Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Content Template

This template should be used to submit any content for addition or change to the website. The JSNA is an assessment of need across a range of local issues and content should be written in order to provide evidence to show what the local need is.

Completed templates should be e-mailed to

Content that is not submitted in the template format as detailed below may be returned to the submitter for amendments.

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is now a web-based resource and is available to view at This means that it is easier to update with new information and should be written as an interactive resource that allows readers to view evidence or background information through weblinks and hyperlinks in the content text.

Any content for addition to the JSNA should fit into the following basic structure which follows 5 key questions. In order to ensure that content is added to the appropriate section, there is a separate template section to complete for each of the following questions:

  • Why is this an issue?
  • This should outline the key reasons why this content is being added
  • What is the national picture?
  • This should highlight any national information, data, statistics or trends
  • What does this look like locally?
  • This should give locally specific information, data, statistics or trends
  • What is being done about it?
  • This should highlight what actions are being taken to address needs
  • What else could be done?
  • This should identify what other actions could be taken and list any suggested recommendations

All information submitted should be evidence based and fully referenced with analysis of the information sources included. Where this is not the case, proposed content will NOT be uploaded until this is provided. Evidence can be in the form of:

  • statistics;
  • service level information or datasets;
  • surveys or other local research which may include service audits
  • a national or organisational policy, strategy, or guidance document;
  • a website page;
  • a published journal article, dataset or report

Evidence or supporting information can be either qualitative or quantitative in nature.

A weblink to all sources of evidence should be included where possible (in some instances such as a subscription only journal article or a restricted dataset, this will not be possible and a full reference using the Harvard style should be provided instead or a reference to an internal unpublished report or data set should be given).

Please ensure that for all content there are:

  • Hyperlinks to the information source or evidence base within the text
  • Provision of a full reference to the evidence base using the Harvard style referencing system will be required for all hyperlinks

Submission information...
What is the date of this submission?
Contact details...
Which organisation do you represent?
What is your e-mail address?
What is your contact number?
Please provide any additional contact details that may be required:
About the information to be added...
Which webpage should this content be added to? E.g.
When should this be uploaded by?
Does this content go out of date? If so, by when?
When will the content need to be reviewed / updated by?
Is this content aligned to any organisational objectives, plans or strategies? If so, please state which:
Content to be replaced or removed: Why is this an issue?
What is the current website address of this information?
What existing information would you like replaced, updated or amended? NOTE: Please copy the content text for removal below so that it is clear which content needs to be removed.
E.g. please remove:
Treating the effects of obesity is estimated to cost the NHS £5billion per year. The wider cost to the economy is estimated at closer to £20billion per year once factors such as lost productivity and sick days are taken into account (Local Government Association, 2013) and the resulting NHS costs attributable to overweight and obesity are projected to reach £9.7 billion by 2050 (Foresight, 2007)
Please list any references which should be removed?
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (2007). Foresight – Tackling Obesities: Future Choices
Foresight – Tackling Obesities: Future Choices
Local Government Association (2013) Social Care and Obesity: A Discussion Paper
Social Care and Obesity: A Discussion Paper
Content to be added: Why is this an issue?
What is the website address you would like this information added to?
What information would you like added? (text will be added exactly as written below)
Please list any references which should be added
Are there any conclusions that should be drawn from this information?
Are there any recommendations that should be made from this information?
Content to be replaced or removed: What is the national picture?
What is the current website address of this information?
What existing information would you like replaced, updated or amended? NOTE: Please copy the content text for removal below so that it is clear which content needs to be removed.
E.g. please remove:
The Regional Picture
According to the Health Survey for England (HSE), obesity prevalence in Yorkshire & Humber during 2009 – 2011, for females is the highest in England.
For both males and females the prevalence of obesity has consistently risen since the 1980’s in line with the national trend
Please list any references which should be removed?
Health & Social Care Information Centre (2011). Health Survey for England 2011: Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia
Health Survey for England 2011: Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia
Content to be added: What is the national picture?
What is the website address you would like this information added to?
What information would you like added? (text will be added exactly as written below)
Please list any references which should be added
Are there any conclusions that should be drawn from this information?
Are there any recommendations that should be made from this information?
Content to be replaced or removed: What does this look like locally?
What is the current website address of this information?
What existing information would you like replaced, updated or amended? NOTE: Please copy the content text for removal below so that it is clear which content needs to be removed.
E.g. please remove:
The prevalence of obese adults (16+) known to all GP’s in the City of York Council boundary during 2011-12 was 9.4%, much lower than the Active People Survey 2012 data which shows a prevalence of 20.7%. This suggests that there may be obese or overweight individuals who are not receiving any interventions focussed around their bodyweight at their GP practice
Please list any references which should be removed?
Health & Social Care Information Centre (2012) Quality and Outcomes Framework 2011-2012
Health & Social Care Information Centre (2012) Quality and Outcomes Framework 2011-2012
Content to be added: What does this look like locally?
What is the website address you would like this information added to?
What information would you like added? (text will be added exactly as written below)
Please list any references which should be added
Are there any conclusions that should be drawn from this information?
Are there any recommendations that should be made from this information?
Content to be replaced or removed: What is being done about it?
What is the website address of this information?
What existing information would you like replaced, updated or amended? (where content is to be partially replaced or updated, please clearly identify which text is to be replaced or removed)
E.g. No current content to be removed
Please list any references which should be removed?
E.g. None
Content to be added: What is being done about it?
What is the website address you would like this information added to?
What information would you like added? (text will be added exactly as written below)
Please list any references which should be added
Are there any conclusions that should be drawn from this information?
Are there any recommendations that should be made from this information?
Content to be replaced or removed: What else could be done?
What is the website address of this information?
What existing information would you like replaced, updated or amended? (where content is to be partially replaced or updated, please clearly identify which text is to be replaced or removed)
E.g – no content to be removed
Please list any references which should be removed?
E.g. none
Content to be added: What else could be done?
What is the website address you would like this information added to?
What information would you like added? (text will be added exactly as written below)
Please list any references which should be added
Are there any conclusions that should be drawn from this information?
Are there any recommendations that should be made from this information?