9.1939 THRU 8.1945 Page 1

B.CHARNEY VLADECK: Am (EC2) 1944 7,176gt

1945: 1/17

B. F. SHAW: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1944: 5/30 1945: 3/27

B. P. NEWTON: Nor M/T 1940 10,324gt

1942: 7/11R; 8/31; 10/7; 11/21; 12/30

1943: 2/17; 4/2; 6/10

7/8/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U510 about 130nm northeast of Cayenne, French Guiana at 5 50N-50 20W.

Voyage: Curacao, and Trinidad (lv 7/3/43) in convoy TJ 1 for Bahia, Saldanha Bay, East London and Beira with

aviation gasoline and lubricating oil.

BAALBEK: Nor M/V 1937 2,160gt

1939: 10/14; 12/7; 12/13

Arr 1940: 2/5; 4/3; 4/8; 6/19; 8/19; 10/26

1942: 3/25; 5/25; 8/11; 11/27

1943: 3/13

1944: 4/5; 5/20; 6/30

BAARN: Du S/S 1927 5,621gt

1942: 10/24

7/11/1943: Damaged by near miss of a bomb that started a fire in a hold off Avola, Sicily at 36 55N-15 13E.

Sunk by destroyer HMS Tartar due to the danger of ammunition cargo exploding.

Voyage: Arr on previous day from Alexandria with military cargo of vehicles, fuel and ammunition.

BACCHUS: Du S/S 1911 2,255gt

1939: 9/13; 10/11; 11/25

Arr 1940: 5/4; 6/17; 7/15; 8/12; 9/9; 10/7; 11/4; 12/16

1941: 1/29; 3/13; 4/24; 6/6; 7/3; 8/1; 8/29; 9/27; 10/29; 12/8

1942: 1/30; 4/4 delayed-proceeding 4/7; 6/18

1944: 11/18

1945: 6/7

BACK BAY: Br/Can S/S (Laker) 1908 2,382gt (ex American-1944)

1944: 8/11 delayed-crew trouble-proceeding 8/14

1945: 5/21; 7/5; 7/26; 8/28

BACKHUYSEN: Du M/T 1942 8,191gt (ex EMPIRE FLETCHER-Br 1942)

1944: 4/26; 6/30; 8/29

1945: 1/17; 3/2; 5/25; 7/8; 8/31 diverted to New Orleans instead of Baton Rouge (9/12)

BACOI: Am M/T 1912 1,535gt

1941: 6/20

BACTRIA: Br S/S 1928 2,407gt

1943: 1/5R

BADGER STATE: Am M/V (Laker) 1912/1,539gt

1942: 5/2

BAGHDAD: Nor M/V 1936 2,161gt

1939: 9/28; 12/15; 12/22

Arr 1940: 2/9; 2/21; 4/11; 4/17; 7/1; 7/10; 9/12; 11/12

1942: 3/18; 5/20

5/30/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U155 about 300nm ENE of Barbados at 14 15N-54 30W.

Voyage: New York (lv 5/22/42) for Pernambuco, Maceio and Bahia with mail and general.

BAHARISTAN: Br S/S 1928 5,479gt

1942: 12/22R

BAHRAM: France S/S1922 7,765gt

1944: 3/30; 5/9; 6/13; 7/7; 10/6 diverted to Beaumont instead of Port Arthur (10/17); 10/30

1945: 1/6; 1/16; 6/14

BAIALOIDE: Brazil S/S 1914 6,479gt (ex LIANA-Italy 1941)

1943: 6/5

1944: As Panamanian 3/8

6/10/1944: Scuttled as a breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 2 off Omaha Beach, St. Laurent, Normandy.

BAJA CALIFORNIA: Honduras S/S 1914 1,648gt

1942: 3/27

7/19/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U84 about 50nm northwest of Key West at 25 14N-82 27W.

Voyage: New Orleans, and Puerto Barrios for Key West with general cargo and tobacco.

BAJAMAR: Nor M/V 1931 2,757gt

1939: 10/5; 12/30

A rr 1940: 2/23; 5/1; 7/1; 7/9; 9/3; 10/23; 11/2; 12/17; 12/2**

1941: 3/7; 7/12; 11/29

1942: 3/10; 4/23; 5/16; 6/10

1943: 1/14; 4/29; 8/25R; 12/24R

1944: 4/15; 6/2; 6/22; 7/22 voyage abandoned-clearance cancelled-recleared 7/24

BALAKLAVA: Swe M/T 1944 8,400gt

1945: 6/15; 7/13

BALD HEAD: Am M/Tug (V4-M-A1) 1943 1,117gt

1943: 12/2

BALDBUTTE: Am S/T 1919 6,295gt

1942: 10/6R

1943: 1/9R; 1/19; 2/22; 7/30; 11/23

1944: 3/21; 4/20; 5/20; 6/23; 7/19

BALDWIN PARK: Br/Can (Scan) 1944 2,895gt

1944: 12/21 1945: 3/31; 7/21

BALFE: Br S/S (War) 1920 5,369gt

1942: 12/26 1943: 3/24 1945: 3/26; 4/28

BALINGKAR: Du S/S 1921 6,318gt (ex WERDENFELS-Germany 1940)

1941: 3/22 1942: 2/27

5/10/1940: As German ship Werdenfels, seized at Sabang, Sumatra by Netherlands. Renamed Balingkar.

8/18/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U214 about 330nm northeast of Sao Miguel, Azores at 41 34N-19 49W.

Voyage:: Lourenco Marques, and Freetown in convoy SL 118 for Liverpool with rubber, copper and cotton.

BALKAN: Yug S/S 1911 4,125gt

Arr 1940: 4/9

1941: Transferred to Panama, renamed Armando*.

