Join our Professional Engagement Network (PEN)
Are you a health or social care professional working in Hambleton, Richmondshire or Whitby?
Do you want to be part of improving, developing and transforming local health and social care services?
If so, NHS Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) would like to hear from you.
What is the PEN?
As we establish ourselves as an NHS organisation, we want to give health care professionals the opportunity to have a say and get involved in the planning and shaping of local health services. In order to do this, we want to work with health and social care professionals who have a huge breadth of knowledge. We hope that the PEN will help us to utilise this expertise, gain insight into the local issues affecting our clinical communities and help us to improve, develop and transform services.
Who can join the PEN?
All Clinicians and health professionals are welcome, from any specialty within primary, secondary, acute, community care and mental health. We would also like to involve representatives from social care, independent care providers and voluntary and third sector health care providers. We see this as a mutually beneficial network where members can gain professional experience for their portfolios.
What will the PEN do?
Members of the PEN will be asked to take part in discussions with the CCG around their area of expertise. This may be at a face to face workshop meeting, over the telephone or online. We will also hold an event twice a year to update the PEN on progress so far.
How do I join?
Fill in the application form on the back of this sheet and return it to the address below. Alternatively, visit the website below and fill in the online application form.
For further information
For more information and more about how we will work together, please visit or call
01845 859611.
Application form
Contact details:Title
First name
Job title
Line manager
Address of workplace
Telephone number
Email address
How would you like to be contacted?
Are you a member of any other professional networks? If so, please state:
What are your areas of expertise / interest? (Please circle all that apply)
Accident and emergency / Mental health (including dementia)
Asthma / Nursing homes
Cancer / Older people
Children and young people / Orthopaedics
Chronic respiratory disease / Public health and prevention
Community services / Primary care
Diabetes / Rehabilitation
Heart disease / Residential care home
Homecare agency / Social care
Learning disabilities / Stroke
Maternity / Urgent care
Other, please state:
I confirm that I have read and agree to the PEN Commitment to Working Together
NHS Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Clinical Commissioning Group
Email: Tel: 01845 573956