John A. Hartford Foundation Centers of Excellence
in Geriatric Medicineand Geriatric Psychiatry
Collaborative Pilot Projects
Request for Applications
The John A. Hartford Foundation and the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) are seeking applications from Centers of Excellence (CoE)Scholars for pilot projects to encourage and strengthen networking and collaborations across the CoEs and among Hartford-supported Scholars (inter- and intra-disciplinary) . Preference will be given to projects that align with The John A. Hartford Foundation’s new strategicfunding areas - - or with the new Change AGEnts Initiative - - focused on interprofessional collaboration and practice change.
Requests are for funding of up to $40,000 per project and may include a wide range of activities, including project collaborations, leadership development activities, and planning grants. Up to 5 grants of $40,000 each will be available.
How to Apply
Requests for Support should be submitted as a single PDF document, using a font that is not smaller than 12 pt. Please submit your request to Jillian at no later than February 1, 2014. The application must include the following and in this order:
- Page 1: Application Title Page, with project abstract/summary (include in space provided)
- Page 2 and 3: Narrative describing the proposed activity or activities. The narrative should include an implementation plan/strategy, sustainability plan and expected outcomes.
- Page 4: A budget and budget justification
- NIH-style bios-sketches for the applicants (can be up to 4 pages total)
- Additional supporting materials up to two documents, and only if directly relevant to the proposed project
- At least one of the applicants must be a CoE Scholar who received funding sometime between 2010 and 2013. Though not required, we encourage collaborations with current or former Hartford-supported Scholar(s) currently active in geriatric medicine, social work or nursing.
- Project must be conducted at one or more Centers of Excellence
- The project is expected to require at least one year’s effort, and be completed within a two-year period.
Selection Criteria
- Qualifications of the applicants to execute the project
- Quality of project and likelihood that it will develop into a larger, ongoing initiative
- Likelihood that the support will have a sustainable impact
- Alignment with The John A. Hartford Foundation’s new strategic funding initiativesor the Change AGEnts Initiative
Awardees will be expected to submitnarrative and financial reports. It is also expected that at the end of the grant, Scholars will produce a deliverable that has the potential to advance their academic standing – this could be a journal article for publication, a presentation at a scientific meeting, etc.
Application Deadline: February 1, 2014
- Review: February 2014
- Selection and announcement: March 15, 2014
- Start Date: July 1, 2014
Please also visit our FAQ page.