/ Jones County Safe and Healthy Youth Coalition
203 East Main
Anamosa, Iowa 52205
(319) 462-5030
Jeanette Shoop, President

Minutes- Wed. April 9, 2014, 11:30 a.m.

Coalition office—Subway for lunch!

In attendance: Amber Quartier, Amy Doerrfeld, Bob George, Bob Holland, Bob Simonson, Brandon Stascak, Brenda Hanken, Carrie Johnson, Dennis Murphy, Greg Graver, Jeanette Shoop, Jeff Meyers, Jennifer Husmann, Jen Armstrong, Karmen Jamison, Keith Dirks, Kris Kilburg, LaVonne Owen, Lindsey Murphy, Lori Reynolds, Marie Shaw, Melissa Walker, and Phil Owen.

1.  Introductions! Jeanette introduced herself and announced that Horizons in Jones County will now be called Life Connections. The staff, places, services will all stay the same in Jones County. Everyone else also introduced themselves.

2.  Approval of March’s Coalition minutes and Executive minutes- Lori motioned to approve. Marie seconded. All approved.

3.  Approval of up to $1000 for Rx drug incinerator (DEA drop off- Sat., April 26, 10-2, Monti PD)- Kris Kilburg motioned to approve. Brenda Hanken seconded. All approved.

4.  An Honest Conversation about Marijuana- Evaluations so far- what did you think? Next steps?

Jennifer read through some of the highlights of the very positive evaluations. The group discussed some next steps such as letters to the editor. If someone would like to write a letter to the editor, Jennifer is willing to help. One person, not in attendance today, will possibly. The power point from Dr. Sabet’s talk is also available. Please let Jennifer know if you would like it.

5.  Legislative Update- Currently, e-cigarettes are not regulated and the state has started to address this because sale to those under 18 is possible. An Act relating to vapor products and alternative nicotine products, and providing penalties passed out of the House chamber, and made the funnel in the Senate. It is eligible for Debate by the Full Senate under Unfinished Business Calendar, and an Amendment has been filed.

State Social Host- this bill passed the House after passing the Senate, but was amended in the House to only have responsibility for the Host who allows underage drinking parties for those 17 and under. An amendment to have state preemption was withdrawn so the local ordinances will still be in effect. Still needs Senate approval again and will be addressed possibly tomorrow, Thursday, April 10!

Medical Marijuana- the only legislation yet on the table is for the non-prosecution of parents seeking CBD products for their child in another state where there are state approved medical marijuana dispensaries. An AC4C response was read to the group. See attached.

6.  Understanding the Problem Analysis (Planning Committee- also share Youth Surveys- Rx drugs) – The one sheet write-up was shared for members’ 3 ring notebooks, projected on the wall and reviewed. A power point of the recent survey taken by high school students was also projected showing alcohol near peer data, marijuana source data, and several slides on Rx source data. Phil mentioned how we need to figure out a way to truly communicate the potential harm of Rx drugs to our youth starting at a young age. The planning committee will continue to look through this data and brainstorm logical strategies that fit our local conditions.

7.  Social Host yard signs to distribute- please help start getting these out soon.

8.  SPF SIG update- Amber and Policy Committee- Amber announced that SPF SIG received the no-cost extension so that funding will last until January 31, 2015. See below for upcoming TIPs training. Josh Monck from the Fair Security has committed several security people to taking the TIPs concession training in May or June. John Harms has also been informed of the opportunity for Fair board members to attend.

Policy committee has sent examples of Responsible Beverage Service Training Ordinances (Lisbon’s and a revision of it with ideas from the committee to work in Jones County) to Wyoming’s Mayor to be shared with their city attorney and with their council next Monday for consideration.

9.  Town Hall- Tues., April 29, 5:30 p.m. at Youth Development Center @ Fairgrounds- Amber- Nominations! Amber shared the format of the evening. Potential panelists: Lisbon Police Chief Ricky Scott, Jesse Spors from Wal-Mart, Monticello Police Chief Britt Smith, Katie McDermott, and tbd Board of Health/Supervisors rep and school rep. There will be a free meal provided by area business donations.

10.  Kaizen results priority one- Community Change- Karmen- We reviewed the Increasing Participation in Action handout from the Toolbox provided after our Kaizen evaluation. Several more members filled out and returned the Time and Talents Sheet. We are compiling all the talents of members on one document as a resource when action is needed as well as help us identify new members needed with that talent. Helping all members participate in community change is the goal of this priority.

11.  Outreach/Sustainability work- 3rd Annual Purse Sale Fundraiser- collecting gently used purses now until June 14- Please help post the Purse Sale Donation flyer (attached). Postponed Financial Advisory Brainstorming night and will reschedule for early June.

Upcoming meetings:

-  Outreach with Sustainability- Thursday, April 10, 4:30

-  Marketing- Thurs. April 17, 11:30 G & G

-  Policy- Tues., April 22, 9 a.m. - Coalition office

-  BEASTS- meeting twice a month on Sundays, 1:30

-  TIPs training- April 22- On premise, April 30- Off premise, both 5:30 p.m. at office

-  Planning/Assessment- Thursday, May 1, 11:30, Coalition office

Other sharing?

Sheriff Graver shared that a K9 check had been completed at the Midland Jr.-Sr. High School and there was a digital scale with residue located by the K9 in an 8th grade student’s backpack. Sheriff Graver said the student was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and has been referred to the juvenile probation officer.

Kris Kilburg announced that this month is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Community Partnership for Protecting Children is promoting this with pinwheels representing a happy childhood as every child should have. Kris brought 200 pinwheels to be shared with the community.

Next Coalition Mtg.: Wed., May 14, 11:30 a.m.

Engaging our communities in efforts to reduce substance abuse through creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for youth and adults in Jones County.
203 E. Main Street I Anamosa, IA 52205 I 319.462.5030 I www.jonescountycoalition.org