Joint Placement Commission Placement Rules
- Eligibility
Arabbi must be amemberingoodstanding.
1.Dues must be current anddues declaration for thecurrentyear must be on filein theRA
business office.
2.There arenoethical, halakhic, orplacement violations.
3.There areno pendinginquiries bytheVa'adHaKavod.
4a.Contractuallyeligible, eitherbecausethe rabbi is in thelastyear of a contract, or has written permission of present employer, oreligibleunder thetwo-year window of opportunity.
4b.Thetwo-year window states:
Ifarabbi has acontract forthreeyears orless,the rabbi mayapplyforapulpit position at anytime after having worked half of the contract.
Ifthe rabbi has a contractfor4years orgreater, the rabbi mayapplyforapulpit position at anypointin the final 24 months of the contract.
Beforearabbi leaves a congregation under this window ofopportunitytherabbi must give thecongregation no less than sixmonths notice.
II.Eligibility to enterE-placement
a.Members ingood standingwith theRA.
b.Signed signatureformon file with the JointPlacement Commission which
acknowledgesthat rabbis arebound bythePlacement Rules.
c.Filed resume with the JointPlacement Commission in electronic form.
d.Entered E-placement byuploadingacareerinventory.
e.Rabbi'scontract has concluded orthe congregation has not renewed therabbi's
a. Members ingood standingof theUSCJ.
b.Completed registration with E-placement.
c. Completed aquestionnaire
d.All matters oftermination between thecongregation and the rabbi areresolved and mutuallyagreed upon, or arein theprocess ofresolution byanagencyof dispute resolution recognized bythe RA
III.Rules ofPlacement
1.All candidates forplacement in congregations and rabbis must agreeto the rules of
placement, includingthe agreement to useE-placementexclusivelyin thesearch process.
2. Theuse ofanyothersearch vehiclebytherabbi or congregation willbeunacceptable unless awaiveris obtained in advancefrom theJoint Placement Commission.
3. Anyrequestsfor waivers from the Placement procedures described, byeither a congregation or rabbi, must be submitted to theJoint Placement Commission.
Category / Congregational Size / Current Yearof ServiceRequiredto Apply toCongregation / Yearof ServiceCommencing When Rabbi Assumes the PulpitAA / AssistantRabbi / Ordination pending / Commencingfirstyear ofservice
A / Upto 250 / Ordination pending / Commencingfirstyearofservice
B / 251-500 / Currentlyin thesecondyearofservice / Commencingthirdyear ofservice
C / 501-750 / Currentlyin thefourthyearofservice / Commencingfifthyear ofservice
D / Over 750 / Currentlyin theninthyear ofservice / Commencingtenthyear ofservice
IncategoryD, an Assistant Rabbi, after completingsixyears ofservicein his/her congregation, willbe eligibletoassumethe SeniorRabbi position.
V.Graduating Students
Graduatingstudents, in order to bein placement,musthave completed allrequirements of
his/her ordaininginstitution and completed allof the following requirements.
1.Resume filed with theJointPlacement Commission in electronicform.
2.Entered E-placement byuploadingacareer inventory.
3.Signed signatureform onfilewith theJointPlacement Commission which acknowledges that rabbis arebound bythePlacement Rules.
4.Returned asigned membership application.
- All assistant positions must be listed with the RA.
- Assistants cannot automaticallybecome seniorrabbis of the congregations theyare currentlyserving. Theymustgo through the proper placement proceduresincluding seniorityrequirements.
a. Interim period extends onlyfor1year
b.AnInterimrabbi agrees that he/she cannot beacandidate forthe full-timepermanent position
3.New congregations
a. Anyrabbi wishingto start, create, ordevelop a congregation (defined asanycommunity ofworshippers)must receive permission from theJPC, whether ornot thereis remuneration involved.
Note:The following governs the relationship between the Joint Placement Commission,the
Rabbi and theCongregation:
1.Neither theJoint Placement Commission nor theInternational Placement Officemaybeparty to a contract betweenacongregation and arabbi and areto be held harmless for anyclaims arisingfrom such acontract.In the caseofa contract disputebetween the congregation and the rabbi, thePlacement Commission'sfunction is onlytogiveguidanceand counsel.
2.Rabbis and congregations participatinginanymatterbeforeor with theJoint Placement Commission or theInternational Officeof theRAacknowledgebytheir participation that neitherthe JointPlacement Commission nor theInternational Officeowe anydutyof careorfiduciaryresponsibilityto therabbi or the congregation.