Jonathan Law High School Sports Booster Club Minutes

Meeting was September 6, 2016 at 6:00 pm in the JLHS Media Center

Attendance was taken on a separate sheet.

Judy Pincus called the meeting to order.

Notes taken by Lynne Caldwell

Presidents Report

  • Since June Booster Club has secured the 501c3 status, received $250 donation for students volunteering at the Oyster Festival, represented at Freshman Orientation, made a donation of $230 for the Girls 4 x 100 relay team to go to Nationals, purchased banner for Booster Club on football field, presented the goals of the club to the annual coaches meeting. They were well received.
  • Former sports association has committed to $1000 bank balance.
  • Draft of the By-Laws have been written and the board is planning to finalize and placed on the website for review and approval next meeting.
  • RFP was chosen as the apparel vendor. Michelle Merchant was approved to place an initial order for $500. She is evaluating partnering through Hartland for online sales of apparel and potentially membership. Apparel will be sold at open houses, home games and looking into potential school store.
  • Booster Club will have a table at Law Open House Sept 13th and the 7th/8th Grade Law Open House Oct 15.

Vice Presidents Report

  • Freshman fundraiser through yard signs and t-shirt sales resulted in 38 families participating. $217 profit.
  • Ellen Monforte will organize the concession stand inspection. Coke is the least expensive company and they will supply a free refrigerator with a lock. The city will pick up the old refrigerator. Initial order is 5 cases of 20 oz assortment (water/powerade/soda). Need concession stand directions for volunteers. Foran games are top priority for sales (football/varsity volleyball/soccer/basketball/powderpuff).
  • Football has agreed to a 50:50 split for concession stand profit this year. Stands will be staffed by football parents and 1 booster club member. Next year 100% football concession stand money goes to the booster club. Need to set up volunteer schedule.

Treasurers Report

  • Booster Club 501c3 complete with bank account.
  • Detailed Report by Lisa Pratcher. Profit $1389 from Membership dues/concessions/balloons/etc. $1280 in bank.

Old Business

  • 68 members – 6 coaches and 2 non-parents. $1275 (Bridget Lawless)

New Business

  • Concession Stand Chair Needed for supplies
  • Volunteer Chair needed to set up list of potential volunteers and coordinate sign up.
  • Communications Chair Needed– Facebook, Twitter, webpage, reminders for meetings to Fran for Sunday Communications
  • Idea to increase membership of all sports teams by offering an “ice cream party” for team with the highest % signed up by a specific date.
  • Milford National Lou Gehrig Little League was approved to partner with Booster club for tickets sales to the Super Bowl. A MNLGLL flyer for the tickets will be posted on the Booster club website and tickets will be sold at football games. A portion of each ticket sold through JL Booster Club will be given to Booster club.
  • Contact Relay for Life for concessions.


  • According to VJ sports enrollment is up 10% this year over last year. New policy that coaches receive school attendance. If a student has an in school suspension the athlete will receive practice discipline (reasonable) for the first offense. The 2nd offence will result in 1 athletic contest suspension. This carries over until next season if the athlete is not enrolled for a sport that semester.
  • Meeting schedule is set for the first Tuesday of every month in the Media Center. Meetings will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and the JLHS Sports Booster Club page at

Closing Remarks.

Meeting Adjournment