Sponsored by OSCE Mission to Republic of CroatiaIn cooperation with OSCE FC Sisak – Civil Society and Project Management Unit
13/06/2005Prepared by Project Coordinator Paula Raužan and Project assistant Sonja Bogeljić
Project title: The Empowerment of Women’s Political Participation in the Area of Sisak-Moslavina County
Project coordinator:Paula Raužan
The main objective is to empower the women's political participation at the local level in the area of Sisak-MoslavinaCounty through the education for members of political parties about the public relations and public activities; about the creation and implementation of projects at the local level and through the promotion of active political participation of women at the local level.
The aims were:
- To educate female members of political parties about the public relations and public activities
- To educate female members of political parties about the creation and implementation of project activities at the local level
- To promote active political participation of women at the local level
- To promote communication, understanding and tolerance between members of different political parties.
Target group:
- 15 female members of political parties from Sisak-MoslavinaCounty applied for participation in the workshops:
No / Name / Political party / Membership duration / Position / Address / Telephone
1. / Mira Vucinovic / SDSS / 3 years / Member of executive board / A. Kovacica 2, Matijevici-Dvor / 871-632
2. / Nada Jagetic / SDSS / 4 years / Member of executive board / A. B. Šimica 5, Matijevici-Dvor / 871-439
3. / Ljubica Popovic / SDSS / 5 years / Councelior in Sisak-Moslavina County Council / A. B. Šimica 27, Matijevici-Dvor / 098/1955883
4. / Gordana Krznaric / DC / 5 years / President of the County organisation / M. Marulica 35, Sisak / 544-410; 098/310-557
5. / Marijana Ceh / HSP / 10 years / Member of the branch-Sisak executive board and the branch secretary / Dr. A. Starcevića 30, Sisak / 548-355
6. / Kristina Grubec Roksa / HSP / 13 years / Member of the branch-Sisak executive board and president of the branch-Galdovo / Savska 34, Sisak / 098/703015
7. / Milena Pavkovic Novotni / SDP / President of the SDP Women's Forum and Councilier in Sisak-Moslavina County Council / M. Drzica 37, Novska / 091/5671020
8. / Emira Islamovic / SDP / 2 years / Member of the branch-Novska town board / Trg Djure Szabe 4, Novska / 091/5414598
9. / Sanja Tomasinec Korica / HSS / J. Krizanica 3, Sisak / 098/9975108
10. / Melita Ancic Beric / HDZ / Member of the branch-Sisak (Zeleni Brijeg) executive board / Marijana Celjaka 22, Sisak / 570-692
11. / Adela Gradisar / DC / 5 years / President of the branch-Sisak / B. Brnada 13, Sisak / 522-322; 098/376-147
12. / Marina Lovric / SDP / President of the branch County board / Izborni stozer, Rimska 28, Sisak
13. / Marijana Milas / DC / Member / Zibelska 23, Sisak / 091/1531559
14. / Maja Mojsinovic / HDZ / Member / S. i A. Radica 43, Sisak / 522-172 (Nikolic)
15. / Jadranka Bertovic / HSLS / 7 years / Member of the executive board / Kornatska 18, Sisak / 741-386, 098/1897187
The target group was selected in agreement with the county organisations of the particular political party in order to represent female members who are: active/having a function in the party organisation, coming from different cities/municipalities; are members of the party for several years, motivated, committed in written to full attendance of 4 workshops (each participant signed participation agreement).
- 15 beneficiaries – participants of the public debate
Geographical target area:Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia.The project venue was the City of Sisak due to the seminar facilities and approx. equal distance to most of other cities involved.
Project duration: 2 months (15 March 2005 – 15 May 2005)
Project Activities:
A.Workshop program for female members of political parties
1. Communication Skills
2. Creation of Working Plan and Project Activities
3. Public Advocacy and Campaigns Implementation
4. Public Relations and Public Appearance
B.Public debate “Political Participation of Women at the Local level”
2. Project organization phase:
MARCH 2005
After coordination meeting held on 15th of March 2005 between OSCE representatives and LDA Sisak it has been started with the project implementation.
Call for the participants have been published on 7th of April 2005 in local weekly “NST” (“Novi sisacki tjednik). Also, call for workshop participants together with the project summary and application form, was send on approximately 40-50 addresses (all political parties in the Sisak-MoslavinaCounty and all of their branches in towns and municipalities). 15 female members of political parties from Sisak, Novska and Dvor confirmed their participation and willingness to participate at the all workshops.
Mrs Tatjana Puskaric and Irena Barisic Milunic, from LDA Sisak, have been chosen for the workshop facilitators in co-operation with the OSCE Civil Society and Project Management Unit. Mrs Monika Milic has been chosen as an external evaluator.
