I stand for Liberty, State Sovereignty, Economic Intelligence, Founding Principles and Personal Accountability.
THE FREE MARKET VISION The right vision is this: government doesn't create jobs, freedom in the market does. For example: the State of Idaho subsidized Transform Solar, which is now out of business. Those wasted dollars did not create stable jobs. Artificial stimulus and picking winners is a waste of taxes. Our children lose every time taxes that could be used to balance budgets or fund education are wasted on malinvestment.
FOREST MANAGEMENT and WORKING PEOPLE Inman was forced to move to Boise to find work after college. He says, "Poor policies supported by environmental extremists are ruining Idaho's natural resource industries. Our mismanaged forests are dying or burning. Northern Idaho is a giant tinderbox that is a Yellowstone-sized fire waiting to happen. We must return to effective sustained yield management practices, to preserve our forests and our working-class families. I will be a voice for working people."
DIVERSE EXPERIENCE When Inman moved to Boise, he was an exercise physiologist at West Valley Medical Center. Inman has experience working in various segments of the economy. As a teen he washed dishes at the Garden restaurant in Sandpoint, and he refereed soccer games on a part-time basis in college. Chad still referees little league.
GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE and LOCAL CONTROL In the 1980's Chad's youth soccer team traveled across Europe, from London to Budapest. "We did exhibitions in numerous cities. I was in Berlin before the fall of the Wall. I saw first-hand the ugly, divisive side of socialism. And I saw the poor living conditions of those forced to live under socialism. I don't want our children to have to experience that."
Inman visited many countries of the Soviet bloc and learned that the extensive centralization of that regime was bad for local communities. Inman supports State's Rights, which is another word for decentralized, local control. The founding fathers understood that small, decentralized government is beautiful. They never believed the USA would succeed if it grew too large. The principles of small and local governance remain true. Local governance and local administration are better than control from a distance. This principle holds true for Idaho's education policy. It is true nationally. And it was true in Eastern Europe twenty years ago.
EDUCATION Inman received a BS from the University of Idaho in 1995.
HOUSING AND REAL ESTATE From the late nineties to the early two-thousands Inman sold real estate. "I found a new job before the big housing market crash, but my family has felt the setbacks of the housing bubble. We must protect property owners. Why should banks like JP Morgan get bailouts especially knowing what we know today? JP Morgan is still failing even though they received massive bailouts in 2009. Bailouts just don't work."
BUSINESS CONSULTING For nearly 10 years Inman worked as a marketing consultant with an international firm, promoting small to medium-sized businesses. "Obama has small businesses afraid to make decisions, if they are still in business." A big Idaho staffing company says that if Obamacare stays on the books, they will have to shut their doors. Every day Inman hears about the damage done by big-government regulations to a broad spectrum of businesses.
REAL ESTATE With a strong desire to protect property rights, a background in sales, and previous Realtor experience in the late 1990's to 2003, Inman recently began selling real estate in the summer of 2013.
Who is Chad Inman?
NORTHERN IDAHO ROOTS Chad Inman was born in Sandpoint, Idaho. His father was a logger and his mother worked at GTE. At age ten Inman joined the family business splitting cedar rails. Until age 25 Inman operated every part of the family lumber falling, processing and skidding business. It was here that Chad learned small business values and the importance of hard work.
FATHER Chad Inman’s oldest son, Hunter, attends Borah High, where he is a straight-A student. Hunter has earned a 2nd degree black belt, is in wrestling and boxing and has been awarded offensive MVP on his football team. His youngest son, Owen, is nine and full of energy. Owen is a natural athlete. He likes to sing, swim and eat dessert.
BROTHERS, Manufacturing & BUSINESS Inman has two siblings. His identical twin is an employee at a Portland 3D printer manufacturer and Inman's younger brother works for a medical device manufacturer in Northern Idaho. Inman's wife has worked performing medical research since 1996. She currently owns and operates a Boise pharmaceutical research company. Inman understands small business.
HERITAGE Inman comes from an English, German and Irish heritage. His mother had 6 brothers and sisters. Inman's grandfather moved to Idaho from Kansas in the 1930's and he worked in a lumber mill.
FAITH After college Inman learned the importance of God in his life. "Idaho is a great place because there are so many people of faith. I believe that our faith in God gives us hope to strive for better things. The United States was founded on that hope for religious and economic freedom. Freedom gives us the best foundation for an enduring peace. I pray that God shows our country a way through our problems while preserving our sacred freedoms."
HOBBIES Inman's hobbies are volunteering, soccer, hiking, hunting, gardening and studying Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea. Inman attended the 150 year celebration of Lewis and Clark's voyage in Salmon, Idaho five years ago.
Volunteerism runs deep in Inman’s history. As a child he volunteered at the Festival at Sandpoint during the summers. At the University of Idaho, Inman gave his time, under the supervision of Dr. Martin, speaking with student groups about the harmful effects of overindulgence and hope in abstinence. After college he ran the West Valley Medical Center’s Healthy Heart fun run. In recent years Inman has volunteered his time in political organizations and is now the President of Tea Party Boise, Inc. and GOP Legislative 17 District Chair. In 2011 Inman began, and in 2012 founded, his most ambitious project, a statewide political confederated group of local-organic Tea Parties, Gem State Tea Party.
Who are Chad's Heroes?
Inman's has few political heroes. One is old-school Democrat, John F. Kennedy. JFK was a man who loved his country and fought evil both by standing up to the mob and Soviet Russia. JFK was also known for his fiscal conservatism, balanced budgets and the gold standard.
Calvin Coolidge is another hero of Inman's. Coolidge was one of America's humblest presidents. Coolidge understood that a good government required a people with good moral fiber. He understood that the strength of a republic depended directly upon the values, reason and right thinking of its individual members.
"Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberality, and for the rights of mankind. Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government. There are only two main theories of government in our world. One rests on righteousness and the other on force. One appeals to reason, and the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in the republic, the other is represented by despotism." -Calvin Coolidge