Jorge Perez MD, PhD, MRCP, MRCPath


Citizenship: Unites States of America/Colombian/Great Britain

Place of birthColombia


Oct. 1998-Sept. 2000Junior Faculty Associate in Internal Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030

Sept. 1997-Sept. 2000 Fellow in Hematology/Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030

December 1998PhD Cellular Biochemistry, Council for National Academic Awards, Cambridge UK

Sept. 1995-Sept. 1997Resident in Internal Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Presbyterian Medical Center, 59 N 39th St., Philadelphia PA 19104

Sept. 1994-Sept. 1995Intern in Internal Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Presbyterian Medical Center, 59 N 39th St., Philadelphia PA 19104

Jan. 1993-June 1994Locum Tenens in Internal Medicine and Chemical Pathology, UK Natl. Health Service and Saudi Arabia Health Service

April 1984-Dec. 1992Resident (Senior Registrar) in Chemical Pathology and PhD training in Cellular Biochemistry, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK

Feb. 1981-March 1984 Resident (Registrar) in Internal Medicine and Chemical Pathology, St James’s University Hospital Leeds LS9 7TF, UK

Aug. 1980-Jan. 1981Intern (House Officer) in Internal Medicine, Stracathro Hospital Brechin DD9 7QA, UK

Feb. 1980-July 1980Intern (House Officer) in General Surgery and Orthopedics Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn PE30 4ET, UK

June 1976MD, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Board Certifications

November 2001 American Board of Medical Oncology

September 2000American Board of Hematology

November 1998American Board of Internal Medicine

December 1990British Board of Chemical Pathology

November 1983British Board of Internal Medicine


Feb. 2002-currentSierra Nevada Cancer Center, 1460 South Curry St., Carson City NV 89703

Sept. 2000-Oct. 2001 Private practice, 800 Peakwood, 6F, Houston, TX 77090

July 1976-Dec. 1979General Practitioner, Colombian National Health Service, Colombia


July 1990Award from the Sixth International Congress of Mucosal Immunology for original scientific contribution. Tokyo, Japan

Memberships in academic/professional societies

2013-currentWashoe County Medical Society

2001-2012Carson Douglas Medical Society Alliance

1999-current The American Society of Clinical Oncology

1999-current The American Society of Hematologists

2000-2001 Harris County Society

1988-1991 The New York Academy of Sciences

March 1991-April 1992 The American Association for Clinical Chemistry

March 1981-Dec. 1992The Association of Clinical Biochemists. London, UK

July 1985-Dec. 1992 The Biochemical Society. London, UK

Nov. 1989-Dec. 1992The British Medical Association, London, UK

International/scientific meetings

CurrentContinuing education at medical conferences throughout the year

Sept. 1990 Participation in the 12th International Subcellular Methodology Forum with presentation on the differential routing of membrane proteins and cell surface bound ligands on hepatocyte endocytic pathways. Guilford, UK.

July 1989 Participation in the Sixth International Congress of Mucosal Immunology with presentation on the assay of free secretory component in human serum and bile. Tokyo, Japan. Jul 1990.

May 1987 Participation in the Fifth International Congress of Mucosal Immunology with presentation on the demonstration of the Polymeric IgA receptor in human hepatocytes. London. UK.

Participation in the National Meeting of the Association of Clinical Biochemists (UK) with presentation on Polymeric IgA transcytosis.Eastbourne, UK.

March 1986 Participation in the National Meeting of the Biochemical Society (UK) with presentation on the endocytic and transcytic movement of ligands in rat hepatocytes. Dundee, UK.

Oct. 1978Participation in the International Symposium on Family Planning with presentation on Family Planning Programs in Colombia. Tokyo, Japan.


J H Perez-cardona, N G Ordonez and F V Fossella. Lymph node micrometastases in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Clinical Applications. Clinical Lung Cancer 2000; 2:116-120.

Barbara M Mullock, Jorge H Perez, TomoniKuwana, Sally R Gray and J Paul Luzio. Lysosomes can fuse with a Late Endosomal Compartment in a Cell-free System from Rat Liver. J Cell Biol 1994; 126:1173-1182.

J H Perez, M V Schaick, B M Mullock, Elaine M Baileys, C P Price and J Paul Luzio. The presence and measurement of secretory component in human blood and bile.ClinChimActa 1991; 197: 171-178.

J H Perez, D G D Wight, J I Wyatt, M Van Schaick, B M Mullock and J P Luzio. The polymeric immunoglobulin A receptor is present on hepatocytes in normal human liver. Immunol 1989; 68:474-478.

Publications cont..

J H Perez, W J Branch, Linda Smith, Barbara M Mullock and J P Luzio. The investigation of endosomal compartments involved in the endocytosis and transcytosis of polymeric immunoglobulin A by subcellular fractionation of perfused isolated rat liver. Biochem J 1988; 251:763-770.

J H Perez, B M Mullock, W J Branch and J P Luzio. Investigation of the endocytic pathway of transcellular transport of polymeric immunoglobulin A in liver. Ann ClinBiochem 1987; 24, suppl S1: 135-136.

W J Branch, Jorge Perez, Barbara M Mullock and J Paul Luzio. Characterization, using a vertical rotor, of the endocytic and transcytic movement of ligands in rat hepatocytes.BiochemSoc Trans 1986; 14:868-869.

J Ellis, M Jackman, J H Perez, B M Mullock and J P Luzio. Membrane traffic pathways in polarized epithelial cells. In Protein targeting: a practical approach. A I Magee and T Wilemaneds. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 24-57. 1992.

J H Perez, B M Mullock and J P Luzio. Differential routing of membrane proteins and cell surface bound ligands on hepatocyte endocytic pathways. In: Cell signaling: experimental strategies. E Reid, G M W Cook and J P Luzio, eds. Royal Society of Chemistry Publishers, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Cambridge UK.CB4 4WF, pp. 407-421. 1991.

J H Perez, B M Mullock and J P Luzio. The polymeric immunoglobulin Atranscytic pathway in human hepatocytes: quantitation of free secretory component in human serum and bile. In: Frontiers of Mucosa Immunology, Vol I. M Tsuchiya, H Nagura, I Hibi and I Moro, eds. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 261-262. 1991.

J H Perez, D G D Wight, M Van Schaick, B M Mullock and J P Luzio. The polymeric immunoglobulin receptor is present on hepatocytes in human liver. In: Advances in Mucosal Immunology. T T MacDonald, S J Challacombe, P W Bland, C R Stokes, R V Heatley and A M Mowat, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, pp. 594-595. 1990