out the night before, please call or text Julie Roselli by 8:00 pm, no later. If you know before leaving school you will need the next day off, please complete the Request for Absence form. Please call Julie Roselli on her cell phone before 2:00 PM the day of an absence to inform herif you will NOT be returning to school the next day. Morning illness calls should be made by 6:00AM.

Custodial Staff: Please call Ariel Bauza for a same day absence. First shift needs to call by 6:00 am. Second shift needs to call before 9am on the day of the absence.

Clerical Staff: Please call Vickie Dames for same day absences. If you know ahead of time, use the Request for Absence form.

Attendance POLICY (Students)

Taking accurate and timely attendance is a legalrequirement for all teachers, as well as an educationally sound practice and important safety issue.

•Attendance must be recorded first thing in the morning for primary teachers.

•Attendance must be recorded within first 10 minutes for all 7th/8th grade teachers.

•Unsubmitted Attendance is checked at noon AND at the end of the day.

•Lockout at midnight.

•Please contact Ms. Annette Kelly if you have any questions/concerns about attendance.

Parents must be notified after three class absences in any marking period.

(Messages left on an answering machine do not constitute a personal contact.)

Parents should always confer with subject area teacher when attendance concerns arise.

Make-up opportunities are to be requested by students on their return to school and must be provided by the teachers. The students must return make-up work to the teacher within ten school days after returning to school. Students should be encouraged, however, to make up work as early in the ten-day period as possible.

Regardless of a school’s scheduling design (single or block), an absence from class constitutes one class absence.

A student may only be marked absent if he/she is absent for the entire class period.

AccidentS/sickness (Student)

In case of minor injury or accident, call the nurse’s office(X4210). Send the student to the Nurse’s Office with a pass(and escort if needed)that includes the student’s name and what happened.

If a major injury occurs, notify the nurse (X4210) immediately.

If an accident report is required, the Nurse will notify you. See flow chart below.

All students sent must have a pass and a note stating the student’s name and nature of the illness to go to the nurse’s office.

Do not call parents to take a sick student home. Only the nurse or an administrator can make that decision.

The form for pupil injury can be found in the nurse’s office. If you witness a student injury please fill out a pupil injury form IMMEDIATLEY. The insurance company only gives us 10 days from the incident to fill the form out and for me to send it to the parents to have them fill out their information. Then the parent has to send it to BlueCross. Again we only have 10 days to complete all the paperwork, so PLEASE make sure if you fill out a form to return it to Main Office.

Accidents (Faculty & Staff)

All accidents must be reported to the office immediately. If medical care is necessary, call the office or report to the nurse’s office.

An “Accident Report” must be completed on the same day.

A “Workman’s Compensation Injury” form is mandatory and must be completed and submitted to the Principalthe day of the injury.

Any assaults on staff must be followed by completion of a “Workman’s Compensation” form. An incident form must also be completed.


The Pledge and announcements will begin each morning at 8:40am.

Announcements for the day must be submitted by 7:30 am using the “PA Announcement” form located on the counter inmain office and in the House Office 210. Messages must be brief and apply to the whole school. Place messages in the basket on the counter inside House Office 210. After school announcements must be written up and given to Julie Roselli by 1:15 pm.

Students should be quiet and attentive during the announcements.

All students must stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, unless there are religious reasons for abstaining.

Remind students that if they are in the hallway during this time, they must stop and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, then go to class.


Use of auditorium or cafeteria is scheduled through Ms. Alzalia Collins in 7th/8th grade House Office. All assemblies will be announced as soon as arrangements have been made. Students must be escorted to the auditorium as a class, sit as a class and will be excused as a class if the students are not conducting themselves in the ‘Wilson Way’.

BUILDING DEPARTURE OF STAFF (during school hours)

During school hours, staff must notify their immediate supervisor prior to leaving the building andsign out/ in in staff log located in the main office. Attending a CSE, District business, long-term hearings, conducting a home visit or running an errand are common reasons for leaving the building during the school day.


All school entrance doors will remain locked. Please use your pass to gain access.

Classroom doors are to be locked whenever the teacher and students are not present.

Classroom doors should be unlocked during instruction.

Valuables must be locked in a closet or file cabinet.

Money collected from students for student activity funds only must be given to Vickie Dames on a daily basis and kept in the school safe. She will give a receipt for the money.

Visitors to the school must sign the Visitor’s Book, at the reception desk, be issued a pass and escorted to the pre-determined destination. Staff will be notified by phone if someone is coming to visit. Please use the “Visitor” form to communicate that you are expecting a guest speaker, parent or volunteer. Turn the form into the security desk as soon as possible.

Do not open the entrance doors for anyone. Allowthe front desk and office to use the security system. TALK WITH STUDENTS ABOUT THIS PROCEDURE.

When entering/leaving the building, be sure that the door is securely locked behind you. Please do not allow students to enter with you. They must go through scanning at Exit 1.

Keep the inside of your car clear of any valuables to avoid break-ins.


Please keep staff information updated.

1)Change your personal information in PeopleSoft.

2)Fill out the “Staff Personal Information Form” and return to the Main Office.


Any student arriving late to a classroom will be admitted into the room. Students arriving late for class must have a passwith a legitimate signature of an appropriate staff member. If the student is late and does not have a pass, s/he still must be admitted into the classroom and classroom and/or school-wide expectations will be applied. DO NOT SEND STUDENT TO OFFICE!