BALKIS: Nor M/V 1939 2,161gt

Arr 1940: 2/17; 4/11; 6/10; 8/12; 8/23; 10/22; 10/31; 12/26

1941: 3/8; 5/7; 6/13; 12/26

1942: 2/26

4/10/1942: Sunk by torpedo and gunfire from Italian submarine Calvi about 80nm NNE of Ceara, Brazil at 02 30S-38W.

Voyage: St. Johns NF (lv 3/25/42), and Halifax (arr 3/28-lv 3/30)) for Buenos Aires with paper and pulp.

BALLA: Nor M/V 1923 2,565gt

1939: 12/9

Arr 1940: 2/16; 5/4; 10/24

1941: 11/29 delayed-proceeding 12/9

1943: 8/28; 10/14; 12/4

1944: 2/16; 4/3; 5/27; 6/28; 8/8

1945: 1/20; 3/19; 4/6; 6/12

BALLADIER: Am S/S 1919 3,279gt (ex NAMARIB*Am 1941;MARSODAK Am 1941)

1942: 7/23

8/15/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U705 south of Iceland at 55 23N-24 32W.

Voyage: New York, and Halifax in convoy SC 95 for Reykjavik with lumber, steel pipe and general cargo.

BALLENAS: Am S/Tug 1919 437gt

Arr 1940: 12/10 1941: 5/20

BALLOT: Pan S/S 1922 6,131gt (ex ALBERTA*Italy 1942)

1942: 1/3 delayed-proceeding 1/7-further delayed-proceeding 1/11; 7/26

1/2/1943: Ran aground in fog and wrecked on Kildin Island, at eastern approach to Kola Inlet.Abandoned 1/13. Total:Loss.

Voyage: Loch Ewe (lv 12/22) in convoy JW51B for Murmansk with military cargo.

BALLS BLUFF: Am (T2) 1943 10,195gt

1943: 9/11 1944: 5/29; 7/20

11/20/1944: Slightly damaged in an air attack by Japanese aircraft at approx 12N-155E.

Voyage: Ultihi Atoll (Caroline Islands) (lv 11/18) in convoy for Eniwetok (Marshall Islands).

BALMORALWOOD: Br S/S 1937 5,834gt

Arr 1940: 1/11

6/14/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U47 about 75nm southwest of Cape Clear, Ireland at 50 19N-10 28W.

Voyage: Sorel (Quebec), and Halifax in convoy HX 48 for Falmouth with wheat and four aircraft.

BALTIC: Pan M/T 1920 8,805gt

1939: 11/6; 11/30

Arr 1940: 5/7

1941: 3/26; 4/30 delayed-proceeding 5/2; 5/28; 7/16 delayed-proceeding 7/19; 8/15

1942: 10/23; 12/29

1943: 6/10

1944: 3/6; 9/2 detained for repairs-proceeding 9/7

1945: 3/3; 3/24; 6/16 detained for repairs-proceeding 6/18-detained for further repairs-proceeding 6/22;

7/14 diverted to Beaumont instead of Galveston (7/19)

BALTYK: Poland S/S 1942 7,001gt

1942: 5/9

1943 2/2; 2/10; 3/4 detained-awaiting orders-now proceeding; 6/14; 8/12

1944: 2/15

1945: 7/3

BALUCHISTAN: Br S/S 1940 6,992gt

Arr 1940: 11/20

3/26/1941: Damaged in air attack in eastern Mediterranean.

3/8/1942: Sunk by torpedo and gunfire from U68 about 55nm west of Cape Palmas, Liberia at 04 13N-08 32W.

Voyage: Basra and Cape Town for Freetown and UK with dates and general cargo.

BANADEROS: Nor M/V 1930 2,728gt

1939: 9/30; 10/21; 12/27

Arr 1940: 1/2; 3/7; 5/11; 5/15; 7/15; 9/6; 9/18; 11/25

1941: 2/6; 4/3; 6/19; 8/26; 10/28; 12/31

1942: 2/25; 4/11; 6/16; 9/16

1943: 1/9; 5/3; 8/20R; 9/15; 12/24R

1944: 3/25; 5/15; 6/19; 8/22

1945: 1/29

BANFF PARK: Br/Can (Park) 1942 7,133gt

1942: 10/28R 1943: 6/12R; 8/5R 1944: 11/18

BANFFSHIRE: Br S/S 1912 6,479gt

1942: 5/4

1943: 1/12 detained-awaiting orders-expected to proceed 1/21

9/29/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U532 in west of Nine Degree Channel in Laccadive Islands at 09 26N-71 20E.

Voyage: Colombo (lv 9/27) for Aden and UK with tea, rubber, graphite, coconut oil and copra.

BANFORA: Br S/S Pass 1914 9,472gt (ex French 1942)

1943: 1/7R

4/12/1941: As Vichy French Banfora, captured off Mauritania by RN ships.

BANTAM: Du M/V 1939 9,312gt

1939: 11/21; 12/15

Arr 1940: 5/8; 9/23; 10/31

1941: 4/3; 4/23; 9/20; 10/4

1942: 2/25; 8/4

1943: 3/12; 10/7; 12/28

1944: 2/25; 4/14; 6/23; 8/10; 9/28; 10/16R; 12/4

1945: 2/9; 3/27; 4/6

BARALT: Du S/S 1921 780gt

1941: 6/3; 7/1; 7/29; 8/26; 9/23; 10/28

BARBACENA: Brazil S/S 1909 4,772gt

1939: 9/1; 9/15 1941: 3/27; 4/12 1942: 2/16

7/28/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U155 about 200nm east of Barbados at 13 10N-56W.

Voyage: Santos and Pernambuco for Trinidad with coffee, castor seed, dried beans and caroa fiber.

