Petal Power

GFWC Joppatowne Woman's Club, Inc.

P.O Box 382 Joppa, MD 21085-4502

October, 2012

President’s Message Diane Raycob


Well, autumn is upon us and we are lucky to be enjoying great weather still.

Thank-you to Barbara Albers and her committee for a great program that we had at our last meeting. The speaker was informative and kept our attention. I hope the event “Hope for Handbags” was a success for the Harford Family House organization.

I have attended a couple of great program meetings. As members, you are dedicated and willing to plan and execute different tasks. Coming up this month are other program meetings, a GFWC Baltimore district meeting, a walk for the end to Alzheimer’s, and a clean-up of Shore Drive. I hope that in the future you consider attending our district and state meetings.

Please encourage other women to join our club. Increase your neighborhoods’ awareness of our role in the community and invite them to a general meeting or a smaller committee meeting. Hopefully, they will see what a great group of gals we are and want to join.

Take care and see you Thursday, October 11th OR SOONER!


Hold a true friend with both of your hands. - Nigerian proverb

October Birthday

Joyce Brown 6

November Birthday

Madeline Murphy 12

Hospitality Madeline Murphy


Dinners are $20.00 except for Crab Cake & Prime Rib and that is $25. Please call in your dinner order to one of the ladies listed below by noon on Tuesday. If you have to cancel, please do not call the restaurant. Call Madeleine.
Here are the October 11th dinners: Chicken Parmesan, Stuffed Flounder, or Plain chicken
Hostesses: Rosemary Sebula 410-679-3357 or Rose Marie Vaccaro 443-372-5404

First Vice President/Membership Lori Eck


I think all clubs and organizations are experiencing declining membership. We must not only want to thrive, but remain relevant to current (and future) issues. Let’s continue to attract younger members. We must also connect with, engage, and build better relationships with our current members as well.

Please contact me if you will have a possible new member/guest at one of our meetings. Hopefully, together we will be able to share with her our goals as the Joppatowne Women’s Club and encourage her to join.

Second Vice President/Programs Betty Manthei


YOU are a big part of the program for our October meeting. Thanks to Barbara Knapp and the Public Issues group, we will be decorating bags and writing short notes to the veterans residing at Perry Point.

I am still in search of programs for a few more general meetings. So please let me know if you have any ideas.

Treasurer Maureen Cornett


Article IV, Section 2 of our Bylaws reads:

Annual dues shall be forty-five dollars ($45.00). All dues are payable at the June meeting and are delinquent at the September meeting. New and reinstated member dues shall be prorated on a monthly basis of $4.50. The Treasurer shall notify the Membership Chairman of those members whose dues are in arrears and after the October general meeting; such members shall automatically be dropped from the roll.

Please pay your dues if you have not already done so. Thanks!

Arts (no chair at this time)

Members: Dottie Bishoff, Lori Eck, and Ellie Kimlicko

The GFWC provides an avenue for its members to freely express themselves and draw upon their experiences through writing. These submissions illustrate the talent of the GFWC members and are a reflection of our community. GFWC offers short story and poetry contests for the members.

The entries must be written during the contest year, January 1-December 31. Short stories are limited to 2,000 words and poetry can be a minimum of eight lines or a maximum of 50 lines.

The GFWC deadline for these is April 1. Maryland’s is probably earlier. If interested, watch for the deadline in the spring Maryland Clubwoman magazine.

The Flying Geese Quilt Guild of Harford County will have their quilt show this month at the Veronica “Roni” Chenowith Activity Center located on Rte. 152. The dates are October 20 & 21 and tickets are $7. Barbara Knapp is a member of this guild. At the show you will be able to see fine examples of quilts and participate in a silent auction. For more info, check it out at

Conservation (no chair at this time)

Members: Dottie Bishoff, Maureen Cornett, Claire Geis and Carol Metzger

We will meet on Shore Drive October 13 at 9 a.m. to “beautify” it. We need lots of gloved hands to help out. The more, the quicker.

If you have any old blankets or towels, please bring them to the next meeting. We will then take them to the Humane Society where they are greatly needed.

The Harford Land Trust is having its first annual Harvest Moon Dinner and Auction Saturday, October 27th at the Bel Air Armory. Tickets for $60 include dinner, beer, wine, and live music. Please call 410-836-2103 or go to for more information.

Education Karen Conte & Barbara Ledford

410-569-3902 410-679-1166

Members: Barbara Albers, Dottie Bishoff, Cathy Bowden, Joyce Brown, Ruth Cameron, Dee Martin, and Rosemary Sebula

October 9th, any volunteer readers are to meet at Joppatowne Elementary School at 10:30 for the initial meeting for this year. This is a very rewarding “job” and enjoyed by all who do it. You have the same student all year so you really get to know him/her.

Home Life Barbara Albers & Sue Tyber

410-679-5260 410-679-8963

Members: Dottie Bishoff, Ruth Cameron, Reno Eitel, Ellie Kimlicko, Barbara Ledford, Betty Manthei, Dee Martin, Jeanette Petnic, Ursula Pierce, Rosemary Sebula, and Rose Marie Vaccaro

I hope that everyone enjoyed our speaker, Joyce Duffy, from the Harford Family house as much as I did. We donated 20+ handbags to their fundraiser. I have vouchers for tax purposes for those handbags, so if anyone needs a voucher please approach me at our general meeting. Also if anyone wants to donate time to read with a child there, I have all the particulars. The Home life committee met at my house to plan for our activities for the coming year, and we will do a wish list project with Harford Family House after the holidays.

