Le Comité Mixte Universitaire sur la Santé et la Sécurité au Travail(CMUSST)

The University Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (UJOHSC)


Procès-Verbal / Minutes

Meeting of July 5th, 2017

Committee members: / Present
Vice-President, Resources / Elvio Buono (del.) / x
Vice-President, Research / Terry Campbell(del.) / -
APUO / Jennifer Haire / x
APUO / Alexandra Gregory / -
APTPUO / Akhtar Hossain / x
APTPUO / Paula Sauveur / x
IUOE, 772A / No nominee / -
IUOE, 772B / Marcel Gagnon / -
OSSTF / Panos Argyropoulos / -
OSSTF / Alex Forest / x
CUPE, 2626 / Malcom Hughes (for Meg Peters) / x
CUPE, 2626 / Patrick D’Aoust / x
CUPE, lifeguards / No Nominee / -
PIPSC / Alain Le Hénaff / x
Non-unionized group / Joanne Chartrand / x
JOHSC Inspector
Resource People: / Martine Bergeron / x
Rep. Deans / Nada Nagy / x
Rep. Deans / Silvana Gandolfini / x
Rep. Directors / -
Rep. Directors
Health & Wellness / Sonya Nigam
Lise Griffith / -
Office of Risk Management / Michael Histed / x
Office of Risk Management / Céline Clément / x

Worker certified members Joanne Chartrand, Panos Agyropoulos, Scott Dick & Alexandra Gregory

Management certified member Martin Grégoire & Denis Bouchard

Chairperson: Patrick D’Aoust

Secretary: Céline Clément

A round table was conducted to introduce new members.

1.  Agenda/Ordre du jour

The agenda was unanimously approved.

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2.  Approval of the minutes of May 10th, 2017

The minutes were unanimously approved.

3.  Matters arising from the minutes of May 10th, 2017

Updates on

·  Archibus

M.Histed indicated that he had discussions with all the partners interested in the inspection module from Archibus. Two Universities indicated that they are reconsidering this because they do not have the mobile application. M. Histed indicated that he is having discussions with Facilities since they are assessing purchasing the work order system (similar to Maximo) from Archibus. This would require purchasing the mobile application. Therefore, this would allow more flexibility with the inspection module. M. Histed indicated that he is also currently working with IT to develop a business plan in case the Inspection module from Archibus is not implemented at the uO.

·  The Ministry of Labour Order /Investigation on a Harassment Complaint

C.Clément indicated that the uO requested, from the Ministry of Labour, an extension of the deadline to comply with the order to finalize the investigation into a reported harassment complaint made to the Ministry of Labour. The Ministry of Labour Inspector accepted to postpone the compliance date to August 8, 2017 instead of July 7, 2017.

·  Joint Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference

M.Histed indicated that the first meeting to initiate the review of the Joint Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference had already taken place. It was a very productive meeting where many ideas were brought forward. For example, it was suggested to review the Laboratory Functional Health and Safety Committee. Representatives from each Union and Association were invited to review the Terms of Reference and to provide their comments before the next meeting. There are several meetings planned in the fall with the representatives to complete the review. Members of the UHSC were also invited to provide comments to their respective union and association.

·  Policy 77 (Occupational Health and Safety)

C.Clément indicated that no comments were received. We will then proceed to the next step for approving the Policy, as this is required to be reviewed each year.

It was suggested to include a directive for reporting accident and conducting accident and incident investigation. It was indicated that this directive can be developed afterwards without impacting the final approval of the Policy.

·  Fentanyl and Naloxone Kit

M.Histed indicated that a proposal was submitted to the Administration Committee requesting that Protection Services Officers be allowed to administer naloxone in a case of overdose. Naloxone allows to maintaining breathing until paramedics arrive.

If approved, Protection Officers will receive proper training for the administration of naloxone and for their personal protection. There will be a communication campaign in the fall as well as an assessment for signage as required. The City of Ottawa will assist with the communication and the Health Promotion group will also be contacted.

