12500 Wilson Boulevard, #320

San Diego, CA92126

Phone: (858) 555-0000


Vacancy Announcement:

Social Security No: 123-45-6789

Citizenship: U.S.

Veteran’s Preference: 10 point/30 percent compensable


May 2003 – present, BUDGET TECHNICIAN, GS-0561-07, step 3

40 hrs per week, Salary: $36,949 per year

U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), Commanding General, (FA Adjutant Division)

MCAS Miramar, P.O. Box 452000, San Diego, CA92145-2000

Supervisor: Paul Mason; (858) 555-7777; May be contacted.

Compile data and formulate timely, accurate budget reports for the USMC Commanding General.

FORMULATED BUDGET AND DESIGNED SPREADSHEETS FOR HQ ORGANIZATIONS: Analyze and monitor sub-fund administrator’s historical data for budget formulation including actual data on executed annual funds. Develop total budget estimate based on prior year’s execution. Produce in-depth, well-organized spreadsheets and narratives in approved formats for headquarters organizations.

JUSTIFIED BUDGET FOR FUNDED AND UNFUNDED ITEMS: Develop justification for each itemized budget requirement. Provide unfunded requirements lists developed at local level to request additional funds. Assemble data and deliver PowerPoint presentations to headquarters officials.

PLANNED, FORECASTED AND REPROGRAMMED FUNDS TO ACCOMMODATE BUDGET CHANGES: Forecast requirements, allowing for unanticipated events to avoid over obligation of funds. Develop quarterly reports submitted headquarters. Coordinate response to mid-year review data requirements, including historical data for analysis by headquarters. Establish measures for senior managers measures relative to spending goals in form of percentage of authorized funds spent. Assist comptroller for year-end close-out reporting. Reprogram funds to accommodate budget changes.

EFFICIENTLY EXECUTED BUDGET AND COMMUNICATED PROJECTIONS: Ensure that each step of the budget process is completed within time constraints. Prepare budget for execution, including establishing local budget based on prior year’s performance of funds spent. Communicate projections for coming year and add planned projects. Receive funding authorization and process requests, such as obligations of programmed funds.

November 1984 – January 2002, ACCOUNTING CHIEF, E-6, 40+ hrs per week

U.S. Marine Corps, AC/S Comptroller, Bldg 1160, Camp Pendleton, CA92055-5010

Supervisor: Lt. Col Nathan Kojak (retired); (760) 555-8888; May be contacted.

Promoted from E-1 to E-6 through series of increasingly responsible assignments. Each level included developing and delivering various training modules, establishing fund administrators, planning, budgeting, auditing fund administrator accounts, and communicating comptroller requirements to organizations within the scope of the comptroller.

SUPERVISED MILITARY AND CIVILIANS: Supervised 5-10 military and civilian personnel having a variety accounting functions. Exercised full supervisory authority and discretion for military personnel; advised managers on civilian employees’ performance for annual review. Mentored and counseled civilian employees regarding performance and opportunities for promotion.

ADVISED SENIOR MANAGEMENT IN ACCOUNTING AND MILITARY PERSONNEL RECORDS: Advised upper management concerning $10-20 million in accounting data, including military personnel records pertaining to performance reports. Reviewed and analyzed accounting functions including presenting and executing operating budget to ensure valid data.

ADMINISTERED FUNDS AND AUDITED EXECUTED BUDGETS: Applied knowledge of rules, regulations, and government policies to write and edit 30-45 fund administrator requests annually. Analyzed budget data and budget requests. Ensured budgets were processed correctly in accounting system. Advised decision-makers on alternative methods of funding, spending, and accounting of authorized funds. Annually audited, monitored, and analyzed each executed budget for authorized spending.

MONITORED AND CONTROLLED PERFORMANCE OF FUNDS: Reviewed fund administrators’ performance and advised on reprogramming of funds to support new or revised requirements during the course of the fiscal year. Continually reviewed comptroller programs to ensure data, reports, and staffing were at acceptable levels. Delivered training and supplied appropriate reference materials to correct misunderstandings of accounting systems and procedures.

ANALYZED ACCOUNTING REPORTS AND BUDGETS FOR CONTROLLER: Read and screened classified information and data to evaluate importance to comptroller’s office. Coordinated and supervised fund administrator audit teams that conducted reviews to oversee each authorized budget. Maintained and reconciled official accounting records, including official accounting reports after each accounting cycle.

SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT: Designed and delivered training, including step-by-step instructions, tested for impromptu application, the application now used as the standard for data retrieval in U.S. Marine Corps accounting system.

KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Served as initial point of contact for establishment of Oracle-based SABRS Management Analysis Retrieval Tool System (SMARTS) application. Trained 30-40 personnel prior to launching application on individual computers. Coordinated technical phone assistance and troubleshooting. Modified training module to suit specific needs of three major military commands.


Financial Management Certificate; USDAGraduateSchool; pending completion.

Introduction to Financial Management; USDAGraduateSchool; 2004, 40 classroom hrs.

Appropriations Law; USDAGraduateSchool; 2004, 40 classroom hrs.

Introduction to Federal Budgeting; USDAGraduateSchool; 2004, 32 classroom hrs.

Accounting for Non-Accountants, USDAGraduateSchool; 2003, 32 classroom hrs.

Basic Government Purchasing Class; 2000, 2003, 40 classroom hrs.

Impromptu Application (data retrieval system for SABRS); 2001, 32 classroom hrs.

Microsoft Access, Beginner to Advanced; November 2000, 24 classroom hrs.

Microsoft Office Applications: Excel, Word, PowerPoint; 2000, 40 classroom hrs.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Franklin Covey; 2000, 24 classroom hrs.

Terminal Area Security Officer Assistant for 3270 Access; 1993, 1999, 24 classroom hrs.

Basic Natural Programming Course; 1998, 40 classroom hrs.


American Society of Military Comptrollers; member since 1987.

Veterans of Foreign Wars; continual support; March 1999.


Letter of Appreciation for providing training in government accounting, established reconciliation system; 1999.

Letters of Appreciation for providing outstanding assistance, researching, providing additional funds for project completion; June 1992.


USMC; Active Duty Service, August 1967 – January 1970.

USMC Reserves; May 1976 – November 1984.

USMC; Active Duty Service November 1984 – January 2002 (retired).


B. S., Information Systems / Database Administration; NationalUniversity; San Diego, CA; October 2003.

A. A., Major: System Analyst; TruckeeCommunity College, Reno, NV; June 1977.


PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: In-depth knowledge of Federal financial management practices, procedures, accounting, budget processes. Experienced supervisor with knowledge of employment policies pertaining to government accounting functions. Skilled in identifying key policy issues, making recommendations to upper management. Proficient at gathering, compiling, analyzing financial, budget auditing information. Technically proficient with Microsoft products. Excellent reputation of working well with people, providing excellent customer service, promoting team work.