BARBARA FRIETCHIE: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1943: 12/14 1944: 3/4; 11/3 1945: 4/12

BARBARIGO: Italy M/V 1930 5,294gt

1939: 10/23; 10/30

Arr 1940: 1/2; 1/8; 3/12; 3/18; 5/15; 5/24

7/15/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by submarine HMS P33 about 18nm south of Pantelleria Island at 36 27N-11 54E.

BARBERRYS: Br S/S 1920 5,170gt (ex AMERICAN ORIOLE-Am 1940)

1942: 3/5; 5/22 delayed-proceeding 5/26; 11/16

11/26/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U663 about 280nm northeast of St. John's NF at 50 36N-47 10W.

Voyage: New York (lv 11/17) in convoy SC 110 for Glasgow with general cargo.

BARBRO: Nor M/T 1934 6,325gt

1941: 9/3 delayed-proceeding 9/16

9/20/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by U552 about 300nm ENE of Cape Farewell at 61 30N-35W.

Voyage: New York (lv 9/6/41), and Sydney CB (lv 9/11), in convoy SC 44 for Stanlow with gasoline.

BARDALAND: Swe M/V Reefer 1936 2,595gt

Arr 1940: 5/27; 10/5; 10/15

1941: 3/4; 3/15; 8/9; 8/26

BARENDRECHT: Du M/T 1936 9,385gt

1941: 9/24

1943: 11/17R; 11/24

1944: 6/30; 8/29

1945: 1/2; 5/17; 7/5

9/22/1940: Damaged in air attack at London. TempR at Tilbury (lv 11/19) for The Tyne. PermR.

BARFONN: Nor M/T 1931 9,739gt

1939: 12/30 Arr 1940: 6/28 1941: 7/20; 8/13

10/17/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by U432 in North Atlantic at 56 58N-25 04W.

Voyage: Texas City (lv 9/17/41) for Sydney CB (arr 9/30-lv 10/5) in convoy SC 48 for Old Kilpatrick with diesel oil.

BARON BELHAVEN: Br S/S 1925 6,591gt

1942: 4/6; 12/28R

4/13/1941: Engines damaged in air attack in St. George’s Channel about 16nm SW of St.Ann’s Head at 51 33N-05 32W.

Towed to Milford Haven. Drydocked at Barry. Voyage: Liverpool for Cardiff in ballast.

BARON CAWDOR: Br S/S 1935 3,638gt

1942: 8/17 1943: 3/24; 8/22

BARON COCHRANE: Br S/S 1927 3,385gt

1942: 10/14R

12/28/1942: Torpedoed by U406 about 260nm north of Graciosa, Azores at 43 23N-27 14W.

Torpedoed and sunk by U123 on following day.

Voyage: Cardiff, and Belfast Lough (lv 12/19) in convoy ON 154 for Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro with coal.

BARON DECHMONT: Br S/S 1929 3,675gt

1942: 10/8

1/3/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U507 about 35nm north of Ceara, Brazil at 03 11S-38 41W.

Voyage: Barry, and Milford Haven sailing independently for Pernambuco with coal and coke.

BARON DOUGLAS: Br S/S 1932 3,899gt

1942: 11/9R; 12/23R 1945: 7/6

7/14/1942: Damaged by limpet mine in Gibraltar Bay. Grounded. TempR at Gibraltar. Arr Glasgow on 9/42 for PermR.

Voyage: Melilla for UK with iron ore.

BARON DUNMORE: Br S/S 1933 3,942gt

1942: 10/17; 12/5R 1943: 8/24; 10/11 1944: 5/5; 6/1

BARON ELGIN: Br S/S 1933 3,942gt

1943: 1/19R; 3/3; 5/29; 7/11

BARON ELPHINSTONE: Br S/S 1937 4,635gt

1942: 12/9

BARON FAIRLIE: Br S/S 1925 6,706gt

1942: 5/21; 8/31; 11/7

5/25/1940: Collided with freighter Tennessee (Nor) about 5nm SE of Stronsay, Orkney Islands at 58 59N-02 27W.

The Norwegian ship wrecked at Roana Bay, Deer Ness, Kirkwall.

8/15/1943: Damaged in an air attack about 145nm west of Cape Espichel, Portugal at 38 46N-12 44W.

Arr Algiers on 8/19. TempR. Perm R made at Glasgow. Voyage: Tyne, and Oban for Algiers with military cargo.

BARON FORBES: Br S/S 1917 3,061gt

1944: 6/23; 8/30

BARON GRAHAM: Br S/S 1925 3,320gt

1943: 5/21; 7/3R

BARON HAIG: Br S/S 1926 3,391gt

1942: 12/15R

1943: 1/23; 4/11; 5/29R

2/19/1941: In collision west of Ireland with freighter Jessmore (Br) that sank on 2/21 while in tow.

BARON HERRIES: Br S/S 1940 4,574gt

1942: 9/16 1944: 11/20

BARON INCHCAPE: Br S/S 1917 7,005gt

1942: 3/10

5/3/1941:Received a direct bomb hit in air attack at Liverpool while laden with general cargo. She settled on the bottom.

Further damaged when bombed again on 6/5 and 8/5. Drydocked 7/5.

BARON JEDBURGH: Br S/S 1936 3,656gt

Arr 1940: 10/28 1942: 5/9 1943: 6/19 1945: 2/9

3/10/1945: Torpedoed and sunk by U532 in Central Atlantic midway between Pernambuco and Ascension Island at

10 02S-25W. Voyage: New York, and independently from Trinidad for Cape Town and Durban with general cargo,

lubricating oil and tinplate.