APRIL 2005
The press conference was held on the 7th of April 2005 in LDA office in order to present and promote project activities and its aims. Tatjana Puskaric, LDA Sisak delegate, presented the project background and the current situation regarding women’s political participation both in local and national level, explaining the project need and purpose. Project co-ordinator, Paula Raužan, presented the project’s aim and objectives, together with concrete project activities. Irena Barisic Milunic presented the methodology of the project activites, underlining the workshops aims. On the press conference were journalists from “NST”, “Vecernji list”, “Jutarnji list”, “Glas Siska”, “Radio-Sisak”, “Radio Quirinus”, “NET-TV Station” and “HRT-TV Station” and after the conference we sent press material to other media. News about the start of the project has been published in “NST”, Vecernji list, “Glas Siska”, “Radio-Sisak” and “Radio Quirinus”. Also, the news was broadcasted at the local TV station “NET TV” and at the national TV station “HRT”.
Selected participants have been contacted and workshops dates have been settled. All media in the Sisak-MoslavinaCounty have been informed about the workshop dates and goals. Project manager met with workshops facilitators in order to agree on the agenda details.
The first draft version of Public debate program has been done and set up the date of conference – 12/05/2005.
Workshop I
“Communication Skills”
Sisak, Hotel Panonija
With the workshop “Communication Skills” on Friday, 22nd of April 2005 in Sisak has started the educational set for female members of political parties, as a part of the project “The Empowerment of Women’s Political Participation in the Area of Sisak-MoslavinaCounty”.
The workshop was opened by the ALD Sisak project co-ordinator Paula Raužan, and has gathered 10 participants from Sisak, Dvor and Novska:
- Emira Islamovic – Novska
- Melita Ancic Beric – Sisak
- Ljubica Popovic – Dvor
- Nada Jagetic – Dvor
- Mira Vucinovic – Dvor
- Marijana Ceh – Sisak
- Milena Pavkovic Novotni – Novska
- Maja Mojsinovic – Sisak
- Kristina Grubec Roksa – Sisak
- Rosana Stanko – OSCE Sisak
After the introduction and getting to know each other, at the first part of the workshop it was presented the theory on “Communication and Active Listening”. It was followed with two interactive games on “Active Listening” and “Non-complete Messages and Why Questions”. The aim of the interactive games was to practice active listening in the small groups and to explore “good” and “bad” communication.
In the second part of the workshop, “Active I-Messages”, “Non-verbal Communication” and “Manipulative and Two-way Communication” were presented and followed with the interactive games.
The aim of the interactive games was to introduce participants with different forms of communication and to practice verbal, non-verbal and manipulative communication.
At the end of the day, participants gave short feedback:
- I am very pleased to participate in this project. It is good for every woman to learn how to communicate and not “just talk”.
- Overwhelmed with the way of conducting the education.
- The confirmation of already achieved behaviour (positive or negative) and communication in personal and political life.
- Persuading, creative, straight a head, energetic, original.
- I am more than satisfied with your lecturer and kindness.
- This is exactly what I have expected by applying to this workshop.
- Interesting.
- The first day spent on this project passed in wonderful environment and atmosphere, and I hope that it will be the same till the end.
The workshop was conducted by Tatjana Puskaric and Irena Barisic Milunic. Mrs Monika Milic was present as an external evaluator.
All participants got handouts on the topic that can be used in their future work.
Workshop II
“Creation of Working Plan and Project Activities”
23/04/2005, Sisak, Hotel Panonija
The second workshop was dedicated to making concrete steps in developing project proposals and activities.Itgathered 7 participants from Sisak:
- Kristina Grubec Roksa
- Marijana Ceh
- Marijana Milas
- Bella Lekanic
- Melita Ancic Beric
- Maja Mojsinovic
- Rosana Stanko – OSCE Sisak
At the first part of the workshop, project structure was presented together with the explanation of each project proposal element: aim and objectives, justification, target group and beneficiaries, activities and methodology, time-table, project follow-up and sustainability and budget. Participants were split into pairs where they practiced developing concrete project proposals.
The second part of the workshop was dedicated to project implementation. Participants planned their project strategy and creation of the action plan. Further more, participants were introduced with the ways of project evaluation and found-raising. All participants got information on national and international donors.
At the end of the day, participants gave short feedback:
- Very pleasant.
- Solidity, graduation, very documented, very informative, high literacy, emotional and intellectual dimension.
- Inspirative, educating, pleasant.
- Useful, constructive, motivating.
- Different opinions, different approaches, educative.
The workshop was conducted by Tatjana Puskaric and Irena Barisic Milunic. Mrs Monika Milic was present as an external evaluator.
All participants got handouts on the topic that can be used in their future work.
Workshop III
“Public Advocacy and Campaigns Implementation”
29/04/2005, Sisak, Hotel Panonija
The third workshop was dedicated to public advocacy and campaigns implementation. It gathered 4 participants from Sisak and Novska:
- Emira Islamovic – Novska
- Marijana Ceh – Sisak
- Melita Ancic Beric – Sisak
- Kristina Grubec Roksa – Sisak
At the first part of the workshop, the elements in public advocacy were presented: public advocacyand its forms and creation of the messages for different audience. Moreover, the participants learned how to develop the message, how to make their message efficient and how to analyse message in order to evaluate impact of the message.
In the second part of the workshop, participants were introduced with a techniques and factors in a campaign implementation. It included making political coalitions, networks and unions. At the end of the workshops, participants participated in exercise on community networking.