I will give you the Alzheimer’s Walk report at the October general meeting. A special thanks to all our walkers who take time out of their busy lives to raise money for this project plus walk the 3 mile course.

Anna’s House needs sheets, towels, comforters, and a re-do of their bathrooms. We will assist in these projects. We will also do a project with Habitat for Humanity in the coming year.

The December board meeting is open to all members. Everyone brings a covered dish, and we wrap the gifts for Brunch with Santa. The set-up for the brunch is December 7th @ 3P.M. The actual brunch is December 8th. Please come at 9:30 A.M. to the library. I’ll pass a sign-up sheet at our November meeting. This is a fun time!

This committee is not just busy, but more importantly, we are productive. We have a great year planned to serve our community!

International Outreach Mindy Kretschmer 410-638-5449

Members: Dottie Bishoff, Madeline Murphy, Mary Reynolds, and Rose Marie Vaccaro

Our first meeting was held at Mindy Kretschmer’s Monday evening, the 2nd. We discussed GFWC’s goals for this program and discussed what our particular focus points might be. A new one discussed is Shot@Life which works towards making vaccinations available to the world’s children. We also discussed some of the more familiar programs like Heiffer International and Operation Smile. More to come!

World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. It is also the Food Engineer day.

The World Food Day theme for 2012 is "Agricultural cooperatives – key to feeding the world". We can do our small part by visiting a local market and/or making it a meatless day. Try it—you’ll like it.

Public Issues Barbara Knapp 410-679-4330

Members: Dottie Bishoff, Reno Eitel, Betty Manthei, and Betty Meidinger

Please bring items of your choosing from the list below to our general meeting on October 11 for donation to male nursing home veterans residing at Perry Point VA Medical Center. Most of these men are WW II veterans. We will be preparing 25 gift bags to hold our donations. You will be provided paper bags to decorate with your creative art work on one side and a personal message, poem, or note of thanks on the other side. The bags will be filled with your donations by the Public Issues Committee and prepared for delivery to Perry Point VA Medical Center in October. Be as generous as you can with your donations so we have a full gift bag for each veteran.

Also, please bring markers, crayons, pens, stickers, etc. along with your imagination to decorate the bags. We’ll have fun being artistic as we remember our veterans who sacrificed and served in the Armed Forces.

·  Toiletries: deodorant; mouth wash (alcohol-free in plastic containers only); shampoo; baby powder or talc powder; denture cleaning tablets, body wash; triple-edge disposable razors; shaving cream; aftershave (alcohol-free in plastic containers only); toothpaste and toothbrushes; lip balm; denture cleaning tablets

·  Gloves, hats, scarves, socks

·  Brushes and combs

·  Paperback crossword puzzles and word search puzzle books, magazines

·  Playing Cards – large and regular size print

·  Large print books DVD’s (new or used)

If you have a used cell phone that is no longer needed, please bring it to the next meeting. All cell phones will be taken to Exit Reality who will send them for repair and distribution to our military serving overseas.

Donations of used clothing and household items to the Edgewood Thrift Store, Vietnam Veterans of America, AM Vets and Purple Heart support our veterans. Please report the dollar amount of your donation to me. We will track these donations in our contributions to the community.

Ways & Means Dottie BISHOFF 443-402-1421

Members: Barbara Albers, Cathy Bowden, Joyce Brown, Karen Conte, Reno Eitel, Claire Geis, Barbara Ledford, Betty Manthei, Betty Meidinger, Madeleine Murphy, Jeanette Petnic and Rose Marie Vaccaro

"Way to go" to the ladies who have asked for more Kindle Fire raffle tickets. Keep up the good work!
My committee has decided the price for our tea will be $27.00; tickets will be ready after Christmas.

All my best-Dottie

Dates to Remember

October 10 – Initial meeting at JES for readers, 10:30 a.m.

October 13 – Clean Shore Drive, 9 a.m.

October 25 - JWC Board meeting, 7 p.m., Reno Eitel’s home

November 2 & 3 – Southeastern Regional Conference, Roanoke

November 8 – JWC General meeting, 7 p.m., Williamsburg Inn

December 3 – JWC board meeting- all club members invited. Covered dish at Betty Meidinger’s. This is combines both the November and December board meetings.

Pumpkin Bread

3 c. sugar 2 tsps. baking soda

1 c. vegetable oil 1 ½ tsp. salt

4 eggs 1 tsp. cinnamon

2 c. canned pumpkin 1 tsp. nutmeg

2/3 c. water ½ - 1/3 c. chopped pecans or walnuts

3 1/3 c. flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two loaf pans. Mix sugar and oil with mixer. Add eggs and blend. Add pumpkin and blend. Add water and blend. Combine remaining ingredients and add slowly. Fill pans equally and bake for 1 hour or until golden brown.