BARON MACLAY: Br S/S 1924 6,317gt

1942: 5/26; 11/21 1945: 8/4

BARON MINTO: Br S/S 1937 4,637gt

Arr 1940: 7/11

10/30/1940: Came ashore at Strathbeg Bay, near Rattray Head, northeast Scotland. Further damaged when attacked by

aircraft on 2/14 1941. Wrecked. Total Loss. Voyage: Texas City for Hull with metal scrap.

BARON NAPIER: Br S/S 1930 3,659gt

Arr 1940: 9/5 1942: 12/23R

BARON RAMSAY: Br S/S 1929 3,650gt

1943: 1/22 1945: 6/25

BARON RENFREW: Br S/S 1935 3,635gt

1943: 2/2; 5/21; 7/3R

1/28/1941: Damaged in air attack about 90nm north of Erris Head, Ireland at 55 50N-10 15W. Towed to Loch Lathaich

where anchored with damaged engine room and an unexploded bomb on board. Towed to the Clyde arr 2/25.

PermR at Glasgow. Voyage: Grangemouth for Huelva (Spain) in ballast.

BARON SCOTT: Br S/S 1940 4,574gt

1943: 3/24

BARON SEMPLE: Br S/S 1939 4,573gt

1942: 5/18 1943: 3/4

11/2/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U848 in Central Atlantic northwest of Ascension Island at approx 05S-21W.

Voyage: Rio de Janeiro, sailing independently for Freetown and UK with iron ore, rock crystal and fusing quartz.

BARON STRANRAER: Br S/S 1929 3,668gt

1943: 3/4; 5/31; 6/19; 8/5 1944: 9/7; 10/11

BARON YARBOROUGH: Br S/S 1928 3,388gt

1942: 12/28R

BARONESA: Br S/S Reefer 1918 8,663gt

1942: 6/19 1943: 2/26

9/7/1940: Damaged in air attack on Royal Albert Dock, London. Vessel sank, resting on bottom until repaired.

Voyage: Arrived from Buenos Aires with frozen meat.

5/3-4/1941: Damaged in a night air attack on Liverpool.

BARRDALE: Br S/S 1925 5,072gt

1942: 5/6

5/17/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U156 about 435nm ENE from Barbados at 15 15N-52 27W.

Voyage: New York (lv 5/9) sailing independently for Cape Town, Basra and Abadan with Government and general.

BARRALLTON: Colombia S/Tug 1919 425gt (ex American 1944)

1944: 12/15

BARREN HILL: Am (T2) 1944 10,172gt

1944: 9/13; 10/13; 11/14; 12/22

BARRGROVE: Br S/S (War) 1918 5,222gt

1943: 2/27; 3/19

1945: Damaged by an underwater explosion in Lyme Bay.

BARRHILL: Br S/S 1912 4,972gt

1939: 10/18 1941: 5/20

6/27-28/1941: Sunk in an air attack about 18nm southeast of Cromer at 52 50N-01 46E.

Voyage: New York for London with grain.

BARRINGTON COURT: Br S/S 1924 4,910gt

1942: 7/13; 10/2R; 12/15R

BARRISTER: Br S/S 1939 6,348gt

1942: 9/30

1/4/1943: Grounded. Wrecked on Inishark Island, Ireland. Broke in two. In ballast and in convoy MKS 4. Total Loss.

BARROSO: Brazil S/S (Hog) 1919 4,941gt (ex MORMACSTAR-Am 1940)

Arr 1940: 8/10; 9/3

1941: 2/27; 3/7; 5/24; 6/7; 8/13; 8/22

1945: 5/21

BARRWHIN: Br S/S 1929 4,998gt

1941: 1/17 1942: 8/7

10/29/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U436 west of Ireland at 55 02N-22 45W.

Voyage: Halifax in convoy HX 212 for London with grain and military cargo.

BARRYTON: Am M/Tug 1919 415gt

1941: 7/12; 8/8; 9/3

9/13/1943: To USN as ocean tug, auxiliary USS Chetco (ATA-166).

BARTHOLOMEW GOSNOLD: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1943: 12/9

1944: 2/26; 5/18; 8/30; 11/29

BARWICK: Br S/Tug 1919 418gt (ex American 1941)

1941: 8/16

BASCOBEL: Br S/Tug 1919 418gt (ex American 1941)

1941: 8/16

BASIL: Br S/S 1928 4,913gt

1939: 10/20 Arr 1940: 8/6 1943: 2/7; 5/5

BASSA: Br S/S (War) 1919 5,267gt

Arr 1940: 7/26

9/29/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U32 west of Ireland at approx 54N-21W.

Voyage: Liverpool, sailing independently for New York in ballast.

BASSANO: Br S/S 1937 4,843gt

Arr 1940: 2/5; 7/10; 12/23

1/9/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by U105 about 340nm northwest of Erris Head, Ireland at 57 57N-17 42W.

Voyage: New York, sailing independently for Hull with iron, steel and grain.

BATORY: Poland M/V Pass 1936 14,287gt

1939: 9/22 1942: 8/6-S

7/13/1943: Damaged in collision with troopship Christiaan Huygens*(Du) while going from Sicily to Alexandria.

BAUTA: Nor S/S 1919 1,657gt

1939: 10/25

1/28/1940:.In collision with M/V Malaren (Swe) off Filtvet Light, Oslofjord. Sank in shallow water.

Raised early 1942. Repairs completed 9/43 at Arendal.

BAVG-3, HMS: RN Escort Aircraft Carrier M/V 1942 (Later given the name HMS BITER.)

