Jeff Lasseigne / HANDOUT
Session 7 -Revelation 4: Casting Crowns? /
“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but FELLOW CITIZENS with God’s people and also members of his household,” Ephesians 2:19 NIV
“But our CITIZENSHIP IS IN HEAVEN. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ…” Philippians 3:20 NIV
How many times do we read about the Church from this point onward?
- None.
- John(On Patmos) is SUMMONED UP to Heaven with a voice of a TRUMPET,
- Believer’s to be kept from the “Hour of Trial”,
- Jesus said, “After these things”, which were the 7 churches (2-3),also a Panoramic History of Church Age. So, after the Church Age, John, representing the Church, goes up.
- DOOR in Heaven – Jesus referred to himself as, “the Door”– John 10:9,
- Voice like a TRUMPET - See the Rapture passage:1 Thessalonians 4:16,
- Following this chapter,the TRIBULATION PERIOD (7 years) is described.
DOOR = Gkθύρα (thyra) Used in John 10:9 and Rev 4:1.
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”1Thessalonians 4:16 NIV
TRUMPET = Gkσάλπιγγος (salpingos)Rev 4:1 – a Trumpet; σάλπιγγι (salpingi)1Thes 4:16 – the Trumpet.
What are the 3 Doors that are mentioned in Revelation?
- Rev 3:8 (Philadelphia) – An OPEN Door (The Gospel & Evangelism),
- Rev 3:20 (Laodicea) – The Door of REPENTANCE and RESPONSE,
- Rev 4:1 – Leads into HEAVEN & the THRONE-ROOM of God.
- Rev 4:1 –PRE, or PRIOR to the Tribulation Period,
- Rev 11:19 – MID-point of the Tribulation,
- Rev 19:11 – POST Tribulation, Jesus’ Return to establish His Millennial Kingdom.
- 700 references to Heaven in the Bible – 278 in the New Testament,
- Limited actual information; A lot we don’t know, but wish too,
- 2 reliable witnesses, in the Bible, who visitedHeaven(bodily, or in spirit):
- Paul – 2 Corinthians 12 – Not allowed to share what he saw and heard.
- John – Revelation 4 – Told to write what he saw and heard.
- 1st Heaven = The atmosphere – The sky, the birds the weather Isaiah 55:10,
- 2nd Heaven = Outer Space, Universe, where the Sun, Moon and stars are Psalm 8:3,
- 3rd Heaven = God’s dwelling place, the Throne, presence, mercy and blessing Matthew 6:9,
- Whilst Man has experienced the 1st two, it is only via Jesus that we can experience the 3rd.
4:2 / What is the CENTRAL THEME of Chapter 4 (v2)?
- The PRESENCE OF GOD in Heaven rather than the Throne – Without God, the Throne would be meaningless,
- Without God, it would be Hell – Eternal separation from God.
What will sustain you through all your Trials on the Earth?
- Know that God is on His Throne. In control of our life and circumstance,
- It doesn’t matter what you are going through, God is in control,
- God is the creator and the source and Sustainerof everything,
- The Theory of Evolution cannot counter the Devine control and makeup of the Universe.
4:3-5 / What does GOD LOOK LIKE (v3)?
- JASPER–mostly opaque deep red. Colour: from clear to any, “God’s chemistry set”,
- SARDIUS STONE – mostly opaque, blood red, some interpret as Ruby or red carnelian,
- Rainbow of EMERALD - mostly Green, but can also be red.
- Yes, all of them – some versions call the stones by alternate names. See Exodus 28:17-20,
- Sardius Stone (Ruby, Carnelian)– FIRST,
- Jasper – LAST,
- Emerald – LAST of the SECOND ROW,
- The Breastplate: (1 for each tribe) is so that God’s people are close to God’s Heart.
- The rainbow is mentioned in both Genesis and Revelation,
- GENESIS - Noahic Covenant –Promise that God would not destroy the world with a flood,
- REVELATION –God’s Promise fulfilled that His people are safely in Heaven (Perhaps).
- Not seen on or promised aTHRONE,
- There is no plan of salvation for fallen angelsHebrews 2:16-17:
- Angels created to be holy,
- Had been in God’s presence,
- Saw Heaven and God in His pure righteousness, but chose to follow Lucifer (Satan),
- God created Man in His image and we have not had their experience.
- The job of Angels is as ministering spirits to believers(Hebrews 1:14),
- They faithfully obey the Lord without question,
- ELDERS (PRESBYTEROUS):Always used of men, not Angels (Luke 7:3, Titus 1:5),
- CROWNS of gold, not promised to Angels, but to believers (See 7 Churches),
- PEOPLE: But Which?
- 12 TRIBES of Israel (Numbers 13:1-13 +Levi),
- 12 APOSTLES (Mark 3:13 - Judas replaced by Matthias- Acts 1:12-26),
- Old/New Testament Saints –OT Saints:from Hades to Heaven(Ephesians 4:9 & 1Peter 3:19-20),
- HEAVENLY CITY – 12 gates (12 Tribes) & 12 Foundation Stones (12 Apostles) (21).
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”Hebrews 1:14 NIV
ELDERS = GkΠρεσβυτέρους (presbyterous).
What does the LIGHTENING & THUNDER Represent (v5)?
- Warning of Judgement coming from the Throne of God.
- The seven-fold appearance of the HOLY SPIRIT of God. (Revelation 1 & Isaiah 11).
- There is no sea, or ocean in Heaven.It’s a metaphor (Revelation 21).
- Possibly Holiness(Exodus 3:5; 24:9-10).
“… elders of Israel went up 10 and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as bright blue as the sky.”Exodus 24:9-10 NIV
Who were the 4 LIVING CREATURES before the Throne (v6)?
- They are a higher order of Angel in the Bible:
- Cherubim –4 wings and 4 faces (as per Rev 4) (Ezekiel 10, Genesis 3:24, Exodus 25:17-22),
- Seraphim – 6 wings covering face and feet (as per Rev 4) (Isaiah 6),
- Arch-Angels - Great Princes (Jude 9; Daniel10:21; 1Thessalonians 4:16).
“… I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another:“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.””Isaiah6:1-3 NIV
4:3-5 / The 4 Living Creature sound a bit grotesque with all the eyes etc.(v6)?
- They are probably very beautiful as they reflect the beauty of God.
- Holy.
- Non-stop, day and night, all creation in heaven.
What relationship didIrenaeus (2nd century) draw: Jesus and the 4 living creatures (v7)?
- LION – Matthew: LION of the tribe of Judah,
- CALF – Mark: SERVANTHOOD of Christ(Calf represents service),
- HUMAN – Luke: the HUMANITY of Christ,
- EAGLE – John: the DEITY of Christ.
- Non-stop, day and night, all creation in heaven.
- A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God – when we PRAY we are fulfilling our purpose,
- To WORSHIP Him – when we WORSHIP we are fulfilling our purpose,
- WORSHIP is also the priority in Heaven.
- Get into the WORD (Daily),
- PRAY – take it to the Lord and depend upon Him,
- WORSHIP the Lord – We often neglect this.
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