Directory of Services
Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)

December 2012


The publication of this Directory of Services was sponsored by Swindon and District NAS; the local branch of the National Autistic Society.

The Directory of Services is an update of the online directory compiled by DASH (Discovering Autism Spectrum Happiness), which is a local registered charity for adults with ASC. Thanks to DASH for sharing the information that they gathered in 2008.

Thanks to SEQOL who further resourced and supported the directory.

This Directory is not sponsored by those services included, but thank you to service providers for time given to update service entries.

We would appreciate updates and feedback from Directory users about services that you know who have knowledge and experience of working with adults with ASC, so that the Directory of Services can be extended– please contact Directory Author.

Directory author: Oriana.

The photographic images included in this document were kindly provided by Chloe Grubb.

Contents page

Assessment and Diagnosis

Swindon Autism Team (SEQOL)


DASH (Discovering Autism Spectrum Happiness

SAM (Swindon Advocacy Movement)


Wiltshire Autism Alert Card

Benefits and Legal Advice

Care Line

Community Care Assessment

The Advice Point

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

Wiltshire Law Centre

The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust


Swindon and District NAS


Swindon Carers Centre

The Marriage Course


Content page continued


New College

Farleigh Further Education College

Swindon College

Support Services


LIFT Psychology

Swindon Listening Line

Mental Health Crisis Service



Swindon Mind

Creative Therapies

Solution Focussed Brief Therapy

Swindon Eating Disorder Recovery Group

Developing Health and Independence (DHI)

Gamblers Anonymous

National Bullying Helpline

Employment Support

Job Centre Plus

Richmond Fellowship and employment Service Swindon

SEQOL Employment Services

NAS Prospects


Supporting People

Content page continued

Social and Leisure

Learning for Life

Swindon Health Ambassadors

Challenge Swindon

Hop, Skip and Jump


Wildflower Nurseries

Volunteer Centre Swindon

Assessment and Diagnosis

Swindon Autism Team – SEQOL

Clarence House,

Euclid Street,


SN1 2 JH

Telephone: 01793 463333


Description of Service

The SEQOL Autism team are a team of professionals who have training and experience in working with adults with autism and also adults with learning disabilities.

They provide a diagnostic service, to adults (those aged 18 and over) who may have an Autism Spectrum Condition, in Swindon, Oxford and Wiltshire.

The team includes Speech and Language Therapists, Clinical Psychologists, Nursing, Occupational Therapists and a Social Worker with good links with other relevant services.

The service provides assessment, a clinical report, diagnostic feedback, a follow-up support session, signposting and recommendations tailored to the needs of each individual.

Access to Service:

Referrals are made by your GP (Doctor), but if you want to talk to the team first, or if you want your GP to talk to the team about a referral and the benefits of assessment, contact Sue Smith (SEQOL Professional Lead) on the contact details above.


Discovering Autistic Spectrum Happiness (DASH)

Registered office:

284 Marlborough Road,



Tel: 01793 692596 or 07796 530 560


Description of Service:

DASH is an independent local charity whose mission is to improve the quality of life of adults of working age with Asperger’s and high functioning autism (HFA) living in Swindon.

Our primary aims are to:

Raise awareness and understanding of Asperger’s/HFA;

Promote and enhance access to assessment and diagnosis, post diagnostic support, welfare and care, housing, education and employment;

Research, promote and help to deliver a local model of support and services.

And in this way, help people with Asperger’s enjoy safer, healthier, more sociable, more productive and happier lives.

Services currently available from DASH are:

Information and advice,


Social groups

Volunteering opportunities.

We can also support individuals to access other services and opportunities in the wider community.

Access to Service:

Application forms for DASH social groups and volunteering opportunities are available to download from

SAM – Swindon Advocacy Movement

Area 5, Second Floor

Temple House

115-118 Commercial Road



Telephone: 01793 542266

Description of Service

This is an independent advocacy service for people with learning disabilities and Autism (including Asperger’s syndrome). SAM empowers people to take control of their lives and to enable people to communicate the things that they want and need. This can include liaising with services, helping people to understand letters and information and challenging situations that are not appropriate.

The service includes a Transition Advocacy Project, a men’s group and a Buddy scheme.

Access to Service:

You can either telephone or visit SAM offices (details above). There is also a referral form on the SAM website for referral to the adult service

Service User Network Swindon (SUNS)

161 Victoria Road



Tel: 01793 436174 (plus answering service)


Description of Service:

SUNS is a local registered charity and independent voluntary organisation managed by mental health service users for service users. It is a founder member of DASH.

SUNS aim is to support, train and encourage mental health service users to speak out about their experiences of the local mental health services.

SUNS increasingly has a role in the performance monitoring of local services and sends representatives to strategic planning groups and service improvement / development forums.

SUNS is also involved in the recruitment of staff into mental health services, staff induction and other training.

