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  • provide a platform for debate on current issues around Parliament, constitutional affairs, participation and engagement
  • generate wide-reaching recommendations to improve parliamentary and legislative processes through timely and rigorous research
  • push the boundaries of new technology and its abilities to engage the public with policy makers
  • create and promote fresh and accessible resources to help teachers present the citizenship curriculum in an innovative and interesting way
  • run training sessions for teachers and policy professionals to enable them to understand arange of political issues and processes effectively
  • bring students from across the globe to study the British political system and to gain experience through internships in a wide variety of political organisations.

Members of the Hansard Society receive:

Basic Membership - £30

  • Electronic notification of our high-profile public seminars, meetings and briefings
  • Subscription to the Hansard Society's Monthly eNewsletter
  • Electronic notification of upcoming publications
  • Free publications posted to you

Premium Membership- £75

  • Including a subscription to Parliamentary Affairs in print and online
  • Electronic notification of our high-profile public seminars, meetings and briefings
  • Subscription to the Hansard Society's Monthly eNewsletter
  • Electronic notification of upcoming publications
  • Free publications posted to you

Parliamentary Affairs is a quarterly academic journal published by the Oxford University Press in association with the Hansard Society. The subscription runs from January to December and is billed by the Hansard Society.

Please see below a membership form and payment options and instructions. Once your payment has been processed you will become a Hansard Society Member and begin to receive the benefits. If you have queries about this process or Hansard Society Membership in general please do not hesitate to contact the Hansard Society on 020 7710 6070 or via e-mail: .

Hansard Society Membership

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*We contact you by e-mail for notifications of events, programme updates, publication launches and with the members’ newsletter.

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Membership £30

Premium Membership£75

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Quarterly Direct Debit

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  3. £7.50 (Basic Membership) or £18.75 (Premium Membership) will be taken from your bank account on 1st January, 1st April, 1st July & 1st October. The first payment will be taken on whichever of the above dates is soonest after your application.


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Account number: 20209713

Sort Code: 08-60-01

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