1942: 5/25-S

BAXTERGATE: Br S/S 1925 5,531gt

1942: 8/24R; 9/11R 1943: 1/5R

BAYARD: Nor M/V 1936 2,160gt

Arr 1940: 6/7; 8/7; 10/9; 12/12

1941: 2/8; 3/19; 7/2

1942: 3/20

7/6/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U67 about 28nm northeast of North Pass, Mississippi Delta at 29 35N-88 44W.

Voyage: New Orleans (lv 7/5/42) for Cristobal with general cargo and vehicles on deck.

BAYOU: Pan S/S 1919 2,605gt (ex LAKE FAIRFAX-Am 1940)

1941: 2/11; 4/4; 7/19

2/28/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U129 about 130nm north of Paramaribo at 08 08N-55 14W.

Voyage: Rio de Janeiro for Canada with manganese ore.

BAYOU CHICO: Am S/S 1920 5,401gt

1942: 7/2; 8/1

1943: 8/4

1944: 4/10; 6/3; 8/30; 12/25

1945: 4/5; 5/21

BEACON: Am S/T 1921 10,388gt

Arr 1940: 6/20

1941: 2/19; 3/28

1942: 4/11; 8/8; 11/7; 12/9

1943: 1/14R; 4/3; 6/11; 7/8

1944: 4/5; 5/10; 7/29; 9/7

BEACONHILL: Pan S/T 1919 6,941gt

1939: 11/3

1941: As American: 4/11 detained-expected to proceed 4/14; 7/5; 7/23; 9/6

1942: As Panamanian 9/9; 10/16R; 12/26

1943: As Panamanian 12/31

1944: As Panamanian 10/14

1945: As Panamanian 1/10; 2/14; 8/4

BEACONLIGHT: Pan S/T 1920 6,926gt (ex American 1940)

1941: 8/15

7/16/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U160 about 14nm northwest of Galera Point, Trinidad at 10 59N-61 05W.

Voyage: Cape Town for Trinidad and US in ballast.

BEACONOIL: Pan S/T 1919 6,893gt (ex American 1940)

Arr 1940: 5/31; 11/2; 12/10; 12/31

1941: 9/4; 12/31

1942: As British 6/1R; 8/29; 10/2R; As Panamanian 12/17

1943: As Panamanian 1/23 voyage abandoned-clearance cancelled; 1/27;

2/22 voyage abandoned-clearance cancelled-all cargo discharged at NY; 3/4; 5/1; 6/28; 8/14; 9/28

1944: As Panamanian 1/22; 3/22; 5/18; 7/1; 8/10 diverted to Houston instead of Galveston (8/14) -further diverted to

Beaumont (8/21); 9/10; 10/7

1945: As Panamanian 2/27

BEACONSFIELD: Br S/S 1938 4,635gt

1943: 3/19 1945: 8/1

BEACONSTREET: Br S/T 1927 7,467gt

1941: 4/24

1942: 11/7

1943: 1/3; 4/9; 6/6

1944: 5/18; 6/30; 8/10

1945: 1/31; 2/22; 5/11; 6/9

BEAR PAW: Am (T2) 1944 10,172gt

1944: 6/15; 7/25; 8/26; 9/28; 11/3

BEATRICE: Am S/S 1917 3,451gt

1939: 10/2

1941: 5/28; 11/18

1942: 1/28; 3/14; 4/22

5/24/1942: Sunk by gunfire from U558 about 34nm south of Morant Point, Jamaica at 17 21N-76 07W. U boat fired a

dud torpedo that hit the ship, then fired about 30 shells. Abandoned. Sank on following day.

Voyage: Mayaguez (Puerto Rico) for Pensacola with raw sugar.

BEATRICE BECK: Br Fish Schooner 146gt

1942: 12/7

2/23/1944: Reported as missing on this date. Sailed 10/11/1943 from St. John's NF for Barbados with codfish.

BEAULIEU: Nor M/T 1930 6,114gt

Arr 1940: 6/10

8/4/1940: Stopped by gunfire, captured, then sunk by demolition charges from KM raider Widder northeast of the

West Indies at 26 30N-48W. Voyage: Punta del Garda for Caripito in ballast.

BEAUREGARD: Br S/S1920 5,976gt (ex YAPALAGA-Am 1940)

1942: 5/3

1943: As American 5/4

1944: As American 6/19; 8/9; 12/2

1945: Transferred to USSR renamed Mendelev.

BEAVER DAM: Am (T2) 1944 10,172gt

1944: 6/10; 7/25; 8/31

BEAVER VICTORY: Am (VC2) 1945 7,607gt

1945: 8/28

BECHEVILLE: Br S/T 1924 4,228gt

1941: 11/21

1942: 5/3; 4/16; 8/22 detained-clearance surrendered-proceeding 8/31; 11/10R; 12/21R

1943: 4/21R

6/10/1944: Scuttled as a breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 5 off Sword Beach at Ouisttreham, Normandy.

BECKENHAM: Br S/S 1937 4,636gt

1942: 11/23 1945: 7/11

3/26/1943: Mined off Tripoli, Libya at 32 56N-13 19E. Towed to Malta for repairs.

BEECHER ISLAND: Am (T2) 1944 10,295gt

1945: 1/9; 2/14; 5/1

BEECHWOOD: Br S/S 1940 4,897gt

1942: 2/13

2/3/1940: Damaged in an air attack 3miles east of Smith's Knoll light vessel off Norfolk coast. Kept afloat with pumps.

Arrived at Purfleet on the Thames to discharge cargo. Voyage: Tyne for Gibraltar with coal.

8/26/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U130 about 50nm SSW of Freetown at 05 30N-14 04W.

Voyage: Haifa, and Lourenco Marques sailing independently for Freetown with general cargo and potash.

