Joint Loss Committee Meeting Minutes

Epping Middle School Conference Room

May 25, 2016

10:00 am

Present: Peter Gilligan, George Kimball, Cathy Zylinski, Kyle Repucci, Brian Ernest, Lorraine Sawyer, Ronnie Bush and Bonnie Sandstrom

Unable to attend: Mark Vallone, Larry Averill, Beth Peterson

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am

Cathy reported to the committee that staff would be notified that ID badges would be collected at the end of the school year unless staff is working for summer school or are year round employees. ID badges next school year will be a different color. Cathy and Cheryl have been in contact with the vendor and found out changing colors is possible.

ID badges for summer school and year round staff will be collected in the fall when new ID badges are available.

Bonnie asked George if we had any problems so far this year with bees or mosquitos and he said no, but Cathy mentioned we have a poison ivy problem at the Preschool. George with have the poison ivy sprayed once school is out.

Cathy discussed the issue of open toed shoes and flip flops. Bonnie mentioned that there is no official policy in regards to flip flops and Cathy and George said it is mentioned in the staff handbook. Cathy and Bonnie will bring this to Valerie’s attention to see if we will be continuing to put this in the handbook and whether it should be in the School Board policy.

Bonnie asked if anyone had any summer maintenance issues to address with George. Cathy told the committee that she will be getting them the summer school schedule and any other summer programs that she knows about to staff so they could make sure that maintenance staff can schedule maintenance around these program.

The Safety meeting schedule for the next school year was discussed. We are planning on meeting on Wednesday on October 12, 2016; December 14, 2016; February 8, 2017; and April 12, 2017. We plan on having two meetings at the EMS conference room and the other 2 meetings at the Elementary School.

Bonnie will send out invites to all attendees and will schedule the meeting rooms.

Meeting Adjourned 10:30am


Bonnie Sandstrom, Business Administrator