Due to the participants’ number, the workshop facilitators needed to re-arrange methodology and to customise time table. Participants worked altogether in one group what gave them opportunity to share thoughts and experiences more openly in relaxed atmosphere.
The workshop was conducted by Tatjana Puskaric and Irena Barisic Milunic. Mrs Monika Milic was present as an external evaluator.
All participants got handouts on the topic that can be used in their future work.
Workshop IV
“Public Relations and Public Appearance”
30/04/2005, Sisak, Hotel Panonija
The fourth and final workshop was dedicated to public relations and public appearance. It gathered 5 participants from Sisak and Novska:
- Melita Ancic Beric – Sisak
- Marijana Ceh – Sisak
- Emira Islamovic – Novska
- Maja Mojsinovic – Sisak
- Milena Pavkovic Novotni - Novska
At the first part of the workshop, participants were introduced with the facts about public relations (PR), with creation of PR strategy and relations with media. The second part of the workshop was dedicated to practicing real-life situations: writing and sending press-realise, organising and behaviour during press-conference and interviewing. Putting participants in these situations was very useful because many of them do not have experience in contacting media and they had a chance to practice problem-solving process. All participants said that these exercises were very useful for their work in political parties and gave them new perspective on importance and complexity of public relations.
The workshop was conducted by Tatjana Puskaric and Irena Barisic Milunic. Mrs Monika Milic was present as an external evaluator.
All participants got handouts on the topic that can be used in their future work.
Contact with Mrs Helena Stimac Radin,Head of Government Office for Gender Equality, was done. She agreed to participate in the debate and give short cross section about the work of her Office and general situation regarding women’s political participation.Also, Mrs Ivanka Roksandic, MP from Sisak-MoslavinaCounty was contacted. She was not sure weather she will be able to participate due to her pre-election obligations. Furthermore, LDA Sisak lead partner City Mogliano Veneto was invited in order to present the women political participation in Italy and thus, give the contribution to our public debate.
MAY 2005
PUBLIC DEBATE, 12/05/2005
Public debate “Political Participation of Women at the Local level” was held on 12th of May 2005 in the Building of political parties in Sisak. The guest speakers were Mrs Helena Stimac Radin, Head of Governmental Office for Gender Equality and Mrs Alberta Trevisan, Councillor in City Council of Mogliano Veneto/Italy. The debate was facilitated by Irena Barisic Milunic. It gathered 15 participants.
The aim of the debate was:
- to publicly discuss and promote women’s political participation at the local level
- to present proportion of female candidates in up-coming local election in Croatia
- to present achievements and bounds in the work of Governmental Office for Gender Equality
- to present women’s political participation at the local level in Mogliano Veneto and Italy in general (as example of neighbouring country).
Mrs Irena Barisic Milunic gave the introduction about the project itself and opened the debate, after which Mrs Helena Stimac Radin gave her presentation.
Mrs Stimac Radin presented the book by Mariette Sineau: Genderware – the Council of Europe and the Participation of Women in Political Life”, newly published in Croatian language.
Since the public debate was held only 3 days before the local elections in Croatia, the emphasis was put on the female quotes in the political party’s candidates lists. The laws that regulate female quotes and gender equality issues are the Local Election Law, Gender Equality Law and Croatian Constitution. In 2001, Croatian Parliament approved National Policy for Gender EqualityPromotion. The aim of the Policy was to change Local Election Law by 2002/2003 in order to achieve minimum of 35% female quote on local elections in 2005. Unfortunately, that was not achieved. The reason for that is that the MP that voted for this Policy in 2001 are now in the position, and during the last voting, they voted against the amendment that seeks 40% female quote. Regarding the changes in the Local Election Law, it was asked to keep statistical records about candidates by gender and to take legal sanctions (high fines) against political parties that are not respecting female quotes. None of this was voted in the Parliament.Only 16 MP voted for these amendments. Novelty in the Local Election Law is that political parties can get fine for breaking pre-election silence, but still not for breaking constitutionally set gender equality rights.
The Government Office for Gender Equality does not have direct impact on the Parliament since Parliament is monitoring the Government and not vice versa.The Government Office for Gender Equality lobbied two major changes for local elections in 2005:
- Possibility to submit complains to the State Election Commission if the political parties do not respect female quotes.
- Obligation to include information about sex (M or F) of the candidates on the candidate lists.
Another novelty is that the Government Office for Gender Equality formed Committees for Gender Equality in each County. Mrs Stimac Radin stressed out that big move ahead is that now everybody counts female quotes on the candidate lists (Committees, media, NGOs, etc). In comparison with national level, women’s political participation on the local level is very low. The average female quote for local election 2005 is 24%. In Sisak-Moslavina County is 21%, whereof is only 1 female list carrier and only 5 female are on the first 5 places on the candidate lists, from 8 candidate list altogether. On the other side, women’s political participation on the national level is 20% in the Parliament and 35% in political executive bodies. The recommendation from the UN is to find and implement similar models on the local level in order to increase the percentage.