Apollo Nomination Form
Jordan Rutherford Memorial Award
City, Province: / Postal Code:
Phone: / Main sport:
I accept this nomination this ______day of ______
Nominee signature*: ______
*the awards committee can anonymously request the nominee’s consent if desired by the nominators
Please explain how the nominee demonstrated the following Apollo qualities. Please complete all that applies.
Nominated by (1st):
Phone: / Main sport:
Nominated by (2nd):
Phone: / Main sport:
Please submit to or mail to Apollo, Box 9, 223- 12 Ave. SW, Calgary, T2R 0G9
Jordan Rutherford Memorial Award
“Jordan Rutherford was a co-founder and an active participant in the Apollo
Bowling league (now Rainbow Riders) and served on the Apollo board for many years.
He was also active in volleyball, baseball, golfing and curling.
Jordan was a founding member of Project Pride - now Pride Calgary and
received the Speaks Sebastian award recognizing his leadership and
commitment in the gay and lesbian community.
Jordan was a kind, fun loving man who enjoyed life. He had a natural ability for
athletics and excelled at most sports.
Jordan's enthusiasm for whatever he did was contagious - he was always willing
to provide instruction or offer suggestions when needed and wanted.
Jordan was competitive but tempered his competitiveness with a winning isn't
everything attitude. He was strong, gentle, humorous and affectionate - honest
but not hurtful -trustworthy.
At home, Jordan loved to entertain and was well accomplished in the kitchen.
Jordan had an ability to make you feel special - for that and everything else
that he was ; he was much loved in return. We still miss him."
Rob Hudson, Jordan’s partner & Apollo President ‘91/’92
The Jordan Rutherford Memorial Award was established in memory of one of Apollo’s founding members. It is dedicated to a member who demonstrates the qualities that exemplify Apollo’s ideals, namely Sportsmanship, Involvement, Fellowship, Leadership, Commitment and overall citizenship.
Sportsmanship: Plays fairly; winning at any cost is not acceptable. Expresses mutual respect for teammates and opponents alike, regardless of skill level. Offers encouragement and support, both physical and spiritual.
Involvement: Involved in sports not only as a participant but as an organizer. Involved in community activities either directly or indirectly.
Fellowship: Friendship is based on who you are, not what you are and encompasses all individuals be they gay men, lesbian women or gay positive. Recognizes and respects individual differences while lending extra support to those in need of special attention.
Leadership: Takes an active role in the organization of sports and other related Apollo activities. Shares knowledge and strives for consensus through open discussion. Makes decisions and stands behind them.
Commitment: Contributes personal time and effort to achieve the organization’s goal. Personal points of view do not exclude participation in a group decision. Can be counted on to carry through on a commitment to the best of their ability and sometimes beyond.
Rules and Instructions
A candidate will be considered by a committee, following a nomination process.
- The Nominee must be an Apollo member in good standing.
- The nomination must be made by two (2) members in good standing.
- The nomination must be in writing using this form.
- The nomination form must be received by the Awards committee two (2) weeks prior to Apollo's Annual General Meeting.
- The nomination form must be submitted to the Awards Coordinator at
For more information, contact the Awards Coordinator at or the President at .