Members of SUNS are encouraged to take part in the work of the organisation and are supported to do this.

SUNS also offers:

●individual advocacy and sign-posting to other services;

●a range of social and leisure activities for service users.

Access to Service:

SUNS has experience of supporting individuals with a diagnosis of Asperger’s, co-morbid with mental health issues and welcomes enquires about SUNS work and activities.

The Wiltshire Autism Alert Card


Description of Service

The primary aims of the Autism Alert Card are to:

Help young people and adults with an autistic spectrum condition who come into contact with the criminal justice system and emergency services to receive appropriate support in difficult situations;

Raise awareness and understanding of autistic spectrum conditions amongst professionals working in the criminal justice system and emergency services.

The card is designed to be carried in a wallet or purse at all times.

The person carrying a card should show it to people when they find themselves in a difficult situation and are feeling stressed. The police and other services / organisations should respond to the card by contacting a named person listed on the back of the card. This will to help the professional to respond appropriately to the card-holder and at the same time enable to card-holder to receive support from someone they trust.

The card has been produced by a partnership of Swindon and District Branch of the National Autistic Society, DASH (Discovering Autistic Spectrum Happiness) and Wiltshire Constabulary.

Access to service

If you, or someone you know, would like a card please complete an application form. This can be downloaded from the website or you can email:

or you can call 01793 770079 for more information.

As you will see from the form you are required to include some evidence that you have an autistic spectrum condition or provide contact details of someone who can confirm this.

All personal details requested in the application form will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be passed to any third party without seeking your explicit consent.

The card is free, but please note that if you lose your card there is a fee of £1 for a replacement card.

Benefits/Legal Advice

Care line

Swindon Borough Council

Freephone: 0800 085 66 66 (note it is not free from some mobile phones)


Description of service

Care Line is a local service providing information to older people, adults with physical disabilities and carers.

Care Line will help you to get information that you need and access appropriate services, such as:

Equipment and Adaptations for Daily Living

Help at home

Support for carers

Residential and Nursing Home Care

Paying for Care Services

Safety at Home

Concerns about abuse

Social activities

Benefit agencies

Signposting to other agencies

Access to Service:

Opening Times:

Monday-Thursday 08.30-5.00pm Friday 08.30-4.30pm (Closed weekends and Bank Holidays)

Community Care Assessment

Social Services

Swindon Borough Council

The Civic offices



Tel: Free phone 0800 085 66 66

Customer services:

Description of Service:

Care Assessments

A care assessment is an opportunity to discuss your circumstances and needs; find out about any problems you are having; help you find solutions to these; and arrange community care services if these are needed. There is no cost for theassessment.

Who Completes the Assessment

It will be completed by a professional such as a social worker, care manager, occupational therapist or district nurse.

Who is Entitled to Receive Care

Adult Social Care has to provide community care services to people in the greatest need. In order to decide if you are able to receive such help we have an eligibility criteria. This ensures that we are providing services fairly to all of the public.

Cost of Care

You may be required to make a contribution to the cost of your care. Any charges are based on Swindon Adult Social Care charging policy. A financial assessment will be completed with you.

The Advice Point

George Hall Court

Cavendish Square

Park South



Tel: 01793 487934


Fax: 01793 619877

Description of Service:

The Advice Point offers free, confidential and non-judgemental help and advice on a whole variety of issues:




●welfare benefits.

The staff will help to complete forms and write letters on your behalf, and represent you at Tribunals, County Courts, etc.

Access to Service:

Call in to make an appointment : Monday – Friday 9.30am – 3.30pm Or Telephone 487934 for an appointment between 9am – 3.30pm Monday – Friday.

Swindon & District Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

Faringdon House

1 Faringdon Road



Public advice line: 08444 994 114

Fax no: 01793 613270


Advice guide website:

CAB Outreach at North Swindon Advice Point is based at:

Pinetrees Community Centre

The Circle




Tel: 01793 463226

Description of Service:

CAB offers free, confidential, independent and impartial advice on virtually any matter including: debt, welfare benefits, housing, employment, family and personal matters, immigration & nationality; consumer, taxes, health, education, legal issues / procedures.

We provide advice and practical assistance in addressing your problems, are able to negotiate on behalf of clients by letter or telephone and are able to assist you with the completion of forms and applications. We are able to assist you with preparing a case and may be able to represent you at a Court or Tribunal hearing.
Wiltshire Law Centre

Temple House

115 – 118 Commercial Road



Tel: 01793 486926

Fax: 01793 432193

Minicom: 01793 611326


Description of Service:

The Wiltshire Law Centre is a registered charity established in 1981 to provide free advice in social welfare law to people in and around Swindon. 27 years on, the Law Centre continues to offer free legal advice in:

●welfare benefits



The Centre will assist with benefit appeals and offer representation at tribunals and court hearings.

