Book Levels
Level N
- Literal change in character
- Characters start to work together
- Setting shows (character) personality
- Secondary characters have an effect on main characters
- Theme/underlying message emerges
Level O:
- Change in story (turning point)
- Characters have personalities that affect the story
- A lot of action (follows plot structure of Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action)
- Real HF takes place (content of history affects story)
- There is an angle or agenda
- 2 themes/main ideas/issues
Level P:
- In HF, there is more historical period info
- The major plot change now affects characters
Level Q:
- Each scene brings a new realization
- Characters are multi-faceted
- Setting drives the plot
Band N, O, P, Q
Books: The Chocolate Touch, A-Z Mysteries, Fudge-A-Mania, Amber Brown
- Character encounters not just one problem, but several
- Problem may be multidimensional
- Synthesis
- Determining importance
- Multiple story lines- Reader needs to extract the main story line (plot, subplot)
- Revise your ideas/thinking as you read- don’t get stuck on one theory
- Think about why characters do what they do (another reason, another part)
- Cause and effect- link earlier parts of the book with later- look for throughlines
- Main character will be complicated and is often conflicted
- Trouble in the story may be internal
- Readers need to pay attention to descriptions of the main character and hold it throughout the book
- Pay close attention to what the characters say about each other
- Readers will often encounter words and phrases that aren’t part of their everyday spoken language- unique
- Puns, metaphors and other figures of speech are evident “Amber Brown is Not a Crayon”
- Be careful not to misinterpret information as it may lead you astray
Level R:
- Internal conflicts within a character (conflict begins externally)
- Character changes all the time (character may have 2/3 different personas)
- Characters have moral dilemmas
- There are different characters representing different issues
- There is a lot of innuendo
- There are theses and subtheses
- 3 themes/issues
- Vocabulary changes, becomes more sophisticated
- Similes are used
Level S:
- Metaphoric descriptions
- 3/4/5 issues are simultaneous
- Themes are interconnected
- Issues define character & story
- Major character is changed by other characters (there is a nemesis)
- Setting takes on meaning of its own (and can be “symmetrical” to character)
- There is internal/external conflict
Level T:
- Title of book and beginning do not match (resulting) story
- Characters are intertwined
- Flashbacks get deeper
- Foreshadowing (as literary device) introduced
- Imagery and many other literary devices used (and used more elaborately)
- 5 themes all connect & connect to a deeper meaning
Band R, S, T
Books: Because of Winn Dixie, The Tiger Rising, Bridge to Terabithia, Hatchet (the secret)
- Stories are layered with meaning- like an iceberg- there is a part that shows and is labeled and discussed- it may seem that there is a problem between two characters but the underlying meaning is that of lonliness
- Not all of the problems in the book are solved
- The storyline is less about a character, their problem and a solution, but is more about characters and how characters encounter problems and work to respond to those problems, changing and learning in the process
- Readers need to follow the evolving plotline and the evolving setting
- Setting becomes a force in the story, influencing characters and the plot
- Settings change because characters relate to them differently throughout the story ex- Tiger rising- dark in beginning, sunny at end
- Readers need to accumulate growing understanding of the setting, just as we do with characters
- Readers need to hold more parts of the book in their minds- subplots, subcharacters will often become important to the resolution
- Characterized by complex internal emotional lives
- Readers need to infer what the character is feeling
- Readers will often know more about the character than the character does about themselves- omniscient
- Increased use of figurative language
- Often contain tricky chapters- books are hard on purpose- read on- the book will become clearer in the end
Level U:
- Characters have sophisticated lives (text to world connection is big!)
- Adult problems arise
Level V:
- Deep innuendo
- Empathy necessary (on part of the reader)
- Symbolism is key!
Level W:
- Social issues affect characters
- Moral dilemma motivates characters
Band U, V, W
Books: Loser, Walk Two Moons, Tangerine, Holes, The Thief Lord, Things Not Seen
- Passage of time becomes increasingly complex, often chronologically, look for a big event that happened before the story begins
- Read on to learn about the prior event and find the meaning of it (backstory) it can continue through 2/3 of the book
- Backstory is usually not a flashback, but involves a character telling or uncovering background information- a bit at a time
- Multiple plot lines- as a new chapter begins, there may be a new narrator or a character may be left behind
- Characters and setting become symbolic of bigger themes
- Setting can be a symbol for a theme or an issue
- Look for foreshadowing
- Continue to become more complex
- Characters are often teenagers- it may be difficult to empathize with them
- Point of view may be multi-dimensional- consider perspectives other than that of the protagonist
- The narrator may be unreliable-(Maniac Magee) they may be figuring out the past and the present along with the reader
- Large number of characters- important characters may be adults- need to understand the adult world to fully comprehend
- There may be themes of oppression, injustice, social norms
Level X:
- Many different theme connect & take reader in different ways
- Various perspectives & analogies made
- Conflict & denial surround the story
- The use of literary devices drives the story
Level Y:
- Very much like X books, but now understand that the characters are adult with adult problems and issues
- The use of symbols and hyperbole brings out points and ideas
Level Z:
- Contains and synthesizes all that precedes
Band X, Y, Z
Books: Homecoming, Monster, Criss Cross, Out of the Dust, King of Shadows, The Giver
- Books may include multiple genres within one book
- Perspectives overlap and may conflict
- Whole chapters jump back in time
- Narrator is often unreliable- he or she will say things that the reader is expected to realize are not as the narrator has stated
- Unreliability of the narrator is a theme- it is impossible for one to be all-knowing- especially about oneself
- Readers need to be able to figure things out
- Expectations on readers go beyond- readers need to be able to draw upon knowledge about the world and other books
- References are left unexplained
- In fantasy books, reader needs to bring a wealth of knowledge from mythology, fables and other fantasy texts
- Dialogue may become tricky as characters speak with vernacular reminiscent of another time and place