Join Us in Support of the Seventieth Anniversary of the United Nations

2015 Children’s Summit on

the World’s Sustainable Development Goals

9:30am – 5:30pm, Sunday 20 September 2015

Conference Room 6, The United Nations Headquarters

New York, USA


09:30 to 10:00Registration

10:00 to 10:30Welcome and Introductions Round

(Maria/Melinda, Nikhil, Marie-Claire/Vu)

10:30 to 11:00Children and the Sustainable Development Goals

Video clip / Learning circle / Activities and quiz

(Claire / UNDSD Staff)

11:00 to 11:30Break

Juice / water and biscuits / Kids networking games


11:30 to 12:15UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Video clip / Learning circle / activities and quiz

(Claire / Vuyelwa)

12:15 to 1:00SD Tree Presentation (Odeeth)

Brainstorm on Draft 2015 Children’s Declaration (Claire)

Mentors /International Child Participants Online

1:00 to 2:00Lunch

Sandwiches / pizza / juice / Kids networking games

2:00 to 3:00Global Sustainable Development & Children’s Rights Circle

International Guest Speakers

(Melinda / Susan / Vuyelwa)

3:00 to 3:45Voices of Future Generations Story Corners

Readings with Child Authors from around the World/ Question and Answer Sessions

3:45 to 4:15Climate Justice and the Future We Want

Learning Circle with International Guest Speakers / Mentors

(Kehkashan / Alexandra / Wanjira)

4:15 to 4:45Break

Juice / water / biscuits / Kids networking games

4:45 to 5:15Final Reading and Adoption of the 2015 Children’s Declaration on the World’s Sustainable Development Goals

(MC / Nikhil)

5:15 to 5:30Round for Conclusions & Future Directions


5:30 to 6:00Presentations of Children’s Summit Awards & Certificates to Childrenand Closing


Awards Committee: Melinda/Carissa/Wanjira/Patricia

Declaration Committee: Claire/MC/Ayman/Vuyelwa/Milen +Child Authors

Program Committee: Melinda/Claire/Vuyelwa/Ayman

Invited Guest Speakers

Leading international experts and authorities to be invited will include:

Master Jona David, Master DiwaBoaten, Miss KehkashanBasu, Miss Anna Yu-Win Kuo, and the other Child Authors of the Voices of Future Generations Children’s Book Series, Ms Irina Bokova, UN Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),Mr Achim Steiner, UN Environment Progamme (UNEP),Mr Anthony Lake, UN International Children’s Fund (UNICEF),Prof Kristen Sandberg, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Prof Edith Brown-Weiss, Francis Cabell Brown Professor of International Law of Georgetown University, Hon Mary Robinson, Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Miss Malala Yousafsai, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Ms Wanjira Maathai, Green Belt Movement and the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace & Environmental Studies (WMI), Dr Nikhil Seth, Ms Patricia Chavez & Ms Milena Reyes, UN Division for Sustainable Development, Ms Julia Marton-Lefebre, World Future Council and former Director-General of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Dr Marie-Claire CordonierSegger, Centre for international Sustainable Development Law, Mr Jakob von Uexkull and Dr Alexandra Wandel, the World Future Council, Mr Karl Hansen, Trust for Sustainable Living, and many other leaders in the fields of children’s rights, education, sustainable development and climate change.

Members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, finalists from the Voices of Future Generations Children’s Books Series selections in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa, the Small Island States, Europe and North America, also children from leading schools and colleges around the world (ages 8-12), representatives of leading international environment, education and children’s organizations, and other international leaders and delegates from the UN General Assembly will also be invited and very warmly welcome to the 2015 Children’s Summit.