Birkwood Primary School

Newsletter 32: Friday, 20thMay 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Key Stage 1 SATs ~ our Year 2 children have done really well over the past week and have done themselves, you and our school proud. Miss Betts, Mrs Sutton, Miss Spellman and all the staff in the Bees, Butterflies and Ladybirds are delighted. The results of their tests and teacher assessments will be included in their end of year reports. Well done everyone!

Staffing News ~ We have appointed a new class teacher to start in September, Mrs Lucy Cooke. The Year 4 childen helped us last week to reach this important decision, she was lovely with the children and will fit in very well with our strong staff team. She was very excited to be joining us and will spend time over the Summer Term getting to know our school and the children; I will introduce you to her when she’s next in school. She will teach the Year 3/4 Ladybirds in September.

Year 6 Sleepover ~ As a reward for all their hard work preparing for SATs, Mr Sandwith, with support from other staff will be holding a Sleepover on Friday, 17th June.This will also be a Space Night, thanks to funding from Outwood Shafton Academy organised by Richard Burgin(more details to follow).

Thank you to everyone who supported the Disco on Wednesday evening and then the Bingo on Thursday evening; to Mrs White for organising this opportunity and to all the staff who supported after a long day at school.

The Disco raised £246 and the Bingo £165.80 profit for School Funds which is very much needed at the moment with all of the trips and visits planned next half term!

Yesterday, the Gardening Group visited Ledston Estate and had the chance to meet a range of animals and learn more about growing fruit, vegetables and flowers. They had a wonderful day! Thank you to Mrs Whitfield, Mrs Todhunter and Miss Greenwood.

House Tokens ~ Today is the last day for totalling the tokens as we need to confirm the visit to Flamingo Land on the 16th June and organise all of the transport and staffing for over 70 children! There is something very exciting planned for the children who remain at school too as they’ve all been really good.

The House Winners for last week were:

Team Water (Blue)

Next Week

Monday ~ We will be having a Special Assembly to remind the children about keeping themselves safe on the internet over the holiday. Also, our School Council, with help from Mrs Shaw, will be telling the children about ‘Stranger Danger and Safer Places to Play.’ We don’t want anything happening to our lovely children!

Also on Monday ~ Our team of Year 5/6 children will represent our school at Rounders at Shaw Lane during the afternoon. Good luck to everyone and thank you for your coaching Mr Campbell.

Official Opening of our new Wildlife and Sensory Garden

on Tuesday, 24th May at 2pm by Mrs Gill Shaw

Thanks to Miss Betts and funding from Tesco ‘Bags of Help’, work carried out by Twiggs and Miss Betts and Miss Greenwood for their design ideas. It’s beautiful and will be another excellent teaching resource for our children. We are so lucky! You are very welcome to join us and have a look around.

Thursday ~ Children will have the opportunity to have photos taken by Academy Photos of Classes, Sport, Music and the School Council. Could children please remember to bring their instruments.

New Lighting Rig ~ You may notice that we will also have a new lighting rig so that we can spotlight the children; thanks to Tommy Taylor for all his help and support and installation by Richard Burgin and his team.

The Queen’s Birthday Celebration

We will be celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday at school on Friday 10th June 2016.All children and staff are invited to wear red, white and blue. There will be a special assembly in the morning with a birthday cake designed by Kim Wilson. Every child will receive a special bun, also made by Kim. We will be having a buffet Lunch and in the afternoon we will have a Tea Party on the school playground with entertainment.

Mrs Keneally in the school kitchen needs to know how many children will be having the buffet so please return the slip by Monday, thank you.

Cudworth Ward Alliance Academic Achievement Awards ~ Congratulations to the following children who have been chosen from Years 3 – 5 to receive awards this year at the Town Hall on Tueday, 14th June. They will join children from Cherry Dale and Churchfield to receive awards in a range of categories; they will meet the Mayor and join him for refreshments afterwards (see separate letter). Really well done to:

Madison Dearden, Megan Parry, Jack Duggan, Poppy Heap, Davey Walker, Lilly Ford, Bailey Dyson

Elizabeth Iacobescu, Kurt Morrison, Evie Middlehurst and Regan Percival

School Dinners ~ For the new school year, we would like to encourage parents to pay upfront for school dinners rather than owing for them. This way it will save the debt building up in the future and Mrs Taylor needing to contact you to pay it off. Please help if you can, thank you.

We break up on Thursday, 26thMay and return to school on Monday 6thJune

School closes for the Summer holidays Friday, 15th July and

re-opens for children on Tuesday, 6thSeptember

With kind regards and many thanks for your continued support,Mrs Julie Allen, Headteacher