/ Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition
203 East Main
Anamosa, Iowa 52205
(319) 462-5030
Jacki Luckstead, President


Wed., Nov. 9, 2011, 11:30 a.m.

Coalition Office

·  Welcome and Introductions - 25 Present: Jennifer Husmann, Brian Rodenberg, Brian Ney, Madi Grant, Cody Miller, Hannah Byrne, Shelby Rundell, LaVonne & Phil Owen, Kelly Dodge, Keith Dirks, John Klein, Jacki Luckstead, Lynette Otten, Bob George, Dawn Grassfield, Patti Bammert, Kris Kilburg, Harvey DeSotel, Bill Feldmann, Carrie Johnson, Carla Burge, Jeanette Shoop, Bob Simonson, Amy Doerrfeld.

Business- Meeting was called to order at 11:41

·  Approval of October’s Minutes- motion by Keith Dirks, 2nd by Bill Feldmann, motion carried unanimously

·  Approval of $300 for CADCA Membership & Jennifer to budgeted Conference in DC in Feb.- motion by Kelly, 2nd by John Klein, motion carried unanimously

·  Approval of By-laws changes and additions contingent upon legal review- motion by Brian Ney, 2nd by Bill Feldmann, motion carried

·  Approval of approx. $671 for painting ($600 out of IFFCMH contribution, rest office supply) - motion by John 2nd by Kelly, Keith Dirks-abstained, motion carried.

·  Approval of changing formats of meetings from this point forward-

Executive Committee recommends having more topic discussion at monthly meetings and less business at each meeting. We also recommend having exec committee a week and a half prior to monthly full meeting to give members time to review notes ahead. Motion by Phil, 2nd by Carla, motion carried unanimously.

Issues/Activities – How did you/can you help? What and who do you know to help?

·  Tobacco- survey results from 574 county student responses- BEASTS and local school groups had results to share. 13% responded that they use tobacco. The parking lot and in class were the highest response for places. Most are obtaining from legal age friends. Most replied that they see family members and parents smoking, and most replied that they saw that school staff chewing as the second highest group from community, more than parents. At Pumpkinfest a vendor was selling cigarette look-a-like toys, and the Chamber Director stated that the policy has now changed to prohibit the sale or display of all tobacco, alcohol, and drug look alike products.

·  Rx drugs- , Results so far showed almost 10% of surveys collected at pharmacies showed some respondents have had drugs stolen from their homes. More than half of the doctors responded to the survey as well with very favorable responses. Monti Drive- over 25 pounds collected. This Sat., Nov. 12, 10 a.m. - Noon- Bill Feldmann and Amy D. volunteered to help, drive up in front of the Coalition office and drop of your unused medication!

·  Holiday events and coalition office help sign ups was discussed and slots filled. (See attached sign up) The newspaper Article sign up was passed around for volunteers.

·  Kudos to Anamosa PD for extra patrols during Football – Bob reported that they were fairly productive. They heard that a number of parents were leaving at half-time to go drink in cars, and others had been known to bring a flask of alcohol into the game. They did have no arrests for this though this year, but did have several other alcohol, tobacco and other drug related charges in during early football games.

·  Underage Drinking and Adult Binge Drinking- Patti reported on the framework that the process of addressing this issue. Right now we are in the planning stage and have received some feedback from the State. There is some State funding for media plans. Next week Jennifer and Patti will attend an implementation training. Alcohol Compliance Checks for bars coming soon!

·  Marijuana- Table tents were distributed. The billboard is up on Hwy 151. Anyone see it?

·  Elevator Speeches- Jennifer asked members to give input on creating a brief presentation to give other community members regarding our Coalition.

Ideas= we are a group of community leaders working to engage our communities to prevent substance abuse right here in Jones County.

We are a group of people concerned about how drugs and alcohol are affecting our communities, and we are taking action to change Jones County to be a better place for our families to live.

I believe I can make a difference!

Upcoming events/meetings

·  Chamber Breakfast tomorrow morning- Thurs., Nov. 10, 7 a.m. LCC—Please come! Presentation, AWARDS!

·  Marketing/Special events meeting- Fri., Nov. 18, Noon at Java Jones, Monticello – Burma Shave and MORE!! (Other committees TBD w/ Chairs)

·  BEASTS- Party- Sunday, Nov. 20, 1-6 p.m. here. They invited us to their meeting after the New Year, Sun. Jan 15, 2012, 3pm at the Coalition Office. This will be our monthly meeting for January.

·  Next Meeting – Wed., Dec. 14, 11:30 a.m., Monticello Pizza Ranch-

Please sign your in-kind form and leave it here! Thanks for coming!!

Engaging our communities in efforts to create and maintain safe and healthy youth in Jones County.
203 E. Main Street I Anamosa, IA 52205 I 319.462.5030 I www.jonescountycoalition.org