Civic Engagement Form 2017-18

The Lord Mayor of Oxford is very keen to visit all aspects of the community during her year of office. Please use this form to request her attendance at an event or function. It is of mutual benefit that this document is completed fully and returned as soon as possible prior to your event.

On completion, please return to . Hard copies can be posted to Lizzie Spokes, Executive Assistant to the Lord Mayor, 3rd Floor, St Aldate’s Chambers, St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1DS.

Should you have any queries relating to the completion of this form or if details change after returning the form, please contact the Executive Assistant, Lizzie Spokes via the email address above.

Name of Event:
Date of Event:
Description of Event:
Venue Address:
Please include full postcode
Event Start Time:
Event End Time:
Time you would like the Lord Mayor to arrive:
Time the Lord Mayor is able to depart:
Is the Lord Mayor able to bring a consort/guest?
Will refreshments be provided?
If yes, please detail (e.g. drinks/buffet/dinner)
Will car parking facilities be available?
If yes, please detail
Please specify the dress code for the Lord Mayor: / Day Dress
Please specify the dress code for the Lord Mayor’s consort/guest (if applicable): / Day Dress
Name of hosts who will greet the Lord Mayor:
Please provide at least two names
Contact(s) for further details: / Name:
Job Role:
Key contact(s) on the day: / Name:
Job Role:
Please give details of principal guests attending:
Names of any special guest(s) to be introduced to the Lord Mayor:
Do you require the Lord Mayor to open the event?
Do you wish the Lord Mayor to propose/respond to a toast?
Do you wish the Lord Mayor to deliver a speech?
If yes, please give details on the subject matter:
If yes, please indicate desired speech duration:
Will the press be invited?
Will a photo shoot be required?*

* We kindly ask that copies of any photographs featuring the Lord Mayor be forwarded to

Thank You

Thank you for completing this form. Your invitation will be passed to the Lord Mayor and we will notify you of her attendance as soon as possible. In the instance that the Lord Mayor is unable to attend, your invitation will be forwarded on to the Deputy Lord Mayor. If the Deputy Lord Mayor is unable to attend, your invitation will be forwarded on to the Sheriff.

Lord Mayor of Oxford

Cllr Jean Fooks

Jean Fooks grew up in Reading and Bath. She studied physics at Somerville College in 1958-1961 and went on to work at the then Radio and Space Research station in Slough and at the European Space Data Centre in Darmstadt, Germany. She had two daughters and took up teaching maths and physics while they were growing up. Jean moved to Oxfordshire in 1982 to work in health service research, doing data analysis on mental and physical health records, leukaemia and in her last job on problems faced by premature babies.

She has been a city councillor since 1992 and a county councillor between 2001 and 2017, representing wards in North Oxford. She has always been interested in traffic problems and as a county councillor in services for children in care. She has been a school governor since 1992 and involved with both the Cutteslowe Community Association and the Wolvercote Young People’s Club. She has been a member of the County Council Pension Fund Committee off and on over many years and is a strong advocate of the importance of corporate governance and ethical and environmental issues being addressed. Ever since her election to the City Council, Jean has been taking part in the city’s twinning link with Bonn in Germany. She looks forward to welcoming people from all of Oxford’s twinning partners during her year in office.

Deputy Lord Mayor of Oxford

Cllr Christine Simm

Cllr Simm worked as a tutor at Ruskin College onthe Social Work Programme until her retirement in April 2017. She is Chair of Trustees of Donnington Doorstep family centre and is keen to ensure that the manyvoluntary groups in the city, such as our valuableadvice centres, continue to be supported.

Sheriff of Oxford

Cllr Mohammed Altaf-Khan

Born in Kashmir, South Asia, Cllr Altaf-Khan came to the UK in the late 1980's to join his family, who had settled in Oxford in the 1960's. He has now lived and worked in the Headington and Marston areas for more than two decades. As a County and City Councillor he has held various portfolios including Education, Community Development and Safety, Planning and Transport.

The Lord Mayor’s Charities for 2017-18

An organisation made up of volunteers who give up their time to raise funds for individuals living with mental health problems. The funds raised are focused on supporting people who are trying to rebuild their lives in the community in the face of enduring mental health issues.
A forward thinking organisation that thrives on finding better ways to work with people going through tough times such as experiencing homelessness, leaving care or coming out of prison.
WYPC exists to promote the mental, physical and emotional well-being of young people in Wolvercote and Cutteslowe by providing a safe place where they can grow, learn and flourish under the guidance of qualified youth workers and trained volunteers.

Donations towards the Lord Mayor’s fundraising efforts are always welcomed. Donations can be made via cheque (made payable to Lord Mayor of Oxford Charity Trust) or via BACS (Account Number 61173455, Sort Code 08-90-38). Thank you for your support.

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