Any visitor, as defined by the Building Committee as a person who is not a student, staff member, or daily building employee of Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy shall observe the following rules for entering and observing classrooms:

  1. 24 hour notice will be given to the teacher and administrator who will in turn notify the Principal in writing of any classroom observations.
  2. All visitors will be escorted by a teacher, administrator, or SSO during their time in the building.
  3. All electronic devices shall be turned off while inside the classroom.

Should a staff member need to reach a student while a student is in class, every attempt should be made to physically walk to the classroom and talk to the student personally rather than using the phone to relay personal messages. Phone calls are more disruptive to other students and teachers. Parent messages will be delivered during the last five minutes of class.

RTA Contract

Section 9c:2

Classroom interruptions should be kept to a minimum. Recognizing that class time is intended to be used for the instruction of students, the Building Committee in each school, with input from the school’s parent organizations (or parents) develop procedures to ensure that unscheduled classroom visits do not occur. Such procedures will be filed annually with the District Central Office and RTA by June 30th proceeding each school year. This provision is no intended to prevent parents from visiting their child’s classrooms when such visits are scheduled in advance.


A copy of the supply request form is in the appendices.

Complete a supply request form and submit it to the appropriate house office.

House Office 2nd Floor South Side:All 7th/8th grade teachers, classrooms on 2nd floor

Main Office:All Primary grade teachers, classrooms on 1st floor


Wilson Foundation Academy has agreed to use the School-Wide Positive Behavior Strategies (SWPBS) Program as its school discipline management plan. Use of ISS/OSS/LTS and LyncX Academywill be considered based on offense and at discretion of administration. The RCSD Code of Conduct is located on SharePoint and Main Office.


  1. Any suspicion/evidence of the sale or exchange of drugs should be reported to an administrator or SSOI immediately.
  2. Grounds for suspicion of drugs can result in
  3. Long-term suspension
  4. Arrest


1. If a student has a note:

  • 7th/8th Graders: The student should report to the House Office in the morning and Ms. Collins will verify with parent. The student will be given a pass right before s/he leaves school.
  • Primary Grades: Classroom teacher will notify Ms. Dames in Main Office and Ms. Kelly in Attendance Office.

2. If a student is ill:

The student must see the nurse. The nurse may dismiss. If the nurse does not dismiss, the student should return to his/her class.

3. If a student wants to be dismissed and has no note:

The student should go to the appropriate House Office where the appropriate staff person will verify dismissal with parent/guardian. In questionable cases, the secretary will refer the matter to an available administrator for approval.

Once permission to dismiss is confirmed, the House Office will send the student to the Attendance Office for the Attendance Office to provide the pass and dismiss the student. (When the Attendance Office is closed for lunch the student will receive his/her pass from the House Office.)


If the regular house office secretary is not at her desk (either is absent or on a break), the student should go to the Attendance Office. If the Attendance Office is not staffed, the student should go to the Main Office. Substitute clerical MAY NOT verify early dismissals.


Electronic DevicesPolicy

Adopted August 2012

(Includes, but not limited to, cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, video games, etc.)


  • Collections will be done prior to scholars being scanned
  • Boxes will be filled with individual envelopes labeled with scholars’ names and ID #s. These will be organized in alphabetical order

COLLECTION: Adult will clarify scholar’s name, take electronic device and insert into individually labeled envelopes. At 7:50, the boxes will be brought to the main office where they will be secured in the school vault until dismissal.

LATE ARRIVALS: Scholars will be scanned; safety officer (SSO) will take any electronic device and bring to the main office. SSO will give the labeled device to the main office secretary to insert into the appropriate scholar envelope located in the school vault.

SCHOLARS ARRIVING after 10:30AM: SSO at Front Desk collects devices after scholars go through scanning. Scholars write name and on envelope which is later picked up by school rep before dismissal

SHOES BEEPING: Scholars are expected to provide staff member at front table with any electronic devices on their person. Devices found in shoes or hidden in bags are treated as concealed devices.

CONCEALED DEVICES: Devices hidden on scholars (in shoes, under clothing, in bags, etc.)


Items that are detected after scanning process will be collected by an administrator. The parent/guardian will be called and will be expected to pickup the concealed electronic device(s).

Repeat offenders or scholars having to go through multiple scans before giving up or having their device confiscated will be assigned a consequence by a school administrator. This same action will occur if a scholar refuses to give up a detected device.


Devices collected via building policy and expectations are returned at the end of the schoolday in a designated location by a staff member.


See plan – appendices.

In the case of an emergency, it is our collective responsibility to ensure the safety of our scholars and each other. An emergency situation that requires a lockdown or restricted movement applies to everyone. Adults are not exempt from the expectations. These expectations are:

  • Immediately close the door to you classroom.
  • Remain where you are unless redirected by an administrator or school safety officer.
  • Do not open the door for any reason. You have no way of really knowing who is attempting to gain entry.
  • If you are outside of the building, you may not re-enter.
  • If you are inside the building, you may not leave.
  • Have a back-up plan for your family and personal needs. It is possible that you could be unavailable for an extended period of time.
  • Do not send e-mails or make phone calls that are not of an emergency nature.

Any one of these expectations may be relaxed as the situation unfolds. If that is the case, we would inform staff by an authorized PA announcement.