BEEMSTERDIJK: Du S/S 1922 6,869gt

1939: 9/13 Arr 1940: 1/19; 9/6

1/26/1941: Struck British mine in St. Georges Channel, 12 miles off the Smalls. Sank next day while anchored 52nm

southwest of St. Ann's Head, Wales at 51 17N-06 23W. Voyage: Glasgow for Cardiff in ballast.

BEGUM: Br S/S 1922 5,843gt

1942: 9/17R

BELAIN D' ESNAMBUC: France S/S 1939 3,040gt

Arr 1940: 7/12; 9/30; 11/6

12/16/1942: Seized by Germans in Marseilles and converted to KM auxiliary minelayer, renamed Pommern.

10/5/1943: Sunk after striking Italian mine 1.5 miles south of San Remo.

BELGIAN AIRMAN: Belgium M/V 1942 6,959gt (ex EMPIRE BALLANTYNE-Br 1942)

1942: 4/22; 11/20R 1943: 2/27; 11/11

4/14/1945: Torpedoed and sunk by U879 about 90nm northeast of Cape Hatteras at 36 09N-74 05W.

Voyage: Houston for New York and Antwerp.

BELGIAN AMITY: Belgium (EC2) 1945 7,176gt

1945: 4/27; 6/14

BELGIAN CAPTAIN: Belgium S/S 1942 7,041gt (ex EMPIRE CENTAUR-Br 1943)

1943: 11/10 1945: 4/7; 6/30

12/12/1942: Damaged by limpet mines attached to the hull by frogmen from Italian submarine Ambra in Bay of Algiers.

BELGIAN CREW: Belgium S/S 1943 7,050gt (ex EMPIRE CLAYMORE-Br 1943)

1943: 8/5; 10/21

BELGIAN EQUALITY: Belgium (EC2) 1945 7,198gt

1945: 5/9; 7/29

BELGIAN FISHERMAN: Belgium S/S 1918 4,623gt (ex EMPIRE ALBATROSS-Br 1942; HOXIE-Am 1940)

1942: 5/18R; 6/8R; 9/4R

BELGIAN FREIGHTER: Belgium M/V 1922 7,964gt (ex EMPIRE SWAN-Br 1942; MISSOURIAN-Am 1940)

1942: 8/15; 10/24

1943: 4/23; 7/6; 9/8; 11/9

1944: 3/12; 5/18; 12/3

1945: 2/17; 4/24 detained-awaiting orders-proceeding 4/27; 5/7

BELGIAN GULF: Belgium M/T 1929 8,211gt

Arr 1940: 6/28; 9/26

1941: 8/8; 9/24

1942: As Panamanian 2/11; 4/25; 6/26; 9/17; 10/17; 12/24

1943: As Panamanian 1/8R; 3/6; 4/29; 6/14; 8/6; 9/27; 11/24

1944: As Panamanian 2/3; 3/27; 5/18; 7/19; 8/30; 10/19; 12/22

1945: As Panamanian 2/16; 4/21; 6/8

BELGIAN LIBERTY: Belgium S/S (EC2) 1943 7,244gt (ex GEORGE P. HARRISON-Am 1945)

1945: 6/12; 8/17

BELIGIAN LOYALTY: Belgium S/S (EC2) 1942 7,181gt (ex RICHARD STOCKTON-Am 1945)

1945: 5/16

BELGIAN SAILOR: Belgium S/S 1942 7,023gt (ex EMPIRE DRAYTON-Br 1942)

1942: 4/24 delayed-proceeding 4/27

1943: 2/2

1944: 10/31

1945: 2/9; 3/19

BELGIAN SEAMAN: Belgium S/S 1941 7,023gt (ex EMPIRE MASEFIELD-Br 1942)

1943: 5/29

1/13/1942: Damaged in air attack about 5nm northeast of Scarborough at 54 22N-0 19W.

BELGIAN TENACITY: Belgium (EC2) 1944 7,176gt

1944: 6/17; 8/7 1945: 2/26; 6/9; 8/9

BELGIAN UNITY: Belgium (EC2) 1944 7,176gt

1945: 2/24; 4/28; 7/13

BELGIAN VETERAN: Belgium S/S 1942 7,174gt (ex OCEAN VETERAN-Br 1943)

1943: 7/24 1944: 11/3

BELGIQUE: Belgium S/S 1902 4,606gt

1942: 1/7; 6/9R

6/10/1944: Scuttled as a breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 5 off Sword Beach, Ouisttreham, Normandy.

BELINDA: Nor M/T 1939 8,325gt

1941: 7/29; 9/17; 11/10

1942: 12/8R

1943: 2/17; 6/29; 8/13

1944: 4/26; 8/19; 10/20

1945: 2/27

6/6-7/1944: Mined off Falmouth while going from Swansea to Southampton with gasoline. Returned to Swansea to

discharge cargo and repairs. Voyage: Aruba, Curacao and New York for Portsmouth with fuel oil and gasoline.

Vessel was in service as a replenishment tanker for convoy escorts.

3/28/1945: Mined 5 miles northwest of Zeebrugge while departing Antwerp for New York in ballast.

Engines that failed were restarted. Towed into Antwerp for repairs.

BELITA: Nor M/T 1933 6,323gt

1941: 6/2

12/3/1942: Sunk by torpedo and gunfire from IJN submarine I-29 in Indian Ocean about 75nm southeast of Socotra

Island at 11 29N-55E. Voyage: Abadan (lv 11/20) for Mombasa (arr 11/22-lv 11/27) with fuel convoy PA-12

to an undisclosed destination. On 11/29 she is ordered by the Admiralty to leave the convoy before being sunk.

BELIZE: Nor S/S 1919 2,153gt

1939: 11/14; 12/18; 12/27

Arr 1940: 2/24; 9/7; 12/31

1941: 1/29; 4/29

1942: 1/14

1/22/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U754 about 95nm east of Cape North, Cape Breton Island at 47 21N-58 08W.

