Social Science Marking and Assessment and Homework Policy Template
(To be completed using the HA&JCSFC Principles of Marking and Assessment and Principles of Setting and Marking Homework)
This document will be a working document and subject to change and so each version must be date stamped.
Examples of classwork that will be checked(including presentation, quantity of work and accuracy of work)
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / Booklets used for Sociology and Psychology will be collected in and marked using standardised feedback sheets once per booklet. Sheets will be self-adhesive and stuck to the booklet to prevent loss or removal.
Examples of work that will be marked (may include literacy and / or numeracy) including self and peer assessment.
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / Exam style questions 12/16 markers (AS/A) using template sheets where appropriate.
Work identified for “deep” marking, including literacy and / or numeracy, frequency of deep marking and timescale for work to be marked in. State how DIRT will be given to enable students to respond to feedback.
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / Standardised assessments (5 per year in addition to mock exams). These will be standardised and written using exam board approved material (questions and mark schemes). Papers will have a staff comment box in addition to the ALPS feedback sheets having a space for students to respond, setting themselves at least 2 SMART targets to take them to the next assessment date. This writing will be in green, staff to mark in red. Turnaround time: work is expected to be marked ready for return to students the following lesson where appropriate.
How students will summarise their targets / progress over time for content and / or skills.
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / See above. Each SA paper will have room for at least 2 SMART targets. These will be written during and signed off during their feedback lesson.
Time period after which targets will be reviewed by students and staff.
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / Mid-point between that and the next SA. Students and staff to have calendar of assessment periods at the start of the academic year. Staff will have a ‘review’ lesson focussing on these targets.
Types of homework that will be set and the frequency (in line with Principles and Expectations of Homework).
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / Exam based short and long questions. Group project work and other tasks such as poster work (summary of Ainsworth’s strange situation method). As specified on the schemes of work.
Time scale when the above policy will not be followed and the reason(s).
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / N/A
Any other subjectspecific guidance regarding marking, assessment and homework.
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / The new 2015 specification requires teachers and students focus more on the content of a students’ answer as applied to a question rather than ‘assessment objectives’ as in the past. Banded mark schemes are also to now be used.
Monitoring of the application of the marking, assessment and homework policy and frequency.
KS3 / N/AKS4 / N/A
KS5 / Regular work scrutiny in-line with school calendar.Also via formal and ungraded observations. Student voice will also be used.
Discussed and agreed by Subject Leader and Senior Line Mananger
Subject Leader: Samantha Douglas Date: 7.7.15
Senior Line Manager: Azizah PathanDate: 18.09.15
Date to be reviewed: July 2016