SOLICITUD (Application) 2015-2016

Joseph Adams Scholarships for high school seniors in SHH

(Must be in the Sociedad for at least one full year)

Due to Sra. Barba-Minor by November 13

Each year the National Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica awards twelve $2,000 and forty-eight $1,000 scholarships to graduating senior class members of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (throughout the U.S.) who have shown evidence of high achievement in Spanish or Portuguese throughout high school.

Each chapter is only permitted to submit one application. All of our Sociedad applicants will be informed by the end of November if they have or have not been selected to represent our school as our school’s “applicant” for a possible scholarship. The chosen student’s name and information will be submitted to the AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). The AATSP will notify the Sociedad Advisor in February if their student received one of the 60 scholarships offered for Sociedad members across the United States.


  1. High school Senior of SHH who is currently enrolled in Spanish and has been in the Sociedad for at least a year.
  2. Good standing of the AATSP & SHH
  3. One application per chapter is allowed. This will be chosen by Spanish teachers.
  4. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

TYPED ESSAY IN SPANISH: The essay must be formatted using Times New Roman 12 point font and be double spaced. This is where you are to stand out: give specifics with lots of details and personalize if you can in some areas. You should be proficient (include different tenses, subjunctive, transitional words, thorough, details etc. (please attach).

Topic: Como ciudadano del siglo XXI, explica de qué manera usarías lo que has aprendido en tus clases de español para ser un mejor ciudadano global y contribuir a tu comunidad.

IF YOU GET CHOSEN TO REPRESENT SHS AS AN APPLICANT THEN YOU WILL NEED TO VIDEO TAPE AN INTERVIEW OF YOURSELF AND YOUR SPANISH TEACHER (before December):you are to discuss the following topic: Hoy en día las razones para aprender otro idioma son múltiples. ¿Cuáles son las motivaciones que te llevan a continuar aprendiendo el español? (This video will eventually be uploaded on youtube with permission with anyone to link to view.)

If you get selected to be the applicant to represent Strongsville High School and the Sociedad, (1) you will need to have a copy of an official school transcript (2) signed letter of recommendation from Spanish teacher or SHH sponsor (3) official AATSP application form including appropriate signatures (4) signed letter of recommendation from someone outside student’s family (5) Typed up list of extra-curricular activities (6) essay in Spanish (7) YouTube link of your interview with your Spanish teacher (you mainly speaking)


Primer Nombre: ______Apellido (last name):______

Número telefónico de domicilio: ______

Dirección completa de domicilio: ______Strongsville, Ohio ______

Correo electrónico: ______

¿Por qué esta beca ayudará a usted?


1. Promedio (G.P.A.) ______

2. Ponga una marca (checkmark) si completó usted los siguientes cursos en español

_____Español 1Nombre del/de la maestro/a: ______

_____Español 2Nombre del/de la maestro/a: ______

_____Español 2 honoresNombre del/de la maestro/a: ______

_____Español 3Nombre del/de la maestro/a: ______

_____Español 3 honoresNombre del/de la maestro/a: ______

_____Español APNombre del/de la maestro/a: ______

3. Lista de honores/premios







1. El Trabajo:¿Ha trabajado? ¿Dónde? ¿Por cuánto tiempo?

2. Clubes/Sociedades:

Nombre del club/de la Sociedad ¿Cuándo empezó? ¿Hasta cuándo ha sido miembro/a?




