College Undergraduate Studies Committee
19 February 2009
HSS UGSC: 08/09 3 M
Joint eca / University of Edinburgh degrees in Architecture – clarification of regulatory arrangements
In 2008 CHSS UG and PG Studies Committee, and Senatus UG and PG Studies Committees, approved the introduction of the following new joint eca / University of Edinburgh Architecture degree programmes, to be introduced from September 2009:
- BA in Architecture
- MA (Honours) in Architecture
- MA (Hons) in Architecture in Creative and Cultural Environments
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Architecture (Studies)
The University and eca subsequently signed a formal memorandum of agreement covering the operation of these programmes
At the point of approving the introduction of the new programmes, and signing the memorandum, eca and the University were aware that further clarification was required on some regulatory issues relating to the programmes. This paper seeks agreement on those outstanding issues, by inviting CHSS UG and PG Studies Committees to agree that the eca Assessment Handbook should apply to decisions regarding progression, degree award and classification, and to appeals relating to these, for the joint degrees in Architecture, subject to some specific amendments to the Handbook (the Handbook is not attached since it is an extensive document, but can be provided on request from Tom Ward, ). The paper also seeks approval that jointly badged eca / University of Edinburgh exit awards should be available for students on the UG joint Architecture programmes.
The ACE UG and PG Boards of Studies have approved these proposals, as has the eca Academic Council.
Assessment and degree regulations
The Memorandum of Agreement for the joint Architecture programmesindicates that the jointly taught modules for the joint programmes would be assessed on the basis of eca’s assessment system and regulations. This would include Architectural History modules compulsory to the joint programmes (but not to Architectural History courses offered to other students within the University of Edinburgh).
The MoA indicates that the University’s regulations would apply to decisions regarding progression, degree award and classification, and to appeals relating to these. However, in the light of decisions the institutions have made since the signing of the MoA regarding student record systems, and the discussions between academic staff at ACE and eca regarding the new eca Assessment Handbook, it now appears more logical for eca’s regulations to apply to the programmes as well as individual modules. This will be more coherent from the perspective of students on the programmes. This paper therefore proposes that the eca Assessment Handbook should apply to decisions regarding progression, degree award and classification, and to appeals relating to these, subject to the amendments set out below:
Award of Merit and Distinction for the Bachelor of Architecture
As it stands the eca Assessment Handbook does not allow for the award of Merit and Distinction at BA level. For the joint Bachelor of Architecture, Merit and Distinction can be awarded based on the same regulations governing the award of Merit and Distinction for degrees within CHSS.
Recording of Separately Delivered Modules
The Memorandum of Agreement indicates thatSeparately Delivered Modules will be assessed in line with the assessment system and regulations of the Partner Institution delivering the module. The outcomes of these modules will be recorded in EUCLID(the new University of Edinburgh student record system) in line with the mark and grade scale of the relevant institution*. That is,for electives taken within the University of Edinburgh or Heriot-Watt, the course result will be recorded as a Pass/Fail and as a mark out of 100 and a grade of A to F. Electives taken at eca will be recorded in EUCLID in line with the normal eca grade scale.
The electives to be offered by eca and Heriot-Watt for the joint programmes will be submitted for approval in Spring 2009.
Degree classification arrangements for MA (Honours) in Architecture
Under the eca Assessment Handbook, classification of Honours programmes is determined on each student’s performance at the end of Stage 4 (year four). For the MA (Honours) in Architecture, classification shall be determined on each student’s performance over both Stages 3 and 4 (years three and four). Where students have taken electives at the University of Edinburgh or Heriot-WattUniversity during their Honours years, these would be taken into account for the purposes of degree classification as follows:
Whereas for a 20 credit eca course three different grades would be assigned (one for each learning outcome) and each would contribute towards degree classification, for a 20 credit University of Edinburgh or Heriot-Watt University elective one grade would be assigned but this would be triple-weighted for degree classification purposes.
In all other respects, the eca Honours degree classification algorithm would apply as normal.
Exit awards
This paper proposes that the following jointly badged eca / University of Edinburgh exit awards should be available for students on the UG joint Architecture programmes:
- Certificate of Higher Education
- Diploma of Higher Education
Eligibility for these awards will be in line with the eca Assessment Handbook.
Tom Ward
February 2008
*Due to the rescheduling of some aspects of EUCLID, these will be recorded in WISARD / DACS during 2009-10