May 25, 2016
WRI Board Minutes / 2

WRI Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dunn County Job Center

Menomonie, WI

Meeting Minutes

WRI Board Members Present: Wayne Hendrickson, Steve Rasmussen, Colleen Bates, Dwight Jelle, Ben Plunkett, Larry Jepsen, Roger Larson

Others Present: Deb Leslie, Kathy Talford, Richard Price, Bambi Penning

1.  Call to Order - The WRI meeting was called to order.

2.  Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the April 25, 2016, meeting were reviewed.

WRI Board Action

Motion by Jepsen, second by Rasmussen to approve the April 25th meeting minutes. Motion unanimously carried with Plunkett abstaining.

3.  Discussion/Action Finance and Performance Reports

i.  2016-2017 Preliminary Budget

The Board reviewed preliminary budget numbers. It was noted that WIOA decreased $318,000.

ii.  Grant Performance Reports Approvals

The April 2016 Grant Performance Report and the Co-enrollments and Leveraged Dollars reports were reviewed. The Board asked that the previous year’s W2 performance data also be provided for comparison.

iii.  IRS Form 990 Approval

Based on input from the Board, the Executive Team provisionally approved the Form 990 so it could be submitted to the State by the filing date.

WRI Board Action

Motion by Hendrickson, second by Rasmussen to approve the filing of IRS Form 990 as presented. Motion carried.

4.  Update/Action on Related Grant Submissions

Leslie reported: 1) WRI will submit a Youth Build grant which is due July 6th. 2) The Region 7 Independent Living Grant has been submitted and notifications of awards will occur in early July. 3) WRI received the 2014 W-2 Bonus.

5.  Update/Action on DOL Findings Related to Building

An extension has been granted. No further update.

6.  Update/Action on WRI Board Bylaws after Review by Legal Counsel

The finalized Bylaws were submitted to Buck Malick, Malick Law Firm-Hudson, for review. Malick reported the Bylaws were in order.

WRI Board Action

Motion by Rasmussen, second by Larson to approve the updated Bylaws as presented. Motion carried.

7.  Update/Action on New WRI Board Member Appointments

Members were reminded that nominations are needed to fill the WRI Board member seats.

8.  Update/Action on WIOA RFP

Leslie reported that WRI submitted responses to the WIOA RFPs for Adult/Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and One Stop Operator. WRI was selected to be the provider of all three services.

9.  Update/Action on WRI CEO Performance Evaluation – Discuss Process

Annually the Board evaluates the WRI CEO. The Board discussed the process used in the past and the process moving forward. Bates will create an evaluation template and distributed to members. Leslie will submit a document to the Board identifying her accomplishments over the past year. The evaluation will occur at the next meeting in closed session.

10.  Update/Action on Staff Performance Evaluations & Wage Adjustments

The system for staff performance evaluations was reviewed. It was noted that the performance evaluation cycle will be completed June 30th. Wage increases based on objective performance evaluations has been budgeted.

WRI Board Action

Motion by Hendrickson, second by Larson to approve budgeted staff merit increases based on objective performance evaluations. Motion carried.

The Board discussed the practice of adjusting the salary scale for inflation. Historically, this has been done annually to keep the salary scale competitive. More information including budget impact is needed before further discussion can occur.

11.  Discussion/Action on HR Policies

The following HR policies were reviewed:

i.  Safe Driving Policy

WRI Board Action

Motion by Jepsen, second by Hendrickson to approve the Safe Driving Policy as presented. Motion carried.

ii.  Discipline Policy

WRI Board Action

Motion by Larson, second by Jelle to approve the Discipline Policy as presented. Motion carried.

iii.  Smoking Policy

WRI Board Action

Motion by Hendrickson, second by Jepsen to approve the Smoking Policy as presented. Motion carried.

12.  Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.