No survivors. Voyage: New York (lv 1/15) for Saint John NB.

BELLE ISLE: Br/Can S/S Pass 1932 1,969gt

1939: 12/1; 12/30

Arr 1940: 1/12; 1/26; 2/9; 12/12; 12/15

1941: 4/5; 4/24; 5/14; 6/3; 6/17; 7/1; 7/15; 7/29; 8/13; 8/27; 9/10; 9/25; 10/10; 11/22

1942: 1/21; 2/14; 3/31

1942: Bareboat chartered to US Army as troop transport USAT Belle Isle.

BELLEROPHON: Br S/S 1906 9,019gt

Arr 1940: 11/12 1942: 4/9 1943: 6/6; 8/14 1945: 7/2; 8/31

BELLO: Nor M/T 1930 6,125gt

Arr 1940: 6/18; 7/29

1941: 6/10; 8/23

1942: 6/23R; 8/22; 10/14R; 11/19R

3/1942: In collision with Dundee (Br). Voyage: Halifax (lv 3/3/42) in convoy HX 178.

Spring 1942: Ran aground in heavy fog near Little Gull Island Lighthouse, Long Island Sound.

Voyage: New York for the Cape Cod Canal and Boston. Towed back to New York for repairs.

12/16/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U610 in North Atlantic at 51 45N-23 50W.

Voyage: Glasgow to Liverpool in convoy ON 153 for New York in ballast.

BELMOIRA: Nor M/V 1928 3,214gt

1939: 11/20

6/30/1940: Torpedoed and sunk by U26 about 200nm south of Cape Clear, Ireland at 48 15N-10 30W.

Voyage: Rufisque (Senegal) and Dakar (lv 6/18) sailing independently for Avonmouth in ballast.

BELNOR: Nor M/V 1926 2,871gt

1939: 12/6


1942: 1/17; 7/3 1943: 2/19

BELORUSSIYA: USSR S/S 1936 2,920gt

1943: 4/1 detained-awaiting navy orders-now proceeding

3/3/1944: Erroneously torpedoed and sunk by submarine USS Sandlance in La Perouse Strait, between Hokkaido and

Sakhalin in 142E-46N. Voyage: Petropavlovsk for Vladivostok.

BELOS: Swe S/S 1929 2,830gt

1939: 9/1 Arr 1940: 3/4

BELRAY: Nor M/V 1926 2,888gt

Arr 1940: 7/3

4/14/1944: Explosion damage to ship and casualties among crew from the Fort Stikine disaster in Bombay while

under repair at Prince's Dock.

BELVA LOCKWOOD: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1943: 11/5 1944: 1/20; 4/4; 10/20

BELVEDERE: Italy S/S 1913 4341gt

1939: 10/14; 10/21; 12/27

Arr 1940: 3/8

3/1941: Detained in Philadelphia. Taken over by US on 6/6. Transferred to Panama, renamed Audacious*(sunk).

BELWOODS PARK: Br/Can (Park) 1943 7,130gt

1945: 1/26

BEMIS HEIGHTS: Am (T2) 1944 10,172gt

1944: 10/5; 11/6; 12/8

1945: 1/8; 2/10

BEN A. RUFFIN: Am (EC2) 1944 7,198gt

1944: 5/11R; 10/14

BEN BRUSH: Pan M/T 1928 7,691gt (ex CAROLINE MAERSK-Dmk 1940)

1941: 8/27 1942: 1/20; 3/4

4/12/1942: Sunk by torpedo and gunfire from Italian submarine Calvi about 75nm north of Natal at 04 32S-35 03W.

Ship was shelled for four hours and left on fire. Voyage: Aruba for Buenos Aires with fuel oil.

BEN F. DIXON: Am (EC2) 1943 7176gt

1944: 3/4 detained-proceeding 3/8; 4/19

1945: 1/7 delayed-proceeding 1/12

BEN H. MILLER: Br (EC2) 1943 7,219gt

1944: 1/29; 4/20; 7/24; 10/10

1945: 1/20

BEN HOLLADAY: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1944: 7/24

BEN ROBERTSON: Am (EC2) 1944 7,198gt

1944: 2/11; 4/25 detained-navy orders-proceeding 5/4

1945: 8/31

BENALDER: Br S/S (War) 1919 5,161gt

1945: 1/31

11/8/1942: Torpedoed by U161 about 60nm southwest of Takoradi at 04 19N-02 44W. Towed to Takoradi arr 11/10.

TempR. PermR at Cape Town. Voyage: Freetown for Takoradi with Government stores.

BENCAS: Nor S/S 1934 1,445gt

Arr 1940: 1/19; 1/25; 4/1

1941: 4/3; 4/24; 8/26; 10/6; 11/26; 12/22

1942: 3/27; 5/2; 12/24

1943: 4/13; 4/24; 7/14R

1944: 4/15; 6/17; 7/12; 7/21R; 8/7; 9/23

1945: 5/19

BENEDICK: Br M/T 1928 6,978gt

1941: 2/24

1942: 8/31R; 10/14R

1943: 3/3; 5/3

1944: 5/17-to Halifax returned from sea in distress-clearance cancelled-recleared 6/1; 12/29

1945: 3/17; 4/10

BENEDICT: Br S/S 1930 4,949gt

Arr 1940: 12/7 1941: 8/11

BENGKALIS: Du S/S 1918 6,453gt

1943: 2/12 detained-awaiting navy orders-proceeding 2/23; 7/7

1944: 11/29

BENITO JUAREZ: Am (EC2) 1943 7,244gt

1943: 5/18 1944: 6/1; 9/19

BENJAMIN BOURN: Am (EC2) 1942 7,176gt

1942: 12/9

1943: 3/2; 6/29; 9/27

1944: 6/9

BENJAMIN BROWN FRENCH: Am (EC2) 1944 7,198gt

1944: 8/10 detained for repairs-proceeding 8/17

BENJAMIN CHEW: Am (EC2) 1942 7,191gt

1942: 9/16

1943: 2/17; 6/6; 8/7

1944: 12/13

1945: 3/8; 5/10; 7/14

BENJAMIN CONTEE: Am (EC2-LTS) 1942 7,176gt

1943: 7/8

8/16/1943: Torpedoed by aircraft about 15nm north of Bone, Algeria at 37 07N-07 50E. Arr Bone next day.

