Joey Scout Program – by Leonie Plummer (1st Carlingford)

Date: / Leader:
Theme: Insects / Sub Theme:
Time /

Activity Description

/ Leader / Equipment
CIA: Fingerprint Insects / Paper, inkpad, pens.
0.00 / Opening Ceremony / Flag.
0.05 / Game: Buzzy Bees / Music.
0.10 / Game: Swat the Flies / Fly swats, tissue paper shaped insects.
0.15 / Game: Dead Ants / Nil
0.20 / Craft: Bug Catchers / Soft drink bottles, sticks, stickers, plastic insects, blutack.
0.35 / Talk: About insect dangers (colours red back), warnings, simple first aid, scratch out bee stings, stingose, ice, spider bites, keeping patient quiet, etc / Nil.
0.40 / Activity: Go outside and catch insects – not spiders. / Nil.
0.45 / Singing: Bumble Bee
Incy Wincy – and all his cousins
0.50 / Activity: Insect Lollies / Jaffas, licorice, banana lollies, gladwrap.
0.55 / Closing Ceremony / Flag.
ATTENDANCE: / No in Attendance: / No Total Membership:
ANNOUNCEMENTS / About Next Meeting:
ANNOUNCEMENTS / About Activities:

Coming In Activity:
Fingerprint insects on background. Add pen legs etc.

Game: Buzzy Bees

Joeys in free formation move around to music. When music stops find a friend and shake hands and say name of insect.

Game: Swat the Flies

Relay formation. Joeys use fly swats to swat a tissue paper shape insect to end of hall and return. Continue.

Game: Dead Ants

Joeys move around imitating animal called by Leader. On “DEAD ANTS” Joeys lie on backs with feet & arms in air.

Craft: Bug Catchers

Use 2 cut down PET soft drink bottles to make a bug catcher. Make a slit down one of the bottles and push one inside the other. Place a stick inside for the insect and decorate with stickers on the outside. (At the end of the night give each Joey a plastic insect to put inside on the stick with blutack.)

Activity: Insect Lollies

To take home – make some using jaffas, licorice, banana lollies and wrap in glad wrap (see Women’s Weekly Childrens Craft Book). Talk about three body parts of insects.