Members indicated that these kits should also be available in the residences for various reasons. This will be further reviewed.

4.  Review of Policy 58 (Tobacco use at the University of Ottawa)

The Policy will be reviewed taking in consideration the new legislation that all hospitals must be completely smoke-free starting on January 1st, 2018. This will impact the areas outside Roger Guindon Hall since hospitals are located nearby. The land around the hospitals and RGN is in trust between three parties. Therefore, this new rule will apply at RGN, it will also be extended to Peter Morand buildings and the parking lots.

The second phase is to conduct a dialogue with the University Community to move to a completely smoke-free campus. A survey was conducted earlier this year inviting students and staff members to provide their opinion on moving to a smoke-free environment. The results of the survey was conclusive where 80% of people agreeing to a smoke-free campus.

A communication strategy is also being develop to initiate a dialogue with the University Community in September. Members indicated that if the University has already decided to move to a smoke-free campus, the dialogue should be focusing on how best to transition to a smoke-free campus.

5.  Critical Injury/Occupational illness report & Ministry of Labour (MOL) Inspector

C. Clément indicated that since the last UHSC meeting in May, three reports were sent to the MOL.

In May 2017, an employee reported sustaining a health condition associated with his work environment. The employee was temporarily installed in this workspace until the new building construction is completed. Since then, the employee was relocated and the Office of Risk Management conducted further investigation in order to assess the condition of the work environment. No environmental factors were identified at this point but it should be noted that the health condition of the worker has improved since he was relocated.

A student reported in May on an injury sustained in February. The student reported that he slipped and fell at the corner of the University private and Cumberland Street and fractured his left ankle. This situation is being further investigated.

An employee who sustained an injury in December 2016 reported the injury in June 2017. At two separate occasions, the employee indicated that she slipped and fell. The first time she indicated that she fell in the corridor located at the University Center and fractured her left ankle. Seven days later, she indicated that she fell in Thompson Hall and fractured then her right ankle. The employee did not report the injury to the uO at the time or seek medical attention. She decided to consult her doctor in February because the pain increased and her doctor filed a WSIB form. The Office of Risk Management conducted an investigation. It is challenging to determine the root cause for a situation that took place 6 months ago. To note that the Inspector from MOL indicated interest in reviewing this case, in particular with regards to the initial orientation that the worker receives when first hired in relation to reporting an accident, an incident and a near miss. C. Clément noted that the information on how to report an accident, incident and occupational illness is included in the University at Glance information session, as well as in the Worker and Supervisor Awareness training. In addition, using google search for accident or incident report at uO will point out to the internal online report. A communication strategy will be developed to remind the university community about the importance of reporting and how best to do so.

6.  JHSC Inspections

M. Bergeron, Joint Occupational Health and Safety Inspector, reported that up to now for the 2017 workplace inspections, 61 % of the University space is inspected. This represents:

·  62% for the Office Committee,

·  67% for the Laboratory Committee, and

·  54% for the Facilities and Protection Committee.

All inspections are scheduled for the rest of the year and re-inspection of some areas will be commencing in November.

7.  Review of the Functional Committees Minutes (documents provided)

All the minutes mentioned below were reviewed during the meeting and members had no particular comment to bring forward:

·  The Office Committee (March 28 and May 29th, 2017)

·  The Facilities and Protection Services Health and Safety Committee (February 16, 2017)

·  The Laboratory Committee (March 8 and April 26th, 2017)

8.  New business

P. D’Aoust indicated that, in the near future, he will no longer be representing CUPE if he obtains a position in another unit affiliation. He will keep the committee informed of the outcome.

9.  Next meeting date

Find below the next meeting dates agreed upon for 2017-2018:

·  September 13, 2017

·  November 15, 2017

·  January 17, 2018

·  March 14, 2018

·  May 16, 2018

·  July 4th, 2018



Appointed Co-Chairperson Elvio Buono Date


Elected Co-Chairperson, Patrick D’Aoust Date

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