JOB TITLEMarketing & Events Assistant
HOURS9am – 5:30pm (or such time that is required for the role)
LOCATION15 Essex Street, London WC2R 3AA
REPORTING TOMarketing & Events Manager
JOB SUMMARYTo work closely with the CEO/Senior Clerk, Business Development Director, Marketing & Events Manager and clerks in assisting with the execution of Chambers’ domestic and international marketing, communications and events, branding and online presence.
- Assist in the organisation of Chambers’ international and domestic marketing events (including seminars, conferences, parties, corporate hospitality, dinners, drinks and pupillage related events).
- Liaise with external organisations and individuals regarding sourcing venues, and other logistics.
- Ensure members and clerks are fully briefed ahead of attending events or trips (including preparation of crib sheets).
- Assist in the preparation of marketing materials – invitations, PPT, branded papers, speaker biographies, handouts etc.
- Manage CPD for Chambers.
- Attend Chambers and client functions.
Online profile-raising
- Assist with the management of Chambers’ website and social media accounts.
- Ensure all website content is up-to-date and optimised for search engines, including barrister profiles, news itemsand reported cases.
- Help develop the website to ensure it is efficient and optimised for clients’ needs.
- Help prepare content for LinkedIn and Twitter accounts in order to increase Chambers’ profile and drive traffic to the website.
- Assist in a review of competitors’ online presence.
Database and record-keeping
- Maintain and update database of clients, and assist with the cleansing of the MLC database.
- Maintain library of seminar papers.
- Maintain records of business development activities in line with Chambers’ strategy and marketing plan to assist with developing relationships with key clients.
Internal Communication
- Prepare and distribute KC Connect – weekly internal communication to Chambers.
- Assist with the internal promotion of industry events and ad-hoc speaking opportunities to Members of Chambers.
Marketing Administration
- Prepare artwork or advertisements for publications.
- Conduct internal research in support of the preparation of directory submissions.
- Collate information relevant to the production of new marketing literature.
- Generate reports to assist the clerks’ team and/or marketing committee with business analysis.
- Create itineraries for trips and events.
(Please complete all sections as fully as possible)
JOB ROLEJob role applied for:
Date of application:
Address (and post code):
Telephone number home/mobile: / /
Email address:
ACADEMIC HISTORY (Secondary Education)
Secondary school(s) attended:
Dates / From:
Level (e.g. GCSE, A level etc.) / Subject / Grade achieved
HIGHER EDUCATION (if applicable):
College/University attended / Dates of attendance / Qualification achieved
(and level)
(E.g. awards, scholarships, non-academic training qualifications etc.)
Name of organisation:
Job title:
Dates worked(to/from):
Description of duties:
Reason for leaving:
Name of organisation:
Job title:
Dates worked (to/from):
Description of duties:
Reason for leaving:
Name of organisation:
Job title:
Dates worked (to/from):
Description of duties:
Reason for leaving:
(Please give the name, position and contact details of two referees. Preferably these should both be former or existing employers and at the very least one of them):
Referee 1
(name, organisation, position in organisation and contact details)
Referee 2
(name, organisation, position in organisation and contact details)
Please state the primary reasons behind your application for the role being applied for:
Please state why you feel you are suitable for the role being applied for:
Personal interests and achievements:
Any other details relevant to application (please include here details of any assistance or reasonable adjustments you may require to be made for the application process, or for the interview process):
I confirm that the information provided in this application is both truthful and accurate. I have omitted no facts that could affect my employment. I understand that any false misleading statements could place any subsequent employment in jeopardy. I understand that any employment entered into is subject to documentary evidence of my right to work in the UK and satisfactory references. I expressly consent to personal data contained within this form being recorded for the purposes of assessing suitability for the post and may form the basis of any subsequent personnel file.
Print name:______
Keating Chambers is required under the Code of Conduct for Barristers Chambers to carry out equality monitoring on all staff applications by gender, ethnic group and disability.
Please complete the following:
Gender - What is your gender?Male
Prefer not to say
What is your ethnic group?
Asian/Asian British
Any other Asian background (please enter)
Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British
Any other Black/ Caribbean/ Black British (please enter)
British/English / Welsh / Northern Irish / Scottish
Gypsy / Irish Traveller
Any other White background (please enter)
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic Group (please enter)
Prefer not to say
The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone who has a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Where a person has such impairment but its effects are controlled by treatment (for example medication, a physical aid or counselling), the effects of the impairment are to be assessed as though the treatment were not being provided.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act?
Prefer not to say