Housing advice is available to both council and private tenants and advice covers a wide range of housing issues – quality of accommodation, mortgage arrears, and repossession.

All aspects of debt such as council tax arrears, loans, bankruptcy and dealing with bailiffs.

Access to Service:

Opening hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm.

Appointments can be made by telephoning 486926.

The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust

Chippenham Police Station

Wood Lane



SN15 3DH

Telephone: 01225 794652



Service Description

The trust strives to help people in Wiltshire and Swindon by:

Improving security of domestic premises occupied by the elderly, vulnerable or disadvantaged to prevent burglary, hate crime and abuse

Reducing incidence of repeat burglary and re-victimisation

Promoting awareness of the safety, detection and prevention

Offering reassurance and advice on crime reduction, and sign posting other agencies that may be of assistance to clients’ particular needs.


Swindon and District National Autistic Society

Branch officer

Sally Grubb

NAS Swindon and District Branch


Wiltshire SN5

Service Description

The branch provides social events, offers information and advice, support and signposting to relevant services. The branch is run by a committee of representatives from different well established autism related groups, as well as professionals, parents and people with Asperger’s syndrome/autism.

Families, adults and children are represented.
Support for Carers of Adults with Asperger’s in Swindon


C/o Swindon Carers Centre

1 Wood Street



Tel: 01793 531133

Or contact Sally Grubb: 01797 770079


Description of Service:

SCASS is essentially a self-help support group and was formed to help those who are involved in the care of adults who have Asperger Syndrome (AS) residing within the Borough of Swindon (although members do include those residing in the nearby villages, including North Wiltshire). The definition of AS includes 'High-Functioning Autism' or HFA.

SCAAS believes that each person with AS is an individual in their own right with their own strengths, difficulties, ambitions and dreams. We also believe that as a consequence of their condition they share common ‘areas of difference’.

Access to Service:

For further information about the group please visit our website at:

Swindon Carers Centre

1 Wood Street



Tel: 01793 531133


Description of Service:

Swindon Carers Centre is there to help carers, by making their carer role more manageable. If carers feel supported themselves, they are far more likely to be able to support the person they care for.

The service helps through:

A registration process

Providing information

Signposting to relevant organisations

One to one support e.g. accessing services

Benefits advice

Access to Breaks and Complementary Therapies

Training sessions and Self Help Groups

Access to Service

The Swindon Carers Centre is open Monday-Thursday 09.30-4.30pm Friday 09.30 to 12 pm

The Marriage Course

Gateway Church

The Trinity Centre

Stonehill Green



Information or for an online application form:

Course Description

The Marriage course is a 7 week course suitable for any couple who want to invest in their relationship- whether you have been together for 1 year or 61 years, whether your relationship is strong or struggling. Course leaders have been trained to work with adults with ASC.

Course calendar available online.

Time 7.30pm-9.45pm


13 Milton Street



Telephone 01793 695405

Service Description

Time4US is a service that is part of the Swindon and Wiltshire Alcohol and Drug Service and is just for carers of people with alcohol and drug problems.

The service offers support, groups, information and advice to make things easier for people in their caring role. In addition there are guest speakers, one to one counselling and a non-judgemental place to meet and talk.

Access to Service:

Monday Evening groups- 6.30-8.30pm (apart from Bank Holidays)

Use contact details provided above to learn more about the timetable of events and support available for individuals.


New College

New College, Swindon

New College Drive,



Tel: 01793 611470

Email: or for specific enquiries with regards to additional support email

Service Description

Support for students with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) on full time programmes

The College can provide:

  • Social and communication skills – AD IDEM ‘meeting of minds’ provides a social curriculum that aims to improve self-awareness skills and prepare ASC students for the social world they live in. The group provides a safe and structured forum so that friendships can develop and issues can be discussed in a non-threatening environment.
  • 1:1 specialist tuition from qualified and specialist teachers,
  • 1:1 in class support – to support note-taking, understanding, organisation and appropriate social skills etc,
  • supported study – outside of timetabled classes,
  • Independent Living Skills – home cooking skills and personal finance.

The College is also developing new qualification based programmes to be delivered during term holidays.

The Baseroom

The Baseroom is equipped with PCs, laptops, games, a relaxation area and a small kitchenette. The Baseroom provides a social space and supported study area; there is trained member of staff on duty in the Baseroom to help with any coursework or anxieties students may have. The Baseroom also has four Pod Chairs which allow the students to withdraw and experience relative silence which helps to reduce anxiety.

Please be aware that if you are between 16 and 18 years of age and you feel that your additional needs cannot be met by your local college you must contact your school SENCo or the Education Department at your local authority for advice as soon as possible.

Farleigh Further Education College (Priory Group)


43 Bath Road,

Old Town,




Telephone: 01793 719500


Service Description

Farleigh Further Education College is an Independent provider of education for students aged 16-19 + years with Autism spectrum conditions and other associated diagnoses.