Towed toGibraltar for TempR. Voyage: Bone (lv 8/16) for Oran with 1,800 Italian POWs. 320 killed.

6/8/1944: Scuttled as a breakwater blockship in Gooseberry 1 off Utah Beach, Varreville, Normandy.

BENJAMIN F. COSTIN: Am (EC2) 1944 7,176gt

1944: 10/13 1945: 3/7; 7/28

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Am (EC2) 1942 7,176gt

1943: 3/17; 5/27 1944: 5/30; 11/18

BENJAMIN GOODHUE: Am (EC2-FTS) 1942 7,176gt

1942: 11/27 1945: 5/2; 8/8

BENJAMIN H. BREWSTER: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1944: 3/4; 8/2 1945: 5/28

BENJAMIN H. BRISTOW: Am (EC2) 1943 7,191gt

1943: 7/14 1944: 3/11; 10/4 1945: 1/22; 3/28

4/22/1945: Mined 2.5miles NNE of Knocke Lighthouse off Flushing coast at 51 24 30N-03 22E. Towed to Terneuzen on

same day. Repairs completed 6/14. Voyage: Antwerp in convoy ATM 123 for Southend in ballast.

BENJAMIN H. GRIERSEN: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1943: 11/18

BENJAMIN H. HILL: Am (EC2) 1944 7,198gt

1944: 3/11; 5/17; 7/24; 12/8

BENJAMIN H. LATROBE: Am (EC2) 1942 7,176gt

1943: 2/17; 6/21; 8/26; 11/18

1944: 2/19; 6/20

1945: 3/12

1945: Transferred to France.

BENJAMIN HARRISON: Am (EC2) 1942 7,191gt

1942: 12/9 1943: 3/3

3/16/1943: Torpedoed by U172 about 90nm NNE of Sao Miguel, Azores at 39 09N-24 15W. Badly damaged. Sunk by

destroyer USS Rowan. Voyage: New York (lv 3/4) in convoy UGS 6 for Gibraltar and North Africa with food,

machinery, ammunition, trucks and tanks.

BENJAMIN HAWKINS: Am (EC2) 1942 7,191gt

1942: 11/7

1943: 2/6; 4/16; 10/16

1944: 4/5; 9/5

BENJAMIN HOLT: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1943: 11/9R 1944: 4/26 1945: 3/30


1943: 6/11 1944: 2/28; 7/10 1945: 4/7

BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER: Am (EC2) 1942 7,176gt

1944: 7/3

10/26/1944: Slightly damaged by bombs exploding near vessel in air attack while anchored one half mile off Leyte.

Next day, an on fire Japanese bomber crashed into the ship. It's bombs exploded, holing the vessel and igniting

gasoline which exploded in the holds. On fire, the ship sank in shallow water. Received more damage when

bombed again on 11/17. Refloated. Towed to Tacloban arr 12/22. Repaired. Used for storage for remainder of war.

Voyage: Hollandia (lv 10/18) to Leyte Gulf with troops, vehicles, gasoline in drums and general cargo.

BENJAMIN LUNDY: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1943: 9/3; 11/11

BENJAMIN R. CURTIS: Am (EC2) 1942 7,176gt

1944: 3/20; 6/30

BENJAMIN R. MILAM: Am (EC2-LTS) 1943 7,244gt

1943: 7/19R; 9/21 1944: 5/26

3/8/1945: Damaged from an explosion in boiler room. Sank at Locust Point, Baltimore. Repaired.

BENJAMIN RUSH: Am (EC2) 1942 7,191gt

1942: 11/7 1943: 2/6 1945: 1/27; 6/6


1944: 3/4; 6/23; 9/27

1945: 2/16; 6/14

BENJAMIN SHERBURN: Br (N3-S A1) 1943 1,791gt

1943: 8/25

BENJAMIN SILLIMAN: Am (EC2) 1944 7,176gt

1944: 11/13 1945: 1/22; 4/17

BENJAMIN TAY: Br (N3-S-A1) 1943 1,814gt

1943: 6/30

BENJAMIN WILLIAMS: Am (EC2) 1942 7,177gt

1942: 11/7 1943: 2/17; 11/12 1945: 4/28; 12/1

BENLAWERS: Br S/S 1944 7,804gt

1945: 5/29

BENLEDI: Br S/S 1930 5,943gt

1942: 9/17R

4/5/1942: Damaged by direct bomb hit from Japanese aircraft while discharging at a pier at Colombo, Ceylon.

Cargo included motor vehicles, general cargo and explosives.

BENNEKOM: Du S/S 1917 5,998gt

1939: 10/31 Arr 1940: 3/7

10/31/1941: Torpedoed and sunk by U96 west of Ireland at 51 20N-23 40W.

Voyage: Liverpool in convoy OS 10 for Cape Town, Colombo and Madras with general cargo and Government stores.

BENNESTVET: Nor S/S 1937 2,438gt

1939: 9/26; 10/6; 11/11; 11/18; 12/20; 12/30