

Directions: If a picture says a thousand words, than a cartoon must say a million! Work with your partner to analyze the cartoon by answering the following questions to the best of your ability! :)

1.  The cartoon depicts what time period? What was going on at the time? What does the title mean? (Use your prior notes or Chromebook to take your best guess)

2.  Notice the first two characters in the cartoon? Who are they?

3.  What is migration?

4.  What do we call people who migrate?

5.  How do nomads know where to go for food?

6.  in the first photo, the characters seem a bit tired and when asked how things are going, they say “so-so.” Why might they be feeling this way?

7.  What happens to these characters?

8.  What does the Neolithic man tell them?

9.  What does the Neolithic man tell them is the key to the Neolithic way of life?

10.  Read the bottom section, “Your KEYS to a BETTER LIFE!” It says: “Harness Plant Power! • Learn how the seeds you drop can become next fall’s crop! • Use seed selection to make future plants more productive and easier to harvest! • Preserve and store surpluses for hard times! • Invent new ways of preparing and cooking plant foods! Put Animals to Work for You! • Learn which species are slow and submissive! • Use food and fences to keep them around! • Influence their choice of mates! • Breed the best and eat the rest!”

a.  What do these tell you about domestication and the Neolithic Way?

b.  Why might these be attractive to nomads?

11.  What do we call people who live and produce their food in one place?

12.  According to the cartoon, how does domestication work?

13.  How did early agriculturalists modify the environment?

14.  Can we think of similar ways agriculture exploits the environment today?

15.  What is the style of the cartoon representing? How can you tell?

16.  Notice the Disclaimer at the bottom of the cartoon. It says: “Plant and animal domestication can lead to overpopulation, deforestation, erosion, flooding, desertification, materialism, diminished nutrition, cavities, and television. Caution advised. YOUR RESULTS MAY VARY.” What might this mean?

17.  What does this cartoon tell you about how modern food production and lifestyle are influenced by the Neolithic Revolution?

18.  Did the ad persuade you? Why or why not?